Dual Cultivator Reborn

Chapter 326: An Young Girl

"Vinyaraaj huh,"diya pondered as she heard that name from Natasha's mouth.

"Yes, he is under sir Arjun's command and I am sure he will help us to get there without getting noticed by anyone, he knows how to do things quietly" Natasha responded to diya.

Hearing her diya took a moment and nodded her head in response" I leave that to you, Natasha, when we get to river shore city I want you to arrange a meeting with vinyaraaj, I will be grateful if he helps us out to reach there"diya looked towards Natasha as she said those words.

"It's okay lady diya leave it to me, you can count on me " Natasha responded to her, at the same time Amelia is Curiously listening to their conversation as she is also becoming kind of interested.

At the same time inside the carriage, Alena and old man Lin were shocked after hearing about Evelyn, while Kana is not having a good time talking about her master but she explains everything to Alena.

"I understand lady kana, I don't know whether my father and son can help lady Evelyn but they are definitely going with you to aid you in this kind of situation, lady Evelyn helped us in dire situations,because of her diya is fine and she is with us," Alena looked towards kana and said.

"I am grateful to you, I know the Lin clan is going through lots of trouble and you need your father and son but you are letting them go, I will never forget this," Kana responded to Alena, hearing her Alena smile.

"I pray for her recovery," Alena said to kana, and then she looked towards yohan.

"Don't worry about anything, I will look after everyone, be careful out there, those people who hurt lady Evelyn sound scary, I know you will be okay but don't be impulsive and careless just like father Leon, I grew up watching him, he is more reckless than anyone, he may sound reliable but he loved getting himself in trouble, don't you dare to become like him" Alena responded to yohan and shifted his gaze towards old man Leon who is calmly sitting beside yohan, hearing Alena he bitterly smiled and looked towards yohan and kana.

"Now that we explain everything to my daughter and that old man who is sitting next to him, we can now leave this place in their hands," Leon said.

Hearing him, Yohan and Kana nodded their heads, while old man Lin took a deep sigh.

"You better look after my grandson," old man lin finally broke his silence as he looked towards Leon.

"I will look after him, you don't have to worry about him" he simply responded to old man lin and with those words finally everything came to halt.

Meanwhile, at the same time somewhere inside the river shore city a woman could be seen standing beside the window and looking outside where everyone is looking in hurry, the city is flooded with various soldiers who were entering and exiting the city, the security around the city is also tightened in many folds, people were advised to go inside their home, there are no civilians allowed to be outside.

"What is happening inside the city"athena whispered as she looked towards those soldiers of the lin clan,athena was planning to go outside and pay a visit to the lin clan but seeing the suddenly panicked situation inside the city she changed her mind to visit the lin clan.

*knock* knock*

She was in her thought when she heard a knock on her room door,athena came to her senses, and the next moment she approached the door and A moment later she finally open the door, A young girl could be seen standing Infront of the door while holding a tea tray in her hand, she is not more than sixteen years old.

"My lady I bring tea for you," she said in a calm voice as she looked athena, hearing her Athena nodded her head and give her way to enter inside her room, that young girl entered inside Athena's room and placed the tea tray on the table,athena remain standing there looking towards that young girl who is somewhat looking afraid about something, that girl tilted her head and looked towards athena.

"My lady, do you need anything else," she said in a calm and soothing voice.

"What is your name?"Athena asked as she took a seat on the sofa.

"My name" that young girl become surprised when she heard athena because people of Athena's caliber usually didn't care about people like her, on top of that athena, is carrying Nobel aura around her, that young girl knew she belongs to some noble family as her mother told her to serve with the utmost respect.

"Is there any problem telling me your name?" Athena looked towards that young girl and asked her, hearing Athena she came out from her daze and slightly bowed her head to Athena.

"Please forgive me, my lady, my name is Julia, it's my pleasure to serve you, I was surprised when you asked my name because usually, people like your status don't bother to ask our name," Julia responded to athena while bowing her head,athena took a deep sigh as she heard Julia.

"Come sit here beside me, "athena said as she poured tea into two cups, she placed other cup beside her and looked towards Julia who was taken aback hearing athena.

But seeing Athena's serious expression she nodded and took a seat beside her, she was literally shaking while sitting beside athena.

"Don't worry I am not like others noble, you can relax and stop shaking like that, I am not going to eat you" Athena said as she took a sip from her teacup.

Hearing Athena, Julia shook her head as she was trying to calm herself while sitting beside athena.

"I used to be like you whenever I was around my big sister, she is the only person who makes me tremble like that, you remind me of myself when I used to be around her"Athena whispered as she looked towards Julia.

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