Dual Cultivation God Returns

Chapter 264 Fish out of water, hamster in the sea

264 Fish out of water, hamster in the sea

The night silently fell over the rocky peaks, the mansion near a cliff standing in a tranquil silver light of the moon.

Wu Long took some time to relax in the company of heavenly beauties, as they sat on the sofas and armchairs of the living room. Butler Bang served them delicious tea that they all savored while peacefully talking, a laughter occasionally resounding in the room. Shen Min came out of her shell and excitedly talked with Luo Mingyu and Hua Ziyan, but not before thanking the latter for the thoughtful gesture earlier.

Old Yen was out in front of the mansion, keeping an eye out for Cloud Piercing Sect or any other possible trouble. Wu Long did not tell him to do that, it was his own understanding of his role.

After Wei Lan spent some time with everyone, she stood up and quietly left the room, as Ye Ling softly smiled.

'She is indeed perceptive in guiding people'

She thought as Wei Lan accurately picked up on Cao Mei's inner turmoil reaching a culmination during the trip and went off to offer her advice. A trait likely born from years of being an elder and then Grand Elder of a sect, helping the younger generations of disciples through their troubles.

Ye Ling could have taken on the role of helping the girl through the difficult time as well, but the Pirate Princess was a little cautious of her. The only one apart from her mother that she was a little less guarded with was Wei Lan which made her the best candidate to handle the situation.

Wu Long saw that as well and smiled at Ye Ling as their eyes met.

"Haa~ Sister Ye Ling is unfair~ I'm jelly again~"

Wu Mengqi said when she noticed that and then the others laughed as she snuggled into Wu Long's embrace as she was sitting on his right side, instantly turning from a 'depressed' look to a lively one with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

He smiled and wrapped his hand around her, making her blissfully smile as she closed her eyes.


Cao Mei stood on a balcony and looked into the darkness of the ravine below while leaning on to the railing. Summer night wind was fluttering the ends of her short black hair as her figure was lit by the moonlight.

"Reminds me of a time a certain someone was in troubled thoughts while looking at the unfamiliar sea scenery"

Wei Lan's voice resounded and she slightly trembled, then lightly smiling and turning as her hands came to both sides, slightly supporting her as she held the railing that she leaned on with her back, the graceful and mature figure of the former Grand Elder coming into her view.

"You must think it is laughable that the one who sounded so sure of herself and confident back then, even giving you advice is now a sopping mess"

The Pirate Princess' lips slightly curled in a wry, self-mocking smile.

"Not at all, it is normal to be able to give advice to others and yet not being able to deal with one's own problems, since when it concerns someone else you can keep calm. Does not mean that advice of others is always correct but in your case it helped me tremendously, for which I am still incredibly grateful to you"

"You have already expressed your gratitude multiple times, Miss Wei Lan"

Cao Mei shook her head with a sigh.

"And yet it is still not enough. Just so you understand, if I did not take that leap of faith I might have never had the courage to"

Wei Lan shook her head as well as she still thought back to how different the world was for her the very next day after she took that step. As if it was full of meaning again, full of color and strong emotions like in childhood.

"But what is true is that our positions have reversed. You found me in distress while I was in your home territory, swayed by the waves of the sea, and I see you in distress in mine, on a rocky peak of a closed off sect, though not my own"

She then approached and leaned on the railings as well as she looked into the distance while Cao Mei's eyes followed her, widening at the realization.

"Hahahaha, you are right"

The Pirate Princess started laughing as she thought up a comparison that she found funny. She thought that she was like a fish out of water while previously it was as if Wei Lan was a hamster in the sea.

As she laughed she gradually relaxed and then looked at Wei Lan with a slightly refreshed eyes.

"You know, Wu Long never rejected you, since you never approached him in the first place"

Wei Land then said and Cao Mei's eyes widened at this sudden statement.

"But... mother..."

"It would have indeed been wrong if you had wanted your mother to break her relationship with him for you, something she was willing to do..."

Wei Lan continued on as Cao Mei lowered her gaze and nodded.

"...but you did not since you realized that her happiness was as important to you as your own. And you are even willing to sacrifice your feelings in order to not break that happiness she finally obtained. It is very commendable of you as not everyone is able to make such a choice"

There was a tenderness and praise in Wei Lan's voice, which were genuine and thus could go deep into the heart of the heartbroken girl.

"However, since heart cannot be commanded, much like my own when I was struggling with a decision, it is not so easy to give up on your feelings, which was why you tried to avoid Wu Long as much as possible until they completely passed, correct?"

As she made an assumption, tears welled up in Cao Mei's eyes as she nodded, not being completely able to reconcile that she had to give up on her feelings.


Wei Lan then added as she wiped the tear from the cheek of the Pirate Princess with a napkin and had her raise her eyes to look into them, and a surprise appeared in them at the sudden 'but' that she did not expect.

"... you underestimate how greedy that man is"

A smile appeared on Wei Lan's face as she slightly chuckled, still slightly incredulous that she fell for such a man.


"I mean that while it is true that he started a relationship with your mother, he never said that he would not start one with you. Look at how many beauties that man has around him, do you think he is satisfied and will stop? If so, then you clearly are underestimating his greed"

Cao Mei's eyes widened as it slowly dawned on her, what the beauty in front of her was saying.

"B-but that is different, they are all unrelated, but me and Mother..."

"Heh, I honestly cannot believe I am saying this, but do you think he cares? No... scratch that, he probably does... in a positive way"


Cao Mei looked at Wei Lan with round eyes as the latter slowly started laughing since the face the Pirate Princess made was of utter astonishment. The thing that made her laugh was the absurdity of what she was saying was incredibly apparent in the reaction of the young maiden in front of her, yet she knew that it was true.

"W-wait... so you mean?"

"Hahah, fuu~, as I said earlier, you have not been rejected, because you did not approach him, so how could you know? You just have to follow the very same advice you once gave me on that ship"

Wei Lan calmed down from her laughter, and after breathing out to settle the residual laughing reflex, told the still shocked and almost speechless Cao Mei.

The latter slowly turned back to look at the scenery, as the words of the former Grand Elder slowly sank in.

Wei Lan did not disturb the thought process of the short-haired beauty and simply looked at the scenery beside her.

After some time, Cao Mei's eyes lit with a new light, and a glint of liveliness returned to them as her beauty that was becoming slightly dull in the recent days became vibrant again, like a new life was breathed into her.

"Um... I never know until I try"

Cao Mei said with a low but decisive voice under her nose and Wei Lan proudly smiled as she recognized that light in her eyes, the light of hope. She was incredibly happy for this young lady and at the same time proud that she was able to play a role in helping her, finally able to do something for her.

As she looked at the maiden in love whose cheeks turned rosy, a little more rosy than even excitement would produce, Wei Lan was in an inspired and enlightened mood when...

"I wonder if he will let me call him 'Daddy' in bed"

Cao Mei's words made her freeze on the spot with that proud smile.

"Thank you, Miss Wei Lan!!! I will never forget this favor!"

Cao Mei then said with a wide 'innocent' smile and excitedly went off to the inside while the frozen solid Wei Lan continued to stand in the same pose and with the same expression. Her smile then slowly turned into a rueful one as she turned to look to the dark ravine, staring into darkness.

"Haa~ girls these days~"

She sighed as she was previously constantly flabbergasted at how open-minded the trio of Hua Ziyan, Luo Mingyu and Shen Min was. This time she completely gave up on seeing the younger generation as 'innocent'.

Hehe XD

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