Dual Cultivator Reborn

Chapter 334: Unbearable Pain

"This hurts like a hell, I am glad I blocked your attack at the right time, otherwise who knows what will happen to my face, I didn't thought you are going to attack me without any prior warning"a moment later yohan removed those giant stones which were in his path by kicking them off and he appeared in front of aana's sight, and he looked towards her with a smile, she is standing few meters away from him,yohan stretched his neck and looked towards his both hands, the skin around his hands turned red and he can feel extreme pain.

at the same time Aana is looking at him with a surprised gaze, she knew she did it hold herself while attacking him but to her surprise,yohan recovered in few moments and he was standing in front of her sight, but a moment later she realized this is not the time to think about how he ended up getting back on his feet, she didn't want to look weak in front of him, she maintained her dominating aura and took a step towards him.

"that's what you got pissing me off, how many times I told you to stay away from me but you never listen and ignored my warnings, I am giving you last chance, get lost from my sight, we are done here, I don't want to kill you because somehow it will affect my big sister, "aana said as she looked yohan with a sharp gaze and she was dead serious while saying those words to him, hearing aana's warning yohan took a deep sigh and looked her with a calm gaze.

"I will leave your sight but you need to tell me why did you say those words, I don't think you said those words just because you were angry and pissed off that time, you were serious while saying every single thing, tell me aana how did I become the reason of lady Evelyn's condition, I want to know everything if this is related to me"yohan confronted aana and asked her without holding anything.

Hearing yohan Aana tighten her fist and took a deep breath before looking towards the sky" you said you want to know everything, you are such a hypocrite bastard, now there is no point of holding back, I am done with you, "aana whispered and the instant she released frightening aura from her body making every single animal and bird fleeing that place, even she made yohan to took few steps back,yohan can feel his heartbeat running too fast and extreme chill which is caused by aana, whatever he said made her madder towards him, she is like a beast who is ready to devour anything which is coming to her path, this is something beyond hate,yohan didn't know what he did to make her feel that way.

"aana you don't have to do this, we can talk and efficiently resolve things, this is not the way of doing things, I know you are pissed and mad at me but trust me I don't mean to----"yohan was in the middle of finishing his sentence and he is trying his best to calm her but aana didn't care as she dashed towards him and started throwing a punch at him, the scary thing was that all of her punches were directed towards yohan's face, she is trying to smash his face,yohan started evading her punches with lightning-fast speed, he knew things finally escalated from his hand, there is no way he can make her talk or stop her attacking him, she loses control over herself.

"I am going to kill you, you are done now, this is all of your faults "aana shouted as she threw punches after punches without holding herself back and pushing yohan to the edge, Yohan's hands were hurting like a hell and he is trying to get away from her but it was impossible for him as aana was eager to kill him.

"damn it aana what the hell are you trying to do, it's fine if you don't want to explain anything I will leave you alone, just calm down and stop throwing these punches, don't you know it will be chaotic even your single punch connected to my face, I will be done, "yohan said as he evaded more then twenty punches one after another.

"don't you see that's what I am trying to do, I want to smash your face for good"aana responded to yohan as she fasten her pace, hearing her yohan took a deep sigh and next moment with the lightning-fast speed he grabbed her right fist, seeing that he blocked her one of the hands aana didn't stop as she landed her lift fist towards his face,yohan already predicted that she is not going to stop and he was waiting for this moment, it took him a moment of blocking other puch as well and now both of her fists were in Yohan's grasp!

Aana tried to get away from Yohan's grasp but his grip was very tight as she wasn't able to flinch a single muscle of her hands, and looked at him with a sharp gaze. Yohan also looked at her with a serious gaze at the same time.

"We are done here, there is no point in fighting anymore, it's fine if you don't want to tell me anything, let's forget something like this happened between us,"yohan said as he looked towards aana and tried one last time to resolve things peacefully between them, but aana has something different in her mind and it took her a moment to get away from his grasp as she kicked yohan between his leg.

"fuck, my balls----"yohan shouted at top of his lungs and his face turned red as aana kicked him between his legs, he fell on his knees the moment he got hit by her kick, he didn't see this coming not even in his wild dream, the pain was unbearable and hurting like a hell.

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