Dual Cultivator Reborn

Chapter 313: Sabrina Vs Yohan Part Two

"So it's finally started huh, I have played my part so there is no need to stay here anymore longer, those people are going to manage everything for me" a man opened his eyes as he was sitting on the the ground inside a dark room, he got up from his place and next moment he approached the room door which is closed from outside and he knocks two times.

"What happened, do you need something?" a moment later an middle-aged man opened the room gate and looked towards that young man and asked.

Hearing that middle-aged soldier Jonathan smirked" no I don't need anything but you need a long sleep, thank you for your service which you provide me," he said as he looked towards that soldier who was looking at him with a confused gaze.

"What are you talking about kid, master lee told me to stay here and protect you in any kind of situation, things are messy outside, you should stay here until your father and sister does not arrive" that soldier responded to Jonathan and he was about to close the room but something unexpected happened.

"They are not going to come back because every single person inside this sector is going to die, just like you my friend,and you dont have to protect me, I am more than capable of protecting myslef" Jonathan smirked as he thrust a dagger in that middle-aged man's heart, he wasn't able to react with this sudden attack because he did not expected that Jonathan would do something like that.

"ahhh, damn You traitor, you betrayed us" that soldier grunt and he fell to the ground, hearing those words from his mouth Jonathan took a sigh and smiled at him.

"I am not the one who betrayed this sector, this sector was the one who betrayed me, my own father insulted me in front of peasants and kicked me out from this sector, I am just repaying every single thing which this sector owe me, This is the beginning of my revenge" Jonathan responded as he looked that dying middle age man and next moment he left that place in a hurry leaving him on the ground.

Meanwhile, at the same time, two figures could be seen standing and they were looking toward the direction where a frightening battle is happening between two high-level cultivators,the ripples and the sound of clashing could be heard more than three miles.

"We are already done here, we have successfully evacuated every single person, are you sure you don't want to go there and help yohan, leave the rest to me I will make sure everyone Remain safe" old man lee looked towards old man lin as he said, hearing him old man lin tilted his head towards him.

"No, he is more than enough capable of handling things on his own, Leon is also went there so I am not worried about him, we will proceed with the plan, my duty is to make sure everyone remain safe, let's go we need to leave this place"old man lin said as he looked towards the old man lee.

"I understand Elder lin, you go ahead, I will join you in a few moments, my son is still inside the mansion, I am going to fend for him, until then take care of everyone"old man lee responded to old man lin, hearing him old man lin nodded his head in response and the next moment he disappeared from his sight.

Meanwhile, outside the sector, things were very chaotic, the ground is unrecognizable, everything was destroyed more than ten miles areas, the soldiers of Sabrina's battalion ran away seeing the destruction in front of their sight, no one wanted to get caught between this fight, this is the first time they saw someone is giving hard time to their general.

Yohan and Sabrina were exchanging moves, both of them using their full extent of power, in a few moments both of them exchange more than thousands of punches, and most of those punches are evaded by both of them, both of them looked at each other and with the speed of falling stat their fist collided with each other face, the moment Sabrina's first landed on Yohan's face he blasted more than hundreds of meters away and same goes to Sabrina.

"Damn it, that woman is very skilled, well it's understandable after all she has tons of experience of fighting, but the good things are that my body is not taking too much damage, I am healing very fast, this is amazing"yohan mumbled as he Get back to his feet and cleaned his cloth which is covered with dirt and his gaze landed in the direction of Sabrina, her body is looking a mess but still, she was on her feet and looking towards the direction of yohan with rage.

"I need to finish this quickly and get back inside the sector to see what is going on there, I hope grandpa lin and grandpa Leon manages everything"yohan whispered and the next moment he slightly bent his body and took a jumping stance and he jumped towards the direction of Sabrina, in a blink of an eye he cleared more than hundreds of meters of distance and landed in front of Sabrina few meters away.

She halted her movement and took a few steps back and looked towards him with a serious gaze, she was surprised to see yohan's mobility despite getting beaten to the same extent he was more energetic and looking in good condition.

"Despite the difference between our cultivation levels, you manage me to impress with your fighting skill, I am surprised to see you on your feet, after so many years later I feel this way, you didn't fail to disappoint me kid" she looked at yohan and said those words to him, hearing her yohan exhaled deeply and looked her with a nonchalant expression.

Seeing yohan's gaze at her she smiled at him and took a step towards him" are you feeling pity for me, what a joke, do you think you have the upper hand just because I am all beaten up,dont go on my physical wounds, I am more than capable of fighting, this is nothing for me" Sabrina whispered as she tightens her fist and the next moment she dashed towards him to attack him,yohan took a sigh as he saw her and next moment he raised his palm and pointed towards her direction.

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