"This can't be happening again, I thought I annihilate the entire sector, those bastards were definitely dead long ago, this is a merely a coincidence and nothing else," Leon Whispered as he was standing in front of the barren village, he took a deep sigh seeing the sight, he had a seriousness on his face and a mixed opinion about something which brought him back here, he remained standing there looking at a barren village with a deep gaze, and sometime later he exhaled deeply before placing his foot again inside the town.

After a few moments of walking In a particular direction, he was standing in the middle of the town, the whole town was enveloped into darkness, the feeling was very eerie if anyone with a weak heart ended up here, he would definitely die with fear, but Leon didn't bother with those things as he was calmly standing there and thinking about something which led him here, he looked here and there, and after conserving his surrounding, he exhaled deeply.

"Let's see if my intuition is right or wrong, I know I am overreacting; those monsters perished long ago, We had killed every single of them who used to make a mass human sacrifice to gain power and bring the hell upon this world, this is just a mere intuition, it's been more than twenty-five years when I last time confronted that sector along with lady Evelyn, she was also there; there is no way anything slips from her eyes or mine, we took care of every single one of them" Leon tightened his fist as he thought about the past, and the next moment, he took out a dagger from his dimensional ring and sliced his left palm without flinching.

Blood started rushing out from his palm and dripping on the ground where he was standing; his expression was solemn as he was standing there and waiting for something. Soon enough, something happened that Leon didn't wish to happen, never ever in this life again.

The whole ground started shaking, and a magic field appeared down there his leg, that magic field enveloped the entire town, instant the whole town started dazzling with red light, Leon's heart sank seeing this, he closed his eyes and remained silent as his intuition were correct. Right next moment, he started ascending into the sky to see the whole town.

"This whole town is a sacrificing ground, those people didn't suicide, they were controlled and forced to kill themself, this magical field is the proof, "Leon whispered as he looked down the ground, the whole town was situated inside the pentagon shape like a magic field, sometimes later the magic field disappeared from Leon's sight, but he was still in a daze looking towards the ground, he descended again on the ground and approached the house where yohan find that child.

He entered inside that crappy-looking house, and his gazes landed on the two carcasses which were lying inside that house.

He approached them and looked closely. After inspecting those carcasses, his eyes widened as he found something which shook him to the core. His face turned dark, and sweat appeared on his face, but the next moment, he sensed something.

"Someone is coming in this direction,'' Leon mumbled, and the next moment he disappeared from that house and appeared into the sky.

"Damn it, it's that old bastard, what is he doing here at a time like this? Leon said as his gaze landed on the old man Lin who just descended in front of the village. Leon took a deep sigh.

"There is no point of staying here, I already know what I wanted to know, that bastard is a very clever one, he definitely knows that I am hiding something, that's why he asked me earlier about this village," Leon whispered and the next moment he disappeared from that village While at the same time old man lin looked towards the sky with a confused expression.

"Did I sense something," old man Lin mumbled as he entered the village to enquire about things, various things were bothering him, but the main things were the sudden disappearance of Leon and his behavior.

Meanwhile, inside the hundred poison valley sector,yohan could be seen walking back towards the mansion; while amelia could be seen in his embrace, clinging on his chest like a child of a monkey,yohan is bitterly smiling towards her along with jasmine, Natasha, and diya.

"She is a weirdo, the moment you guys put your robes back, she comes to me, she is only interested in boobs, i guess,"yohan said as he caressed Amelia's back, she has taken a bath and looks very beautiful, jasmine gave her beautiful blue robe which belonged to her when she was a child.

Natasha, Jasmine, and Diya chuckled as they heard Yohan and looked towards Amelia, who was sleeping calmly in Yohan's embrace.

"Yes, you are right now we are feeling betrayed by her, but I am glad everything went smooth, and she didn't resist taking a bath. I think in many years, this is the first time she took a bath," diya said as she looked towards Amelia's beautiful face.

"She is tired now; she needs some good rest, it's already too late, lady Alena must be waiting for us for dinner, "jasmine mumbled.

"Yes, we spend too much time inside the bath; I am feeling hungry," Natasha responded as she looked towards jasmine.

Jasmine smiled and nodded her head in response" I had already told neena to manage tonight's dinner, uncle and neena must be waiting for us, it's been a while since we ate together, and they will be happy to meet with you," Jasmine said as she looked yohan.

Seeing her gaze, yohan nodded his head and smiled at her" yes, I am glad both of them are okay, I am also looking forward to meeting them,"yohan responded to jasmine in a sarcastic manner; diya chuckled as she knew why he said that.

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