Dual Cultivator Reborn

Chapter 297: I Can Cultivate With Both Ways

"What the hell are you talking about? I am not here to join you; who wants to join you, go to hell and die, and don't you feel ashamed walking the half-naked middle of the night" Neena looked at Yohan with a deep red face as she said those words.

Yohan took a deep breath as he heard her, he knew there was something that brought her in the middle of the night, and he was curious to know what is this lady wanted with him, Neena's face Was telling everything, but he didn't want to confront her yet ; yohan shifted her gaze, and It looked towards Amelia. He was surprised to see her here; he looked at her very closely as she had has already fallen asleep in Jasmine's embrace.

Jasmine also noticed yohan's gaze and smiled towards him; she couldn't do anything about amelia and neena as she didn't expect those two inside her room, but she felt overjoyed seeing amelia in her embrace; she gently caressed amelia's head and looked at yohan" it's okay, let her sleep inside my room, it's already too late and lady diya and Natasha must be in their deep sleep, both of them must be too tired. Let's not disturb them,'' Jasmine said, looking at yohan.

Yohan nodded his head And approached her; he knew she was right; it's better if Amelia would stay here with Jasmine," you are right. It's already too late, and it's better if she stays here along with you, jasmine you should also take some rest; tomorrow will be a very hectic day for all us,"yohan said and kissed her on the forehead in front of neena, seeing this Neena's face turned red. Still, she slightly became confused when she heard him talking about a hectic day for all of us; she became kind of interested to know what yohan's mean.

"You can sleep here. There is plenty of space inside this room," Jasmine looked at Yohan as she asked him; she knew neena had already caught him together, then there is no point in hiding anymore; it doesn't matter if he spends a few more hours inside her room.

"No, I think I'll pass; tell me, is there any Empty room Inside this mansion for cultivation? I want to spend a few hours there,"yohan asked jasmine; hearing him, she became silent for a few moments, but she nodded her head and shifted her gaze towards neena.

"Neena will guide you to one of our cultivation rooms, but it's for qi cultivator, but you are~~~" jasmine looked at yohan with a daze as she became confused when he asked about cultivation room; she knew that yohan is a dual cultivator and he dont requires any room for cultivation; he can cultivate anywhere, he just needs one partner to cultivate; neena also became confused as she heard yohan, seeing those two he can understand why they are confused, but he can't tell them that he needs to cultivate the yin qi which he stored inside the system.

In order to get a breakthrough in two more minor realms, he needs to cultivate the 120ml yin qi, and he feels like cultivating Yin qi right now because there is plenty of time, after reaching the fifth level of the core formation soul realm, his body doesn't require sleep; he is feeling refreshed and energetic, but he doesn't want to say that he is going to cultivate yin qi.

"who said I am only a dual cultivator? I can cultivate both ways, I can cultivate with the body, and I can also cultivate by gathering qi from my surroundings, "he Explain to jasmine and neena.

Hearing yohan, both neena and jasmine exchange glances; this is something impossible to digest; a person can only choose one cultivation path; they never listened to a dual cultivator can also cultivate through the surrounding qi; if someone tries, he will most likely fall into qi deviation and become retarded before dying a miserable death; both of them were shocked after knowing that.

"I don't believe you; this is practically impossible; I never heard anything like that before,"neena confronted yohan as she came into her usual self; she didn't want to believe what yohan said; on the other hand, jasmine smiled seeing her little sister like that; she believed yohan and was sure he was telling the truth.

"It's not my problem whether you trust me or not; just show me the room; you are disturbing that kid,"yohan looked at neena as he said; hearing him, she clenched her fist and felt annoyed by his attitude and looked towards jasmine, seeing Neena's gaze towards her; jasmine smiled and signaled her to show yohan the room.

"Whatever, come with me, but remember I don't believe your full-fledged lie; you need to prove me, then I will believe you, come with me"neena looked at yohan and said those words, hearing neena, yohan took a sigh as he knew she was a pain in the ass.

"Let's go, let them sleep," Yohan responded to Neena and looked towards Jasmine; she nodded her head and smiled towards him.

"Goodnight, yohan," Jasmine said with a deep red face.

"Good night, Jasmine; take some good well-needed sleep," Yohan smiled and kissed her on the lips. Neena took a sigh seeing these two.

"Tch how shameless, you ruined my sister's innocence, what a prick, and shameless person you are, "neena whispered as she started walking without looking back. Her face was red, and she didn't want to show that expression to jasmine and yohan; on the other hand, yohan smiled towards jasmine and started following neena.

A few moments later, both Neena and Yohan disappeared from Jasmine's sight; she took a sigh and shifted her gaze towards Amelia, who was in her embrace, and She was in her deep sleep.

"A kid, huh,i guess being a mother is the best feeling in the world,I wonder if I have children with yohan" jasmine smiled, and she laid on the bed along with amelia in her embrace; she gently caressed amelia's face, and a beautiful smile appeared on her face seeing That cute little girl beside her.

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