Natasha's face turned dark as she heard Alena; her heart started beating faster and louder, Alena took a deep sigh as she noticed those expressions on Natasha's face, Alena's guts telling her that something was wrong.

"Did something happen between you two when you were inside that place? "Alena looked at her with a sharp gaze; Natasha gulped as she heard her and noticed Alena's angry face.

"My lady , I love him, and he also likes me, and I chose to become his cultivation partner, I know he is younger than me but still, I want to be with him," Natasha exhaled deeply as she said those words without hiding anything from her.

Alena's jaw dropped on the ground as she heard Natasha, and she cleaned her ears as she couldn't believe What she heard from Natasha.

"Did I hear right, you just said you loved yohan, and you want to become his cultivation partner, did he confess to you?" Alena asked as she looked at her, Natasha bitterly smiled as she heard Alena.

"Well, we already end up cultivating together, Things went different when we were inside the void, and we ended up together, but I don't mean any harm to lady diya; I am just here to see her, and look for yohan." 

Hearing Natasha, Alena cursed Yohan inwardly, first Jasmine and now Natasha, she didn't understand what her son was trying to do. In such a short time, he already got three women, Alena gathered her thoughts as she looked at Natasha.

"Come inside; we have lots of things to catch up" Alena looked at Natasha as she said those words,Natasha nervously nodded her head in response, and she followed Alena from behind.

Natasha knew she had made a blunder; both Yohan and Natasha were supposed to tell her together.


"I never thought things would turn out like this, but I am finally very close to my target, and I will get a breakthrough soon in the sixth level of the core formation soul realm,"yohan mumbled as he walked in the direction of living room, jasmine wanted to stay inside her mother room for a little longer; yohan knows she was upset because soon they are going to be parted,yohan hate leaving her here, but he can't force her to come with him, because her people need her inside the hundred poison Valley.

Yohan took a deep sigh as he thought about jasmine, but the next moment his facial expressions changed drastically as he heard a notification in his mind.


[System had acquired the maximum amount of energy to evolve, the system is going to Evolve in next phase]

[Host is advised to leave this place as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary harm to his surroundings, you have five minutes to evacuate this place]

Yohan was taken aback as he heard that notification in his mind; he listened to familiar information when he was in a void, but to his surprise, nothing happened at that time, and he also forgot about that notification he had heard previously. Still, he calmed himself and took a deep breath.

"Send me into the soul subspace right now," Yohan whispered in a low voice.

[Request denied: soul subspace is also in the evolution face,host cant access soul subspace right now, the system is advised to host to evacuate this place as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary harm around his surroundings]

"Damn it,"yohan clenched his fist, and the next moment he tilted his head towards the left in the direction of the window, and the next moment, he jumped from that and started running towards The particular direction with lightning-fast speed.

"Hey, what was that?" one of the guards looked towards the other guard as he felt something with lightning-fast speed. Past thought them and left the hundred poison valley sector.

Hearing his partner's words, the second guard scratched his head" that was probably just a gust of wind, stop thinking about unnecessary things. The past few days were very hectic for us; you might be getting hallucinations with open eyes," that guard Responded to him in a cold voice.

"Yes, you are right. I think I am Tired," he said while yawning, unaware that yohan had just passed between them.

Meanwhile, Yohan is running in a particular direction like a bullet train; he curses the system inwardly for giving him a sudden surprise. He doesn't know what will happen in five minutes, but he is taking the system warning very seriously.

"Damn it, can you at least warn me before doing anything like this, or do you like giving sudden surprises? What happened last time when I heard the notification of system update inside the void,"yohan said.

[due to some malfunction in the system, the process of evolving is interrupted, but everything is taken care of, the system will going to evolve in three minutes]

after hearing the system, he took a deep sigh, his face turned dark when he thought about other possibilities. What if he heard this notification a few minutes earlier when he was making love with jasmine? Various kinds of thoughts started running into his mind.

"What the hell is wrong with me? Nothing happening like that, I guess I am lucky," Yohan Whispered.

Meanwhile, an old man could be seen sitting on the highest peak of the cliff and looking towards the sunset.

"I wonder what that kid is doing in the outside world, he is an interesting lad afterall"the old man muttered to himself as he thought about yohan, he is that old man who helped yohan to escape from the eternal prison.

"I think it's time when I leave this place, but still my cultivation base is not fully recovered, and top of that, how I am going to fight that annoying warlord without my full power, should I wait for A few more months" lee tao mumbled And next moment he jumped from that highest peak and landed on the ground instant, the ground started cracking the moment he placed his legs.

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