Dual Cultivator Reborn

Chapter 345: Troublesome lad

Old man lin took a long sigh as he heard his son's desperate words, he knew

this would happen when they tell him about taking refuge, he is expecting this

kind of panicked behavior from su lin after all he knows his son very well.

"Yohan ended up killing the heir of xian clan inside the hundred poison valley,

the people of hundred poison valley is not our concerns, when the master of

xian clan will know that his only legitimate son got killed by the hand of yohan,

he will most likely become mad and king Lucas will nd an excuse to attack the

river shore city, sooner or later we are going to get attacked by the royal family,

they are already hunting yohan, so it's better you don't make things more

worse for me and stop complaining about your position, the worst is about to

happen, "old man lin tilted his head and looked towards the direction of su lin

and explain everything.

The moment Su Lin heard those words his facial expressions turned dark, he

didn't cope up with his father's words," He killed the heir of the xian clan, but

why? That clan was neutral with us, we didn't have any kind of problem with

that clan, and you are saying yohan killed him, for what reason?"su lin become

shocked after hearing his father and he got up from his seat and looked towards

the direction of His father to get some answers but to his surprise, Alena was

the one who broke her silence this time.

"He killed him because that bastard was the scum to the core and most likely he

was after Jasmine and neena and the other women of the hundred poison valley

sector, I am sure he was not aware that we were there, the attack happened

when lin clan's soldiers left the sector, but unfortunately, he was unfortunate

and ended up getting killed," Alena said as she looked towards the direction of

su lin.

"Do you hearing yourself, Alena,don't tell me you are happy that he killed the

heir of xian clan, we had nothing to do with hundred poison valley, that sector

already destroyed when jasmine's father and brother died, father was there he

can solve things with diplomatic ways, we don't have to butt in xian clan's

matter for the sake of that sector who already destroyed"su lin exclaimed as he

looked toward the direction of Alena.

"What about Jasmine,Neena, and those women who were there, do you know

what will happen to them?" Alena got up from her seat and approached Su Lin,

old man Leon took a deep sigh as he heard his son, he was expecting something

like that from him.

"Yohan can always nd more women if he that eager to have too many women

by his side, that doesn't mean he has to kill the man who belongs to the xian

clan, Father and you were there, you shouldn't let this happen and solve this

matter without making trouble for lin clan, in the end, I have to face

consequences for his actions,"su lin looked into Alena's eyes as he said those


Hearing him Alena was taken aback, his husband wanted to abandon jasmine

and others for the sake of pleasing one of the scum," I am glad you were not

there, and I am also fortunate that he saved those women and those people, you

are unbelievable su lin, I've never expected that you would say something like

that, you don't have to do anything, just sit here and curse your son's action, I

am more than capable of managing things on my own" Alena looked su lin with

a cold gaze and the next moment she left the hall in anger.

"Damn it now I am a villain"Su Lin mumbled as he looked towards the

direction where Alena went and with those words he shifted his gaze and

looked towards the direction of his father.

"You should be ashamed of yourself, I am glad your son is not like you, do you

know one thing I promised jasmine's father that I will look after his daughter,

you were there the moment that the old man died in my hand, so there is not a

chance we abandoned her that place, have some dignity as a warrior," old man

lin gave a look to su lin and next moment he also left the hall without saying

anything more because he knows there is no point of explaining to him,su lin

took a deep breath and shook his head before taking his seat again.

"Everyone becomes mad not using their brain, they don't know my position, I

am the one who is going to face consequences of their deeds and that

ungrateful bastard I don't know what happened to him suddenly one after one

he is killing those people like they are nothing, damn him after making things

dicult for his father he disappeared again just like last time when he killed

Nicholas, I am in big trouble, what will be done if royal attack us, there is no

way we can defend ourselves"su lin mumbled.

Meanwhile, at the same time, a young man could be seen standing inside the

hall while carrying a beautiful woman in his hands,yohan tilted his head and

looked behind the moment he heard the sound of cracking.

"Finally she broke through the barrier"yohan mumbled and with his words

elders hall's door blasted into two parts and a womanly gure entered inside

the hall and her gaze landed on yohan, who is holding Evelyn in his hands, and

tighten her st as she looked at yohan with killing intent but yohan remain

calm and composed even after feeling a massive amount of pressure.

"You are going to die by my hands today, how dare you touch her with your

lthy hands, in past, some crazy bastard dare to court my master, do you know

what happened to him, my master burned down his whole sector along with

him, "aana said as she looked at yohan with a furious gaze.

"I don't have any ulterior motive towards your master, I can save her, just trust

me this time, I could left along with your master long ago when you were busy

destroying the barrier I had enough time, but I realized this will make things

more worse, and you will probably become crazier when you not nd us

here"yohan looked towards aana with a serious gaze as he said those words.

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