Dual Cultivator Reborn

Chapter 253: Did Something Good Happen Between You Two

Yohan Became silent for a moment after hearing diya as she asked him about Amelia's parents.

"They died, her entire village died, she is living by herself along with the dead bodies Of her parents," Yohan said as tears started rolling from his eyes and he remembered those dead bodies, he wasn't able to get rid of that image from his sight.

The whole room turned dead silent as they heard yohan, these four ladies were stunned and shaken to the core, they felt despair in their hearts and chill in their spines,this is not something that they expecting from yohan's mouth.

Yohan took a deep breath as he Caressed Amelia's silver hair and explained everything which happened inside the village, except the part about how he ended up there.

Tears could be seen rolling down their eyes, when they came to know about amelia, Natasha placed her hand on yohan's shoulder as she was standing behind him, jasmine bent down and gently placed her hand on amelia's cheek, her face was red as she looked at amelia with an affectionate gaze.

"I will go Get some clothes and Food for her, and tell the maid to prepare a warm bath for her,"Jasmine said as she looked at Amelia and then shifted her gaze towards yohan.

Yohan nodded his head with a smile.

"I'll come with you, you might need my help, "Natasha said as she looked at Jasmine, hearing Natasha, jasmine nodded her head, and the next moment, both of them left the room.

Alena was blown away seeing the sudden turn of events, a few moments ago the situation was very awkward as Natasha confronted diya about her relationship with yohan, but the moment amelia came along with yohan, everything changed drastically. They all forgot the previous conversation.

Diya is looking at Amelia with a curious gaze, her heart is beating faster, she couldn't hold herself as she looked yohan.

"Yohan placed her beside me, she will be comfortable on the bed, there is more than enough space for two people."diya shifted her body slightly and made space for amelia.

"Are you sure, diya? '' Yohan asked as he looked at her! Diya nodded her head in response.

"Okay, be careful she might freak out if she sees you around her, because she was scared the moment she saw grandpa lin and Leon, "yohan explained as he gently placed amelia on the bed,diya's face turned red as she saw amelia beside her.

Alena chuckled as she looked at yohan and diya, she shifted her gaze at yohan" when you were born, that day was the most happiest day of my life, this remind me of holding you in my arms and taking care of you all day and night, I never let you get away from my sight even for a minute, your father barely got a chance to hold you because you were always crying whenever you were in his embrace" Alena said as she looked yohan.

Yohan smiled towards Alena as he heard her, but made a weird face when he heard about his father, he knows he doesn't have any memory with his father, and he dont feels affection towards him; yohan felt connected towards his mother and grandfather, seeing those expressions on yohan's face Alena took a sigh, and bitterly smiled.

"Yohan, he loves you, he won't tell you anything or show you his affection, but your father loves you, he was always there when you needed him, he was always looking over you,you may not feel any affection towards him, but he is the person who was very happy when he heard you defeated Nicholas, he was happy that his son is not some kind of retarded or dont have any talent, you dont know how its feel like when someone insulted your child, he always wanted best for you,"alena said as she looked yohan.

Yohan took a deep breath as he heard his mother, he knows he won't have any connection with his father, and he didn't associate with him; Alena might notice this and just wanted to explain his situation to her son, but he knew no father wants his son to suffer, old man lin might pretend to be pissed with his son su lin. However, still he cares about him, and yohan knows this.

Yohan stood up from his seat and approached Alena," I know, mother and I don't have anything against him, I will try to make things better between us, you don't have to worry about anything, "yohan responded as he placed his head on Alena's lap.

Alena smiled and caressed Yohan's head" I am very proud of you; I hope you will become an idle father for your children," she said.

Hearing his mom yohan's face became red, and his gaze went towards diya, she was also looking at him with a red face as she heard Alena, and the next moment with shyness, she shifted her gaze towards Amelia, who was sleeping beside her.

Meanwhile, Jasmine and Natasha could be seen walking in a particular direction. Jasmine is holding a few sets of clothes while Natasha is holding a tray of food, Natasha tilted her head as she looked at jasmine.

"Did something good happen with you, lady jasmine? You are looking somewhat different," Natasha asked as she looked at jasmine.

Hearing Natasha, jasmine came to her senses, as she looked at Natasha, "what do you mean by that? Did you notice something different with my behavior" jasmine responded.

Natasha smiled as she heard jasmine" I mean, did something good happen with yohan? You are looking somewhat different than your usual self , tell me did anything happen between you two."

Jasmin's face turned red like a tomato as she remembered about her time with yohan, she looked towards Natasha with that red face,seeing those expressions on jasmine's face, Natasha chuckled, she was right jasmine was looking lost and behavior drastically changed when she was around yohan, her way of looking is also changed toward yohan.

"So something good happened between you two; I am happy for you," Natasha said in a teasing manner.

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