Chapter 294 Her Return

Two men arrived in a small town near the coast, one was middle-aged and the other was a white-haired old man. The two proceeded to approach an inn, and upon coming inside the inner courtyard bowed simultaneously in a greeting pose.


"Young Master"

The young man they bowed to turned as he stood up, the beauties that were sitting around him continuing the conversations.

"All done?"

Wu Long asked as he approached them and the two nodded as Old Yen's eyes shone with a satisfied light.

"Thank you for allowing me to finally take revenge for my Father"

"It was by your hand and not mine. Good work as always"

Wu Long nodded to Old Yen and smiled at Butler Bang who smiled back with pride as the 'good work' in Wu Long's words was an affirmation of all of his work in supporting Old Yen.

"Now that you have completed your return to your roots, it is time to go back to the Azure Eagle Continent"

Wu Long smiled.


The group traveled to the coast.

"Whoa!!! It's so big!"

Gong Cui's eyes widened when she saw the massive ship of the Pirate Queen, as did her older sister's.

The sisters explored the ship as Cao Mei volunteered to show them around, the younger sister's excited exclamations being heard from various directions all day.

"Urgh, Sister, I don't feel that good"

"That's why I told you not to run around so much"

But at the end of the day as they were sailing through the inner sea near the coast of the continent to get to the Southern Sea her excitement died down as she felt nauseous and weak. Her sister was by her side, patting her on the back to try and relieve the uncomfortable feeling and supporting her as she sighed with lament.

"It is actually just being not used to traveling on the sea, that is all. Some people take it worse than others. Here, let me help you. Don't resist my Spiritual Qi"

Wu Long approached them and smiled at the usually energetic lady who was currently hanging on the rails and her sister who seemed to try everything in her power to help.

He placed his hand on her back, and gradually her complexion started to improve as a warm feeling spread from where he touched, the urge to return her dinner to the sea as well as weakness gradually subsiding.

"Feel the flow of my Spiritual Qi and remember it's path, and circulate your Spiritual Qi along it"

He instructed and as Gong Cui did, she gradually recovered, rosiness returning to her cheeks.

"Thank you so much Mister Wu!"

"Haha, I told you to just call me Wu Long"

"Oh! Hehe, I forgot. Thank you, Wu Long"

Gong Cui laughed while Gong Liwei was making a relieved face as her little sister was finally behaving like usual.

"But really, why only me? Is it really because I ran around too much?"

"Haha, Lan'er also got sick on her first day of boarding a ship, I remember her almost crying about not feeling well enough to eat..."

"Wu Long!"

Wei Lan became red as she exclaimed and hurriedly closed his mouth as the others laughed.


The ship traveled to the Southern Sea with an astonishing speed and then proceeded to sail to the Azure Eagle Continent, having no problem covering the distance between the two continents that took normal ships months in mere week and a half.

While they were in the Southern Sea Cao Xiang used communication talismans to confirm her fleet's situation.

They made a coordinated maneuver, assembling the ships and transferring the trustworthy personnel to the Queen Ship, making an additional stop on a remote island to pick up the families of the loyalists, effectively withdrawing the Pirate Queen's subordinates from the Southern Archipelago and concentrating them on the main ship.

The ones left were the relatively untrustworthy hired hands Cao Xiang was reluctant to accept to her floating fortress.

As they resumed travel and arrived at the Azure Eagle Continent, first Autumn winds greeted them, signifying that the date approached for Wu Long's promise to the Crown Prince to become one year old.

By this time Wu Long reached the 9th level of Qi Manifestation Realm since there was not much to do on the ship except cultivate.


One night as the ship was speeding through the dark waters of the sea accompanied only by the reflection of the moonlight, Wu Mengqi was tossing and turning in her sleep. She had been having dreams that she could not remember lately, and they left a strange afterglow of feelings every time she woke up, but this night was different. She was profusely sweating and visibly in pain as she moved from the side to side. Images she had never seen or imagined flashed before her.

Wu Long's eyes flew open as he felt something through their connection. He hurriedly stood up, moving fast and yet silently as not to wake up Wei Lan who was sleeping in his embrace, and stepped out of his room.

His eyes flashed with profound patterns as he looked in the direction of Wu Mengqi's room and widened as he saw a blinding resplendent golden light, as if a golden sun was directly in front of his eyes.

He felt a sting as blood started dripping from the corners of his eyes as he moved to appear before Wu Mengqi's door in mere moments when the light suddenly disappeared from his view, opening up the door and seeing her sitting up on the bed with rough breath and seemingly distressed.

His eyes quickly darted to the sides as he found no strange presences in the room, and none on the ship as his spiritual sense swept the entire floating fortress. His eyes slightly stung as they flashed with profound patterns once more but he was unable to see anything unusual this time.


He then hurriedly approached her as she looked at him slightly disoriented and as he placed his hands on her cheeks and looked into her eyes, he saw something very familiar and yet nostalgic in them as she raised her right hand and put it on the side of his face as well.


"Mm, I am back, honey"


End of Volume 3: Return


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