Dual Cultivation God Returns

Chapter 261 The World is Small

261 The World is Small

Wu Long helped Hua Ziyan clean up, as well as remove any traces of their "testing" from the product. They would of course buy it anyway but in order for Hua Ziyan to not feel too embarrassed Wu Long made sure that there was no evidence of just how exciting their shopping was this time.

As they made their purchases they went out of the shop, her face flushed red. But since the shop attendants saw Wu Long whispering to her from time to time they assumed that their exciting night ahead was what made her blush so much and they smiled at the cute couple.

When they came back Wu Long led her to his room and they went to sleep together, as she cuddled into his embrace. He did not advance since his foundation started to show slight signs of instability after continuous breakthroughs, instead cultivating the Spiritual Qi War Art.

Hua Ziyan, on the other hand, made a significant advancement reaching the Revolving Qi Realm.

As he thought, the second connection resulting from the third layer of the Dual Extremes Infinite Union Art became stronger, and the efficiency of cultivating rose.

He could feel his cultivation incredibly incrementally, but still rising being stimulated by her Yin Root.

"Ziyan, I am not trying to make you spoiled, but I do want you to be more open about your wants"

He said as he looked up at the ceiling while feeling her soft naked body against his.


She nodded as she understood what he meant, but it was still not easy to get rid of inner fears or habits.

"Ziyan, who do you think I see you as?"

He then asked and she became silent, and he wryly smiled as he understood that she was too scared to even think of such a question, let alone have an answer.

"Let me tell you so that you do not wonder, you are my woman. Not a cultivation partner, or just a lover, you are my woman, and my Dao Companion, a part of my Dao Family"

Wu Long continued to say as he felt her slightly shake in his hands. His hand went on to pat her head over her silky hair as he soothed her.

"I love you, Ziyan"

He then whispered into her ear and she first jolted, and then tightly hugged him as he held her close, gently patting her head as she lightly trembled in his embrace.

"I love you"

She continued saying these words as she clung to him and he soothingly cuddled her until she fell asleep.


In the morning they departed for the Profound Music Palace, arriving closer to the evening.

As they were escorted to the inner parts of the sect, Wu Long noticed that the gazes on them were curious but still held that feeling of superiority.

'Heh, as expected of the Five Great Sects'

Wu Long shook his head as he usually did not enjoy interacting with higher-ranked sects of a particular region. It typically did not end well... for the sect.

"Greetings, Mister Wu"

An old woman with white hair and turbid eyes greeted them in the hall they were led to. There were some people in Elder clothes in the hall, but a small number signifying a select few who knew about the goal of their visit. It was not publicized information, so it made sense that even within the sect not many people knew of the entity that was backing the Profound Music Palace.

"I am the Palace Master of the Profound Music Palace, Fan Shuei"

"Wu Long"

He smiled nonchalantly, as a few Sect Elders frowned at his carefree attitude in front of the Sect Leader.

"I wanted to ask you why did you want to meet with the Protector"

"As far as I understand they already agreed to meet with me"

Wu Long did not directly reply, implying that it was not something he was willing to share.


One of the elders to the side of the hall stood up with an enraged expression.

"How dare you talk with Palace Master in such a way?!"

"I find it far more presumptuous to interject into the conversation of your sect leader without being allowed to. Or is this behavior your intention, Palace Master Fan?"

Wu Long shrugged his shoulders and the man froze as the eyes of the whole room were now on him. While it was true that Wu Long did not adhere to the strict rules of conduct that were usually implemented in the sect, shouting from the side while the sect leader was talking with the visitor, was infringing on the authority of the sect master, and was not, very mildly expressing it, a model of correct behavior either.

"No it is not, Elder Yen, while I appreciate your eagerness, I would ask you to restrain yourself. My apologies, Mister Wu. It seems the discipline was lacking"

"If you say so, Palace Master Fan"

Wu Long lightly brushed past the topic since the sect leader handled the matter.

'Willy old fox, you say that the discipline was lacking and yet your eyes tell me it's not a coincidence'

Wu Long inwardly thought as he looked at the shrewd sect leader who tested the waters with minimal consequences.

'Heh, what a sharp young man, he shut up not only Elder Yen but anyone from interfering'

The sect leader looked at Wu Long who cut off the "I am not speaking, my subordinates are speaking up of their own volition" play at the root. Thus anything that she wanted to be voiced had to come directly from her from now on, expressing her stance explicitly.

Meanwhile, Old Yen looked at the elder who sat with an apologetic yet still somewhat disgruntled expression closely from behind Wu Long, and noticing that Wu Long raised his eyebrow and also looked at the elder.

'Heh, they say the world is small, and it looks like it is'

Wu Long thought as he did not expect to see someone from the Yen Kingdom as soon as he arrived at the Profound Music Palace.

He then turned back to the sect leader, who was looking at him with attentive eyes, seemingly trying to discern something.

"It is getting late, so please stay in the sect today, Elder Jue who escorted you here will show you to your quarters"

Wu Long nodded and after some light words of courtesy left the hall with his group.

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