Chapter 255 My Most Beloved

Wu Long noticed that there was a man whose role, as Wu Long guessed, was to call for the guards who were standing by in the adjacent hall. But seeing the strange turn of events he was now nervously standing, not knowing whether to follow the pre-determined scenario or not.

Nie Guanting was now calm and would be easily able to solve any misunderstanding, thus there was now no way to make it a dispute between Wu Long and the Imperial authority.

Though Wu Long did not fear the consequences of going against the Imperial Palace guards but he did not enjoy playing into someone's hands, aside from times when it was a part of his own bigger plans.

"Um... can I ask you how are you so strong?"

Nie Guanting who was hesitating, quite obviously struggling with his own pride, finally decided to ask.

"Skill and knowledge"

Wu Long simply replied while turning away and leaving as his physical prowess came from his vast knowledge that allowed him to practice good techniques that tempered his body, but it was not the only factor why this man could not do anything to him, since Wu Long used skill in Spiritual Qi manipulation to spread the force of the impact and channel most of it into the air pressure.

Old Yen followed closely as Nie Guanting was left pondering on the spot, the surrounding guards and attendants feeling awkward since no one wanted to disturb him and yet seeing him kneeling with a beat-up face was extremely uncomfortable for them, being who they were and his status.

Wu Long left the palace as Old Yen approached a little closer to him.

"Um... was this the Ministers?"

"Most likely, it seems they are not a monolith as well, since that Dodo or something..."

"Minister Du Xia"

"...that one, seemed to understand it was not wise to antagonize me. The one who made an ambush a few days ago and tried to pit me against the Empress again today is evidently of a different opinion. Though it could be two different ones as the method used today is a little bit smarter, only a little though"

Wu Long analyzed as he went through the streets to the inn he stayed in.

"So Minister Du Xia was not involved in both incidents?"

Old Yen asked and Wu Long shook his head.

"I don't know. You ask this since you cannot be sure, and I was just making a guess based on what the man felt like when I met him, the cautious type"

Wu Long said and Old Yen nodded as this was his observation as well.

"Umm, did you not consider taking that man, Nie Guanting as your subordinate?"

Old Yen asked and Wu Long chuckled.

"What, you sympathize?"

"Hmm, a little. I saw a familiar expression..."



"You saw an expression on that face?"

"Ah... no, not that, I mean I saw a familiar glint in his eyes"

Old Yen scratched the back of his head as he was slowly and carefully treading with his words.

"He reminded you of yourself?"


"Hmm, to be honest, he might be of use"

Wu Long said with a pondering look on his face as he felt like Old Yen was quite lacking in combat, and placing someone more robust in martial way beside him might be a good idea. Nie Guanting was a good choice since he and Old Yen were making up for each other's weak sides.

"But it depends on whether he asks to follow me, and if he is willing to leave this empire behind to do so"

Wu Long shrugged his shoulders as in the end making such plans at this point was like writing with a blade on the surface of the water.

He arrived at the inn and went to join his women as they welcomed him with smiles.

He spent the next days in their company, going on dates with them from morning till evening. Nie Xiwang told him that he would have guides, so he patiently waited for said guides to arrive, using the time to thoroughly let his beauties enjoy everything this city of luxury had to offer.

"Is it okay for you to spend time so leisurely?"

Wei Lan asked him as they were sitting in a high-end restaurant on a separate date in the evening. He went on a few dates with all of them, but he also went on these separate dates with each of them, giving them his undivided attention.

"Training, researching, cultivating, becoming stronger, those are very important things, no one can dispute that. However, Lan'er, you must keep in mind why do we do them, since on their own they are pointless and hollow. It is moments like these when we enjoy ourselves that give meaning to the time we spend to make it possible. Why live if you do not take time to enjoy life a little?"

Wu Long replied, and still seeing a trace of doubt in her eyes he chuckled as he added "You wouldn't want to give up the delicious meal that is about to arrive to go train, right?"

She gasped and nodded with rosy cheeks, and then her face became slightly dazed when she thought of the course they ordered as he delightedly laughed at that sight.

He loved seeing his women happy more than anything, giving them joy was something that in a way kept him going, as he relished the feeling of bliss and comfort.

Wei Lan was exhausted from training non-stop for the past few days. Wu Long knew that she was conscious of being possibly left behind, as she was surrounded by younger, more talented women who still had a lot of potential while she was already coming close to the limit her natural talent allowed for. Even while she was told that talent was not the end-all-be-all that determined one's path it was not easy to not worry. However she tried to tuck that worry in, it was still easy to see for Wu Long.

He did not say anything since any words of reassurance would only further intensify her anxiety. And it was also a matter of giving her space to deal with her own worries. He knew that she would approach him or Ye Ling for advice if she really needed some, as unwarranted meddling usually brought opposite results.

When the meal ended she got sleepy, and he carried her to the inn on his back. As he lay her into her bed she softly moved her lips in her sleep.

" my beloved..."

He smiled and tenderly moved his hand to brush off a lock of hair that came down her face.

"... sweet and sour chicken..."

She then mumbled and he froze.

'Heh, I lost to chicken'

He thought as a wry, somewhat defeated smile appeared on his face as he continued on the motion and gave her a kiss on the forehead after removing the lock of hair while she continued to mumble her favorite foods. He tucked her in and went out of the room.

" most beloved... Wu Long..."

She mumbled with a blissful smile as he closed the door behind him.

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