Dual Cultivator Reborn

Chapter 281: Killing Spree

"This is nothing; we are just getting started, look at your men's. They didn't give a fuck about your life, the moment they saw him dying, all of them began to run away, leaving you behind; you are Nothing but a cockroach who is going to die today, and you will be joining your right-hand men in hell, after all, I gave him my words,"yohan said, and the next moment, he appeared in front of him and grabbed him from his neck.

"Leave me damn it, this is nothing to do with you, her brother was the one who is at fault, I am just here to recover my money, let me go and keep that money and that woman for yourself; I don't need anything from this damn sector," Carter shouted at the top of his lungs as yohan raised his body into the air while grabbing him from the neck.

Yohan laughed as he heard him," do you think I give a fuck about that brother of hers who dont have the guts to show himself; he is just like you spineless bastard, and trust me, I hate bastards like you, who dont know their place and run their mouth when they saw that someone is weak standing in front of their sight, that's what you thought when you first saw me dont you, because you and your friends cant able to determine my cultivation level"yohan looked carter with a sharp gaze and tightened his grip around his neck.

"Please let me go, I don't want to die, I will give you lots of money, and whatever you want, I even serve you," carter cried as he looked yohan with deep red eyes, carters face turned red as he struggled to get breath; his whole body started shaking violently as blood couldn't able to reach his brain because of the pressure yohan putting on his neck; old man lee, jasmine, and neena turned dead silent as they saw yohan.

Jasmine's heart sank seeing this, she wanted to stop him but didn't have the guts to do that, this was the second time she saw yohan like this, he was utterly different from his normal personality.

"Stop it, yohan, leave him right now, you don't have to kill him; he got what he deserves " an old man descended on the ground with lightning-fast speed and grabbed yohan's hand, he was Leon and following Leon next moment old man lin also appeared.

"Grandpa Leon and grandpa lin, both of you have come to a stop me from killing this pest,"yohan whispered.

"Just leave him, you already pissed royal family, the king is very eager to kill you because you messed up with Nicholas clan, killing Nicholas means destroying the spine of Lucas, you messed up him with big time, if you kill him, he will get a perfect opportunity to come for your head, previously things were different because Nicholas was the one who started the war and those things were mutual and happened on the common ground, but things are other now" Leon tried to calm yohan and said those things to stop him for killing.

Jasmine, old man Lee and neena also approach yohan as they finally found an excellent opportunity to get him because his both grandpas are here, and they were sure that he would listen to them.

"Yes, yohan, use your brain, he has a royal enchanted contract, and killing him means challenging the authority of the royal family, one mistake and everything will ruin"old man lin placed his hand on yohan's shoulder as he said those words.

Yohan exhaled deeply as he heard both of his grandpa's and tilted his head towards Carter, and the next moment he Freed him from his grasp.

Carter fell over the ground with his butt and started taking deep breaths, his body was drenched with sweat, and he was coughing very hard.

Jasmine took a deep breath as she saw yohan, she dont wants him to kill that guy and put himself in trouble; neena remained silent as she looked at yohan, she dont know how to react in this kind of situation, her father placed his hand on her shoulder and nodded at her with a smile.

"Don't worry, everything will be alright, just calm yourself and think more carefully, don't let your emotions control you, "old man lee whispered in her ears; hearing her father, she nodded her head.

"Hey, old man, what is wrong with that bastard? He wanted to kill me a moment ago, this bastard is lost his mind, our clan didn't have any rivalry, xian clan, and lin clan never crossed paths with each other, not only this bastard kill my trusted right-hand man. He even challenges royal decree as he tried to kill me, when my father know about this, he will definitely make your clan pay for this" carter shouted as he looked towards old man lin, he felt somewhat relieved that he saved.

"You are just like dog tail, no matter what happens, you will never learn your lesson, I am looking forward to meeting your father,"yohan said, and instant, yohan stomped over his face and buried his half body inside the ground; it took a second to him kill carter, everyone was taken aback seeing this, old man lin and Leon exchange glances with each other and neena, jasmine old man lee's heart nearly skipped a beat as he killed carter inside the hundred poison valley.

"Told you I don't like when someone brings their father in their own fight, two down hundred more to go, "yohan whispered as he saw Carter's body, his lower part was visible, and the other half was inside the ground.

"Both of you want to join me on the hunt; it will be easier if we kill those hundred soldiers together, this will save our time to clean this mess' 'Yohan looked towards old man Lin and Leon with a nonchalant expression.

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