Chapter 281 Sword God

As Wu Long walked on the wooden bridge, Old Yen followed closely behind him.

"As I thought he is no longer there"

"Will we not visit the Yen Kingdom then?"

"No, we will visit it as planned, there is still some more we could learn, and possibly get rid of some dregs"

Wu Long did not need to turn and look to know that Old Yen had a slightly joyous light in his eyes. Old Yen knew that Wu Long no longer placed as much importance on the Yen Kingdom if the person he was looking for was most likely not there. And his joy was coming mainly not from the fact that he would be able to enact his revenge on the opponent who pushed him out and made him an exile with nowhere to call home. The main source of his happiness at the moment was the care of the man he followed.

He did mention a reason to go there, but it was more of an excuse than anything. They proceeded to return to the mansion, where Wu Long was greeted by the somewhat worried eyes of the others.

"They will be fine"

He told them with a chuckle.

"But we heard some shouting and I think Fairy Gong Cui cried"

"They need to figure some things out, but it is healthier they talk it out than if they try to suppress it"

Wu Long said with a soothing voice as he patted Luo Mingyu's head.

"Hehe, sister Ye Ling told us the same thing"

Wu Mengqi said as she seemed to stop any worry as soon as Ye Ling calmed them down.

Closer to the evening the sisters came out for dinner and were indeed as close as they were before, if not even more so since Gong Cui clung to her older sister.

The next morning they were ready to depart for the Yen Kingdom, and elder Jue who was tasked with sending them off to the edge of the Spiritual Land came forth cupping his hands, dozens of Sect Protectors mirroring his actions behind him.

"Thank you for the hospitality, and your help throughout our stay, Elder Jue"

Wu Long smiled as he cupped his hands as well.

"It was our pleasure, not to mention, we have to thank you for finally relieving the decades of frustration"

Elder Jue smiled as he found over the past days that if he was not provoked, Wu Long was actually quite pleasant to talk to.

"Oh, by the way, please do be careful with the Cloud Piercing Sect..."

"Thank you for the thought, though I doubt they will approach me"

"No, it is quite the contrary... I heard you used Sword Domain in the Wu Family Manor..."

Elder Jue had both concern and doubt in his eyes, it was quite obvious he was curious about the validity of this information that seemed to be too unrealistic.

"Hmm, I was wondering back then as well, but how do so many people know what Sword Domain is and its manifestation?"

Wu Long slightly raised his eyebrow in a little bit of puzzlement. He was surprised to see Wu Family members recognize Sword Domain, something even Ye Ling never saw before he showed it to her.

"Oh, it is precisely the reason the Cloud Piercing Sect might be looking for trouble with you... you see theirs is a Sword Sect, and their Sect Ancestors have all comprehended Sword Intent to a various degree, and it is common knowledge that their current Sect Leader, mostly called by his formal title of Sword God, is a Sword Domain user an-...!!!"

As soon as the man said the words 'Sword God', the nearby-standing Ye Ling's pupils shrank, and a few moments later a sharp aura rose as her face showed absolute fury for the first time since Wu Long met her. The other members of Wu Long's Dao Family looked at her in shock since her current state was in sharp contrast to her usual calm and tranquil demeanor.

"They dare..."

Her voice sounded cold and distant, as shivers went through everyone except Wu Long whose expression sank as well.

"That is quite unpleasant"

Wu Long slightly turned his head to the side, visibly suppressing anger.

"Wu Long..."

"I know, we will visit them, I promise"

As Ye Ling looked at him, he looked back trying to soothe her boiling rage that frightened the beauties and made Elder Jue and the people behind him shudder in abject horror.

"Haa~, sorry if I frightened you"

Ye Ling sighed and then turned to the others, patting Luo Mingyu's head who had the eyes of a scared little kitten, and smiled to the others who looked at her with a newfound understanding that she indeed had a line that should not be crossed, unlike previously when it seemed that such a line did not exist.

"I understand, thank you for telling me"

Wu Long turned to Elder Jue who only nodded, unable to speak out.

After saying farewell, they boarded the carriages and set off to the Yen Kingdom. Wu Long decided to ride in the same carriage with Ye Ling and the others understood that he wanted to soothe her after the conversation before, so they smiled to each other and went to other carriaages.

As they sat next to each other, they did not talk for a while, the sounds of the horses and wheels, as well as the rattling of the carriage being the only ones that were audible.

He held her hand in his as she looked out of the window with a pondering, slightly melancholic gaze.

"Have you met her?"

Ye Ling finally asked in a low voice, her tone already tranquil again.

"I did"

Wu Long nodded as she looked back at him.

"...What is she like?"

"Everything you told me and more, you will see her yourself, there is no doubt about that"

Wu Long spoke with a tender look in his gaze.

"I see, though I doubt she would remember me"

"She would... she does"

Ye Ling, who started to turn to look into the window again sharply turned to him as her eyes widened.

"She... she does?"

"Indeed, she remembered as soon as I mentioned you"

"Y-you talked with her about me? Wait ... it can't be that you..."

The astonishment in her eyes intensified as a certain realization started to catch up to her.

"Y-you seduced the Sword God?!?!?!"


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