Dual Cultivator Reborn

Chapter 287: Don’t You Afraid Of Dying

Yohan could be seen sitting on the sofa in a relaxed position while his both hands were on the back of his head and his eyes were closed; he was waiting for jasmine as she went to her brother's room to get clothes for him, but suddenly something caught his attention, and he opened his eyes with a dark expression his face.

"that crazy woman, she is radiating killing intent. Is she serious about killing that piece of shit"yohan whispered, and the next moment he left the room in a hurry to stop neena; he even forgot that he was not wearing anything on the bottom; neena was standing outside the old man lee's chamber where her brother being held.

"tch literally I am surrounded by freaks,"yohan whispered to himself, and sometime later, he entered inside the old man lee's chamber where neena could be seen standing and looking towards the man who was lying on the bed.

"Why are you here? You are supposed to be with my sister, Do you come here to stop me from killing him,"neena said as she turned behind and she looked towards yohan, who was standing behind her and looking at her with a nonchalant expression on his face, hearing neena yohan approached her.

"if you want to kill him, you had killed him long ago, you have enough time to do your deeds, but you couldn't able to bring yourself to kill your own brother, tch you nearly made my heart skipped the beat,"yohan responded to neena and His gaze landed on the Jonathan, his head was around his stomach, he was looking like a prawn in his sleep; seeing him like that, he felt pity for him.

"Why are you doing this? Why did you save this sector when we got attacked by Nicholas? There is nothing free in this world; everyone has their motives; what are your motives behind all of this? What will you get in return,"neena took a step towards yohan and looked into his eyes with her sharp gaze.

"What will you do after knowing that? You are looking tired, go back to your room, today is a terrible day for all of us, and I am sure you need some rest,"

Hearing yohan she placed her sword on his neck,yohan could feel her warm breath as she came very close to him, "don't act smart in front of me, tell me what is your motive behind doing all of this, you had nothing to do with that fight,but out of nowhere you appeared and saved everyone by killing nicholas, what do you want from us"neena looked yohan with a cold gaze, her hand shook while holding that sharp sword at his throat.

"I just wanted to kill that guy, but in the end, I ended up involving with jasmine; I don't have any ulterior motive behind all of this; I gain nothing involving with xian clan and messing with royal's, the thing is I dont want to see jasmine sad, that's why I killed that guy and saved you from his grasp, there was no other choice, you already know that, Come to your senses neena; you will get nothing killing your brother; he is worst than a dead person, just look at him; I felt pity for him, and I felt pity for you as well; you are fighting for yourself,"yohan said as he grabbed her sword by his bare hand and removed it from his throat and flicked her on her forehead.

Neena touched her forehead with her left hand and looked at yohan with teary eyes, "did I go overboard with that flick? Is that hurt that badly,"yohan asked as he looked at her with a worried expression on his face,she looked at With a nonchalant expression, she now understood why her sister liked him soo much indeed because of this sector; he already put his life and his clan on the line; this guy is something else. Deep down, she already knew it, but hearing from yohan's mouth, she comes to realize that she is living in delusion.

Neena looked towards yohan's right hand, because he touched her blade with his bare hand, his right hand were bleeding, seeing that bound on yohan's hand, neena threw away that sword and took his hand in her hand.

"are you mad, why did you hold that sword with that kind of force, look your palm it's bleeding,"

she said, looking at yohan, hearing neena yohan exhale deeply and signal her to look at his palm; she became confused, and she looked towards his palm. The bleeding had already stopped, and that cut started healing automatically.

"don't worry about me; I am not going to die with that kind of scratch; you need something more dangerous to kill me," he sarcastically responded to her; Neena looked at him with wide-open eyes after hearing Yohan's response.

"Don't you afraid of dying, "Neena said while Yohan's hands were in her hands.

"I had already died once, so I know how exactly it feels, trust me," he said with a laugh and looked around his hand as he saw she was holding his hand gently; hearing him, neena took a sigh as she thought he was joking, not knowing yohan was serious about dying once.

she followed yohan's gaze and looked around her hand, she is holding his hand in her hand, and now she noticed that he was not wearing anything; he was standing in front of her half-naked, her face turned red as she looked those shredded muscles.

"Are you also lusting over my body," Yohan said as he noticed Neena's gaze; hearing him, she became flustered and looked at him with wide-open eyes.

"What the hell are you talking about? You are not that special to me, and I am not someone who can lust over something like this; get away from me, you damn pervert,"neena said as she turned her gaze in different directions; her face was deep red, and her heart was throbbing; she knew she had dropped her guard around him.

Yohan took a deep sigh as he saw her like this, and his gaze landed On Jonathan," no matter what, he is still your brother, he deserves a second chance, try to forget him,"yohan said, and the next moment he disappeared Like a wind without making any noise.

"Do you think it's easy to forget someone who hurt you very badly and broke your trust? It's not easy,``Neena said as she turned away, but to her surprise, Yohan was not there; she was alone inside that room along with her brother.

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