"Damn you...you are thinking highly of yourself brat, you think you are the only one who could help me to find my lord, don't make me laugh, I can still find my lord using Elsa, don't tell me you forgot that she is under my control, I can use her body as I want"Asura spoke in intimidating manner getting furious over yohan's response but to Asura's surprised a smirk appeared on yohan's face.

"You can't do that, it took me a while to understand but now I know why you couldn't use Elsa," Yohan responded, maintaining a smirk on his face.

"You...''The other party raised its eyebrows and looked at Yohan in a cold manner, Yohan smiled seeing the other party was getting furious and clearly panicking over his response, Yohan shook his head and frowned.

"The reason you can't control Elsa in the mortal world because she is a demon, there might be some kind of restrictions which suppressed Demonic power in the mortal world,she was in discomfort all the time when I take her outside, it took me a while to understand that, "Yohan responded with a smile and took a step in Asura's direction with a confident look and he continued.

"On the other hand, I am a human who can walk freely in the outside world without any restriction, if I am not wrong in those millions of years you had tried many times to find the heavenly demon by using strong individuals such as Elsa but failed due to this very reason because thirteen pillars are the place where only demons reside, I am an exception, according to my understanding no humans ever place their foot inside the thirteen pillars and that makes me different and special, "Yohan said in an intimidating manner and looked Asura with pity, seeing that arrogant look on yohan's face Asura cursed Yohan inwardly and lost all its confidence that he had earlier, indeed Yohan was right asura had tried too many things in order to find his lord but alas he failed miserably, on the other hand, Yohan was different and he has no restriction in the outside world and that indeed make him special, the other party exhale deeply and looked Yohan in a different manner.

"What are your demands?"Asura spoke in a defeated manner, hearing Asura's words a bright smile appeared on Yohan's face and he chuckled.

"Now we are talking" he responded and began to explain his demands. Asura has no choice but to listen to him after all he doesn't want to wait millions of years waiting for another opportunity.

"My first demand is that I want you to submit to me and be loyal towards me,afterall you are the only soul weapon that I have, "Yohan said with a straight face, hearing yohan's words the other party raised its eyebrows but before Asura could say anything Yohan interrupted.

"Of course, I will let you go once I find your lord, I am willing to take an oath, "Yohan said with a smile, hearing Yohan's words Asura exhale deeply and repeated after him.

"I am willing to serve you until you find my lord, once you find him you are going to release me from the master-servant ties?"

"Agreed" Yohan responded to asura and he began to explain his second demand.

"I want you to leave Elsa's body right now and returned to me and you are not allowed to leave without my permission"Yohan looked at Asura in serious manner and asked him to return to him, Yohan was a little hesitant of asking this after all this is what he want most, he can't stand to see Elsa's body being used by someone else.

"I am willing to accept your second demand, tell me about your third demand" without any hesitation Asura responded to Yohan and took him by surprise after all Yohan thought that the other party is not going to agree to his second term, he wondered why did he accepted his second demand without giving any thoughts, it was indeed confusing to him but Yohan controls his emotions and maintain his demeanour and finally explain his third and last demand.

"I am seeking the access of thirteen pillars, more precisely access to the other Twelve pillars afterall one pillar is under my jurisdiction where I can go and leave with my own will"Yohan cleared his throat and looked at the other party, hearing yohan's third demand the other party's facial expressions changed drastically and become solemn as the other party is not expecting this kind of demand.

"You want access to thirteen pillars? May I know the reason?" the other party asked in a confused manner, Yohan shook his head before speaking.

"That I can't tell you,"


Asura turned silent hearing that blunt response from Yohan's side and sometimes later the other party broke its silence and looked at Yohan.

"I can only provide you access to six pillars apart from that I have no authority over other pillars, my lord was the true ruler of the thirteen pillars, I may have inherited the title of the ruler from him but my jurisdiction is limited, in the absence of my lord I have my own limitations and there are even places where I can't go, such as First pillar that you called soul subspace" Asura exhale deeply and started explaining to Yohan the reason why he can't provide the access of thirteen pillars and he continued.

"After the disappearance of my lord many demons rose and perished in order to unify the thirteen pillars but no ever successfully United the thirteen pillars,the first master of the Asura clan was the closest one who unified twelve pillars but he failed to unify the last pillar where you currently reside,after his disappearance the twelve pillars he used to rule fall into civil war and after that everything become mess,every pillars has its own ruler,some rulers are trash and weak just like Wise man but others rulers are frightening being even i can't oppose them without powerfull host,"Asura explained to Yohan, hearing Asura Yohan was taken aback by surprise and he cursed asura for bullying the weak,he indeed felt bad for The wise man after all that guy was good to him and other then that he came to know one important thing that asura's strength rely on host's potential,no wonder he was desperate to return its original lord who used to be one of the primordial being,Yohan exhale deeply and looked Asura.

"Then how can I access the other pillars?," Yohan asked.

"It's pretty simple, in order to access the other pillars you have to challenge every single ruler and make them submit to you and when you do that the pillar itself going to recognise you as the true lord of that particular pillar and let you access the other pillars," Asura explained to Yohan, hearing Asura Yohan took a deep sighed as he was not expecting this kind of arrangement.

'you want me to unify the thirteen pillars, won't you?Yohan inwardly asked that mysterious woman and he waited in a hope that she could answer him but alas after waiting for a while he did not get any reply from the other side. In the end, Yohan clicked his tongue in frustration and looked at Asura.

"What are you waiting for, now we came to an agreement, leave Elsa's body, it's painful for me to see Elsa's body being controlled by you, "Yohan said.

"Tsk don't forget about your oath," the other party spoke in an annoyed manner and the next moment a golden light shot through Elsa's body and entered inside yohan's body, the moment that happened the mark on yohan's hand started glowing in golden light indicating that asura has finally returned to him, Yohan could feel asura inside his body, it was indeed pleasant feeling that he missed for a while now he felt that he become the whole reclaiming asura again.

A moment later Yohan's head flooded with multiple notifications but he ignored everything and instantly caught Elsa in his arms as her body lost its momentum the moment Asura left her body and returned to yohan.

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