Dual Cultivator Reborn

Chapter 246: Making His Way Back To Hundred Poison Valley Sector

Two old men appeared in the sky, and their gaze landed on the ground.

"What the hell happened here? This place is entirely destroyed, this is the place where those multiple lightning strikes happened, "old man lin said as he looked towards the ground, which was completely destroyed, more than a two-kilometer area became barren and deserted.

Both of them hurriedly come here to look at yohan because he disappeared again without any trace but seeing this place, both of them become surprised, because there is no sign of any climate change and the sky is clear, those lightning strikes are not a normal occurrence, and they have something to do with the yohan's disappearance.

Leon took a sigh, and he closed his eyes to find out yohan's presence around his surroundings, and after searching for a few moments, he opened them with disbelief" I can't able to sense yohan's presence,he is not here,"Leon whispered, and his facial expressions become drastically change.

Old man lin clenched his fist as he heard Leon, various kinds of thought started running into his minds, if he disappeared again who knows how he is going to face those ladies, he is started worrying about his grandson and these lightning strikes remind him of the incident which happened inside the river shore city, he knows yohan able to survive with that kind of lightning strike. Moreover, he becomes more powerful after that incident, because no one can survive with that kind of destructive power.

"Damn it, he came out from that void a few hours ago, and this happened, we let him away from our sight, and he again disappeared without a trace, I can understand why those two ladies are always worried about him, that kid doesn't know how to stop, he always finds troubles or trouble always seek for him, "the old man said as he looked, Leon.

Leon took a deep sigh as he heard old man lin"lets go and look for him somewhere else, there is no point to discuss about his nature, that grandson of yours is troubled himself, we can't go hundred poison valley sector without him, how am I supposed to face Alena, she is going to kill me if I make any lame excused in front of her regarding yohan, I thought I will spend some time with my daughter, but that kid never let me to take some rest, sometimes I am terrified for Alena and those ladies who love him" Leon said as he looked old man lin.

Lin nodded his head in response and exhaled deeply" yes, you are right, sometimes I wonder whether it is okay to let him do whatever he wants to do. Still, we can't stop him, or we don't have the right to stop him, because we were the same when we were young, he is still young, and one day he will understand and become more mature, but for now you are right we can't go back without taking him with us"old man lin responded to leon.

"Let's go and look for him somewhere else; if he was here, he couldn't go very far," Leon said, and old man Lin also compiled by nodding his head, And both of them disappeared from that place.

Meanwhile, a young man could be seen walking in a particular direction and he was Taking slow, steady steps.

"Damn it, I thought my body is recovered but I can't able to maintain my speed and on top of that, my throat is dry; I need water and some cloth before I get back to the hundred poison valley sector, I don't know what is wrong with me, whenever i want to do right things, somehow always things turn out in different ways, my grandpa definitely noticed my disappearance from that place,how I am going to explain my condition, those two are not going to listen to me this time"yohan whispered to himself as he walking towards the direction of hundred poison valley sector.

Yohan thought his body is recovered because he is feeling light headed and somewhat refreshing and When he tried to use his full speed to reach towards the hundred poison valley sector, his body almost gave up and he felt the unbearable pain around his body, so yohan decided to take a walk and recover his strength back; when he was coming in this direction he noticed a small village, but he avoided that village because he didn't want to make any trouble because of the system warning. Still, things are different now; he thought he could get some help from those villagers and get something to drink and some cloth to cover his body.

"I think i need to take few days off with diya, she is still recovering and i also need some rest,and now I have to tell her about jasmine and Natasha, I dont know how she is going to react when she learns about those two, damn it I am the most fucked up man in this world"yohan cursed himself as he walked towards the direction of the village, unaware that his both grandpas are looking for him.

Meanwhile, two figures appeared inside a dark hall, and their gaze landed on the woman who was sitting in the middle of the hall in the lotus position and gathering qi from her surroundings.

She opened her eyes and her gaze landed on aana and kana, who were looking at her with dark expressions on their faces.

"What happened? Why are you looking pale?" Evelyn asked as she looked towards Aana and Kana with a nonchalant expression on her face.

"My lady, something happened inside the eternal prison, a fight broke out with a prisoner, and more than thirty prison guards were killed in that fight, half of the place was destroyed, and many of the prisoners died while fighting with each other, what should we do now?"Kana looked at Evelyn as she asked.

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