Dual Cultivator Reborn

Chapter 315: Desiple Of Same Master

Sabrina and Kruger's gaze landed on the elderly figure who descended from the sky, while seeing that figure yohan exhaled deeply as he felt assured that he had not to fight this old man alone who is standing in front of him,yohan couldn't able to comprehend the cultivated of that old man who came to save Sabrina, he was grateful that he saved that woman but he was worried about what will he do if he attacked him because yohan can feel the vast cultivation difference between them.

"Grandpa Leon, you are finally here, what took you so long, I thought I am going to end up facing him alone, and what is happening inside the sector is everyone is okay," Yohan said as he looked at his grandpa, Sabrina's eyes widened hearing that name from Yohan's mouth while Kruger remained calm and composed seeing Leon as he not meeting him the first time, hearing yohan Leon tilted his head towards him and smiled.

"Don't worry son everything is alright, lin is there with them you don't have to worry about them, it's better you should finish what you started, showing mercy on the battlefield is not a wise decision, you shouldn't hold yourself while your opponent is eager to kill you" Leon looked towards yohan as he said those words to him, hearing his grandpa's words yohan turned silent, Sabrina looked towards yohan after hearing Leon, she was also confused when yohan stopped himself and tried to control himself for not attacking her.

Seeing yohan in a daze Leon took a deep sigh as he know why did he hold himself while attacking her, he knows what is going on with yohan's mind" whether your opponent is man or woman it doesn't matter, you should treat everyone equally, you should not think from your third leg, well whatever you have lots of things to learn but never show mercy on the battlefield," Leon looked yohan and said those things, hearing him yohan snapped out from his daze and looked towards Leon with an embarrassing gaze and a moment later he shifted his gaze towards Sabrina, she is also felt embarrassed after hearing Leon.

At the same time, Kruger felt neglected by Leon and his grandson, he cleared his throat and looked towards Leon.

"Well good thing is that you finally showed yourself, Leon, you could stop him from not attacking her, but you did nothing and let him nearly kill her, if I did not arrive at the right time he already killed her," commander Kruger said as he looked towards Leon.

"Ahh I forget you were also here Commander Kruger, I am just giving some pointer to my grandson about the duel between cultivators, I see you didn't change too much except you lost your hair from your head, well something didn't change, you are still same giving lectures about what is right and what is wrong" Leon looked at commander Kruger as he said those words, hearing Leon Kruger shook his head and looked yohan.

"I felt sorry for that kid, he is talented and someone who can become good assets for the kingdom but you are Making him choose the wrong path, he already killed Nicholas and the heir of the xian clan, soon the whole royal family is going to come after him," Kruger said looking at yohan, hearing him Leon nearly dropped his jaw on the ground, previously Alena accused him of being irresponsible, and now that man who just met him after so much long time accusing him over yohan, Leon tilted his head and looked yohan, seeing his grandpa's gaze yohan smiled at him as he was unaware of the chat between his mom and his grandpa.

"Bastard why are you blaming me for his deeds, I am just giving him a lecture about not to get reckless on the battlefield, other than that I have nothing to do with that kid, he is solely responsible for his deeds, what makes you think I am responsible for his deeds" Leon looked at commander Kruger and responded to him in an annoyed manner.

"You are not his master, then who trained him, the way he fights is extraordinary and commendable, I thought you trained him," commander Kruger said as he looked at yohan and then he shifted his gaze towards Leon and asked him.

"He learned by himself, he has no master, and I don't think I could train him because he is a different kind of personality, he is someone who learns by himself and I don't think he needs any master," Leon explained to Kruger, hearing Leon Kruger become surprised and Sabrina was taken aback hearing him, she thought yohan was trained by Leon because she knew he is related to Leon, who is one of the leaders of the Azazel clan, after sometime later commander Kruger, come out from his daze and looked at Leon.

"What are you saying Leon, how did he reach this level without any guidance, I am amazed to hear that he has no master and how did he learn that technique, I know he didn't have a control over it but that attack is pretty frightening," Kruger asked as he looked, Leon.

"Yes I am also surprised to see yohan performing that attack, I never heard and seen that kind of technique, once he is fully comprehended that technique he will be unstoppable" Leon smirked evilly as he said those words.

Hearing Leon Kruger took a deep sigh as he expected the same careless response from him.

At the same time, Yohan was confused about his grandpa's relationship with the commander Kruger, both of them were associating very casually as they were close to each other and knew each other very well, Yohan took a step and approached Leon.

"Grandpa, do you know this old man, are you sure we can resolve this with talk, "Yohan tilted his head and looked at Leon and asked him.

"Yes, I know this old man very well, we are the disciples of the same master and we learned everything together, it's kind of complicated I don't know how to explain you" Leon responded to yohan, hearing Leon commander Kruger took a deep sigh as he felt annoyed after hearing those words being a disciple of the same master.

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