Dual Cultivation God Returns

Chapter 288 The Birth of a Technique

Chapter 288 The Birth of a Technique


A Spiritual Qi Fist hit the ground as dirt and dust flew into the air, while Wu Long's figure only slightly moved to avoid the move as well as the generated debris while his sword clashed with a chakram.

"The timing was off"

Wu Long's voice was still the same as his normal speech, without being strict or angry, only a little seriousness in his otherwise calm tone. He brushed the chakram off as he stepped to the side, avoiding a staff, and then lightly stomped, his figure gliding to the side as a current of silvery Spiritual Qi came from the point the staff hit but unable to catch up to Wu Long with only a little distance between him and the current's .

"Remember, your chakrams have no weight as soon as they hit the opponent's weapon, and quite easy to bounce off to either harm your allies or impede your other chakram"

Wu Long spoke as he turned his hand swirling with Spiritual Qi meeting another Spiritual Qi fist and breaking it.

"Too many fists for your current control, they are unstable and thus more fragile"

He stepped back as the Spiritual Qi Fist fractured into fragments that still held their form and some destructive force. And then noticed her next fist arriving at the point he stepped back to avoid the fragments.

'Hm? Is that what she meant when she said she wanted to try something out? With how tough and tenacious her Spiritual Qi is, it indeed might work'

He thought as he looked at a piece of debris flying not far from his face, very slowly dissipating into the air while he deviated the path of the Spiritual Qi Fist that came at a calculated timing to the side with a gentler move that did not break it. It would be a few more seconds before the chunk he saw flying by him really loses its structural integrity and thus destructive force.

It seemed that the tenacity of Hua Ziyan's Spiritual Qi became stronger the higher in realm she was, so they could anticipate such chunks of Spiritual Qi Fists that were detached from her control to last longer and longer.

"Scratch my last comment, let's try a barrage with those"

Wu Long sidestepped avoiding another current sent by a staff and accurately piercing the center of a chakram that came at a tricky angle with his sword, swirling it and sending it to the side not far from Shen Min.

A barrage of 25 Spiritual Qi fists came crushing down at him and as he crushed them he had to continuously retreat as each one broke into fragments that held considerable force of inertia. From the side it looked like a small guided avalanche was pressing Wu Long back.

"She was guiding me, you have to anticipate where"

He then stepped out of the barrage, not letting them corner him as he commented to Wei Lan and Shen Min.


Wu Mengqi looked at the explosions of earth and shuddering of the air in the distance where Wu Long sparred non-stop without taking a break with two groups that took turns to rest, one group consisting of three heavenly beauties, and the other being a pair of an old and middle-aged looking men. She was clinging on her sword with a slightly rough breath, her whole body sweaty.

"The break is almost over, Mengqi, we will resume sparring as well"

"Sister Ling, you are a meanie!"

Ye Ling's voice resounded behind her and she made a crying face as she turned.

"Hahaha, come on, just one spar left for today, someone called me 'the best' not long ago... I wonder who it was?"

"At that time I didn't know that you were a Demon Instructor!"

Wu Mengqi cried out her feelings of being wrongly misled.

"Hmm, let's make it two spars"


Ye Ling's eyebrow slightly twitched at being called 'Demon Instructor', and she amended the training regime with the same kind smile and tranquil voice as Wu Mengqi had a cold shiver go down her spine.


Gong Cui looked at the two training zones and then turned her gaze to the corner of the stands in the Martial Arena Wu Long rented out for this training where Cao Xiang and Cao Mei were sitting with Luo Mingyu, studying the techniques and skills Wu Long chose for them.

"Sister, remind me to join that group if I ever want to train with them"

She then said as the mother and daughter in her line of sight were having a peaceful time under a tent with the purple-eyed beauty.

"Un, me too... I mean, it is a good thing to work hard... but..."

Gong Liwei nodded without thinking as she looked at the beauties around Wu Long and Ye Ling being drenched in sweat. She then made a quick comeback to the 'practice makes one prepared' mentality posture but as Wu Mengqi collapsed to her knees, clinging to her sword with both hands with her face on the verge of crying, her determination faltered again.



Wei Lan exclaimed as the dishes were laid on the table before them, trying to drown her exhaustion in the sweet comfort of a delicious meal.


Wu Mengqi feebly supported that thought, her eyes half-closing as she was already dozing off.

Wu Long looked at Ye Ling who sat with a tranquil expression, a calm and gentle smile on her face as always, and chuckled as he recognized that benevolent smile, slightly sympathizing with Wu Mengqi.

"Wu Lo~ng, Sister Ling is being me~an"

Wu Mengqi noticed the slight sympathy in his gaze and clung to him as he chuckled, patting the back of her head as he hugged her back.

"She can be demanding as someone who teaches..."

A glimmer of hope appeared in Wu Mengqi's eyes as she heard his words, nodding along to them with "Un, Un".

"... but that will be for your own benefit so it is something necessary"

"Aaa~ you're both being mean! It's a conspiracy! A conspiracy!"

She cried out as that glimmer was then squashed by his following words and he chuckled again as he cuddled her while a satisfied smile appeared on her face from the skinship.

"Ziyan, I think with a little more polishing the technique might work"

He then turned to Hua Ziyan who was also exhausted but too busy thinking about the fighting technique that was born in today's practice to notice her own fatigue.

"Un, I was thinking if there was a way to explode the fist into fragments on purpose as well, maybe even purposefully shaping the explosion to shape the fragments in chunks"

She then said and he raised his eyebrow as the thought was quite intriguing.

"Great idea, I will need to think a little but I think I can make that happen with a slight variation to the technique's Spiritual Qi control, but it would likely drastically increase in the difficulty of manipulation"

He said and Hua Ziyan nodded with a smile.

"Though if I would later want to use the same method with other fist and palm techniques, would I need to trouble you again?"

"Haha, this is not troubling me, Ziyan"

Wu Long chuckled as he did not mind spending his time to help his women.

"How about a separate technique entirely that allows for that, which you can circulate at the same time with the fist or palm technique? Thus you will not need to modify each technique separately"

Luo Mingyu's purple eyes glimmered with excitement for her friend who was on the verge of embarking on her own path of fighting style.

"Oh! That is good. I'll see what I can do.

That will actually make it easier for Ziyan to control which fist she wants to be relatively more fragile and which more sturdy since the Spiritual Qi circulation paths would be separate"

Wu Long smiled as the other beauties also had the look of realization.

"Thank you so much Mingyu!"

Hua Ziyan made a bright smile and Luo Mingyu happily nodded to her.

"Are you going to name the new technique?"

"Eh? Can I?"

Shen Min asked with curiosity and Hua Ziyan widened her eyes in surprise.

"Of course, this is already a variation of a technique and as you continue to expand on it it will become your technique. There are many Martial Artists who come up with how the technique should work but do not have the knack for designing the Spiritual Qi flow, commissioning Masters of the Martial Dao to do that for them. But the technique is named by the user since their fighting style is where that technique fits the most perfectly"

Ye Ling nodded, quite intrigued at witnessing the birth of a new technique.

"Th... then... um... Avalanche Hand?"

Hua Ziyan put a finger on her lower lip as she thought, and a scene of Wu Long retreating from Spiritual Qi fists that broke into fragments like an avalanche came into her mind. She used fist and palm techniques so the other thing she thought of was simply "hand".

"Hmm, I like the Avalanche, but..."

Shen Min tilted her head as she pronounced the name a few times as if tasting it.

"Oh! I know, how about Mingyu makes the other half of the name?"

Hua Ziyan tried to think a little more, and then, asked Luo Mingyu since it was her idea to separate it into a different technique that would make this move so versatile.

"Eh? Umm... since the technique is auxiliary to integrate with combat techniques... Integral Avalanche?"

"Hmm, that sounds incomplete as well... well, the chunks would first form a structure so... adding 'Structure'?"

Hua Ziyan mused and as if a candle was suddenly lit, an expression of "This is it!" appeared on the faces of the beauties as Ye Ling and Wu Long smiled.

"Integral Avalanche Structure Art... sounds good"

Shen Min smiled.

"A aguree"

Wei Lan gave thumbs up as she was biting another piece of spicy chicken, making her "agree" a little muffled and they all laughed as they continued to have a meal, now also celebrating the birth of a new technique.


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