Chapter 241 Their Departure

Log in to get LK and view more chapters.Wu Long waited as she basked in the afterglow and then still clinging on to him, her consciousness gradually slipped into deep sleep from blissful exhaustion.

He slowly let her legs touch the ground and came out of her as he cleaned himself and her, as well as the ground beneath them, with the formation that he prepared beforehand, and then fixed their clothes while holding her with one arm as she powerlessly leaned on him.

When he finished erasing all traces of their 'night adventure' he scooped her up into a princess hold and went off to his room as talismans he left earlier started appearing from their invisible state. He came through the light film of Spiritual Qi barrier that shielded off sound, sight and spiritual perception, and it crumbled not long after he passed, the talismans slowly withering away and turning into fine dust that was carried off by the wind.

This one cultivation session cost him quite a lot if one considered the high quality of resources that he used to make these talismans but he was never thrifty when it came to his women and his time with them.

When he got to the room he took off her clothes and gently and carefully bathed her and washed up as well, after which he carried her off to the bed.


In the morning, Cao Xiang woke up slightly fatigued but incredibly comfortable. Wu Long always used a technique that prevented sore feeling even when he was rough and the cultivation took his partners to the brink of their limits.

As her dazed eyes looked at the ceiling while she turned up from the warm chest that she was leaning her head on in her sleep, the memories of last night slowly came to her and her cheeks turned rosier and rosier until she was beet red. She slid into the covers and squirmed, still trying to not make any loud noise or make any big movements but there was still a blob of bed covers that was slowly tossing and turning.

'Cao Xiang! You are...! What age do you think you are to... to...! Ugh! You have a daughter for heaven's sake!!!'

She was internally admonishing her lustful behavior last night, talking to the version of herself in her memories almost as if it was another person, which she very much wished it to be but the reality was not so convenient for her.

"Haha, good morning to you as well"

As the blob of covers squirmed around Wu Long's voice caused it to abruptly stop, and then her face with red cheeks very slowly emerged from under the covers as she looked down, still not ready to see his face. But since she took away the bed covers, when she looked down, what she was actually looking at was his body, and her gaze shot up to his face that had a wide smile while he leisurely laid with his hands behind his head.

"Khu-kum, Um... that is..."

'How could I? Say... say... so much shameful... he is so... no, not that... Aaaaah!!!'

She cleared her throat but struggled to find words, as her shameful behavior last night and the sight she saw before were making her head dizzy with rapid and chaotic thoughts, internally screaming in panic.

He chuckled as he looked at her and then suddenly sat up, moving his face to a position within a distance of a few centimeters of hers.

"...! ... hic... hic..."

"Tsh... hahahahaha~"

She gasped with wide eyes and then started hiccuping as he slightly widened his eyes and then started laughing.

"This is... hic... no! I am... hic... umph!!!"

The rosiness of her cheeks intensified again as she felt that they were burning up. A little more and it would be possible to see steam from how hot her face became as she tried to stop the hiccups and explain.

He suddenly leaned in and kissed her, and it was as if an electric shock ran through her, turning her head blank of all those chaotic thoughts she had before. The hiccups stopped as abruptly as they came as his arms went into the bed covers and held her. The covers she clung to loosened up, and as if repeating the same motion as the day before, slid off of her. He leaned in and slowly pushed her to the bed as he tasted her soft lips and entwined their tongues while hugging her.

She never felt so blissful as at this moment when he was tenderly and at the same time passionately expressing his thoughts through the language of their bodies. She instinctively understood that he was very satisfied with last night and she embraced him as happiness fluttered in her heart.

'I must have been crazy if I wanted to give this up', was her thought as she relished in the blissful morning with him on the bed.


A little bit before noon, everyone gathered in the inner courtyard as the Gong sisters informed them that they would be leaving today.

"It is about time we depart, Cui'er needs to return to the sect, she has left without warning, after all.

We did not want to leave without saying our goodbyes and properly thank you. Cui'er come here and thank our benefactor"

Gong Liwei said with a sincere look in her eyes and Wu Long smiled.

"Sister, they're such nice people, can't we stay a bit longer?"

"Cui'er! We have already imposed on them, and overstaying our welcome is not a good thing, besides, what about the Profound Music Palace?"

"Eeh, they can wait a day or two, it's not like the Palace will move away while I am here"


"Fine, fine, haa~ it is sad that we have to go. Thank you very much for helping Sister and me, and letting us stay with you"

Gong Cui finally gave up and said in a slightly sulky voice.

"Hahah, it was my pleasure to help two beauties. And thank you very much for accompanying Mingyu, your comprehension of Music Dao at such a young age is incredible"

"Hehe~ praise me more!"


Gong Cui puffed her chest while placing her fists to her waist in a proud pose and while Gong Liwei was red from embarrassment, the others laughed and Wu Long chuckled as he praised the beauty more.

"Hehehe, hey, hey Sister, as I thought, this guy is a good guy!"


Gong Liwei facepalmed as tinkling laughter of heavenly beauties resounded in the inner courtyard of the inn.

"Heh, but she's right, you know, you are welcome to stay. No need to worry about overstaying your welcome as it is far more generously spread than you presume"

Wu Long then chuckled and told Gong Liwei while stars appeared in Gong Cui's eyes as she looked at her older sister with a pleading expression.

"No, we really have to go, Cui'er needs to report to the sect before they start a continent-wide search, and I need to cut some loose ends in the Eastern Forest Province as well"

Gong Liwei remained adamant, prompting her little sister to slump in dejected protest.

"But thank you very much, both for the welcome and for the help..."

"Alright, I see, though you can always run into my arms if you want to thank me"

"Can't you remain serious?"

Wei Lan rolled her eyes at this very familiar to her response as Wu Long shrugged with a wide smile and the others laughed again.

"Wow! Sister, this nice guy's giving free hugs!"


As Gong Cui instantly came to life again and eagerly approached Wu Long, Gong Liwei took her by the collar, stopping her advance.

"Heeeeh? But whyyyy?"

The Music Dao Cultivator exclaimed as her older sister saw where this was going and gave up on having a normal farewell, nodding to Wu Long and the others, subsequently dragging away the beauty in her arms as the latter was still eager to get her 'free hug' while the others bid their farewells and smiled while shaking their heads.

Wu Long spent the rest of the day with his beauties as he awaited the answer from the Blade Empress. Cao Mei did not join the group as she was too embarrassed but Wei Lan went to accompany her with Cao Xiang.

After time approached evening again, Wu Long went off to a room that was guarded by Butler Bang.

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