"If you don't give me a good reason for your visit, I will beat the crap out of you, you understand so-called upcoming future king" Katherine jumped on the chair and looked towards her brother with a Serious gaze, Raiden nervously swallowed as he looked towards her sister.

"It's about father; he is associating with the people of abyss to take down that young man who killed lord Nicholas" Raiden sat down on the ground as he looked at Katherine, his body is aching with extreme pain after getting beaten by his sister,and he wasn't able to stand for too long.

Hearing her little brother, Katherine turned silent for a moment, and a moment later, she leaned towards him and looked at him with a cold gaze," why did you come here, Raiden? this is nothing new, he always makes stupid decisions, you already know him, he will do everything to save his ass because that guy messed him very big time, you should focus on the upcoming tournament, leave him on his own, "Katherine responded to him with a cold gaze.

Hearing her, he took a deep sigh" he is our father elder sister, we need to stop him associating with those people,if this news got spread outside,the people of the north would definitely retaliate, and we will face another civil war inside this region, things are already challenging for our family and togther, we can make things right," Raiden exclaimed as he looked towards Katherine.

"Get lost, you ruined my mood by throwing a tantrum about family crap, and one more thing what father does is not my business, and I suggest you to stay out of his mess, take this advice, and you will not regret it in the future," Katherine got up from the seat and grabbed him from his collar; it took her a moment to throw him outside from her room.

"Go to your room, it's too late, and rub some ice on your back, you will feel better. "Katherine looked at him one last time before closing the door on his face.

"If mother were still alive, she wouldn't let father make this kind of decision, you forget about your promise that you gave to mother before she died, you promise her that you will look after our family, now look at yourself what you become in those years"Raiden gritted his teeth and slammed his fist on the floor, he shouted at the top of his lungs because he couldn't control his anger, he was sitting in front of Katherine's room and cursing her loud.

But the next moment, he realized that he had made a mistake shouting like that,he had gone far this time,few servants could be seen looking at him While maintaining a few meters gape, but the moment they all heard the sound of the gate opening, all of them disappeared instantly as they didn't want to get sued by Princess Katherine.

"Bastard, how dare you? Now I am pissed,you need some serious beating,and i will be happy to kick your ass" she looked at Raiden with a furious gaze and said those words in a cold voice; seeing his elder sister like that, he bitterly smiled and scratched his head with nervousness and the next moment, he tried to run away on his knees as he dont bothers to standing, but before he could get away from her, she grabbed his leg and took him inside the room and closed the door from inside.

The whole hallway echoed with the sound of serious beating, and no one dared to go near Katherine's rooms as they understand princess is pissed off, they felt terrible for prince Raiden.

Meanwhile, yohan and jasmine entered inside the old man lee's chamber where neena and old man lee was standing and looking towards the direction of the corner, their face turned pale as they saw yohan with jasmine, they didn't expect him to come here along with jasmine.

"What happened to him, did he say anything?"Yohan looked towards Neena and old man Lee, hearing him both of them exchange glances, and a moment later, old man Lee broke his silence.

"He is afraid of something, he didn't utter a single word from his mouth, we don't know how he ended up like this," old man lee responded to yohan, jasmine's face turned dark seeing him like that, he used to be a gentle boy, but the man who is sitting in the corner was different, He is looking terrified and messed up.

Jasmine took a deep sigh, and the next moment she approached Jonathan and bent down on her knees;" what happened to you, are you okay, brother" she said as she gently touched Jonathan's cheek.

He raised his head and looked at jasmine, seeing a a familiar face,he took jasmine's hand in his hand, he was shivering very badly" they are coming, they are going to kill me, please save me, I don't wanna die, elder sister " tears started rolling from his eyes as he said those words in a shaky voice.

"Its okay you are safe here, no one is going to hurt you, trust me, your big sister is here for you, and uncle lee and neena is also here,you are not alone, just calm down and tell us what happened, how did you end up like this" jasmine wipe those tears from his eyes as she said those words,neena also approached Jonathan and caressed his head.

Old man lee remain standing a few meters away,

Yohan exhaled deeply seeing that old man like that, he felt pity for him, but suddenly something caught yohan's attention,and soon enough a soldier came running inside the room, he was looking very terrified about something, the moment he entered the chamber, he caught everyone's attention.

"It's an emergency, we are under attack by the Xian clan,those soldiers are already inside our border," that soldier exclaimed as he looked towards old man lee, hearing that man lee's heart sank while neena and jasmine were taken aback,as they didn't believe in their ears.

Yohan took a deep sigh as he already sensed the presence of those soldiers, he was not surprised when he heard that soldier, but Jonathan became panicked as he heard the name of the xian clan, he looked jasmine and neena with a dark expression on his face.

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