Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3004 – Heavenly Dragon Knight

Chapter 3004 - Heavenly Dragon Knight

“What is that?”

Jiang Chen realized that the Stone Dragon was extraordinary, but he was not sure what it was.

“I guess they’re not just Stone Dragons.”

Bing Yun said with a slightly wrinkled brow.

“They are true dragons! Obviously, they just breathed out the dragon’s breath.”

Jiang Chen said lightly. He could feel the dragon’s spirit released from the stone dragons, which was quite similar to his aura. If they were merely Stone Dragons, it was impossible to release the dragon’s breath as those Stone Dragons would never exhale the breath of life.

“Did you say true dragons? Why did the true dragon die here? It seems dreadful and terrifying, there are even seven of them here.”

Xue Liang was astounded, he wondered why the Stone Dragons appeared here. Even Bing Yun was full of doubt, wearing a thoughtful expression.

“Watch out. It seems like these Stone Dragons are aggressive, they are rushing at us.”

The Third Elder said under his breath. The Seven Stone Dragons showed up in a terrifying way and the dreadful breath was coming closer slowly. Their eyes expressed a kind of awful killing intent which looked frightening and unpleasant.


All of a sudden, the Stone Dragon greeted them with a deafening roar. The Seven of them shed their skins and the green dragon scale was revealed. Their eyes were filled with endless killing intent but it seemed soulless and less spirited.

The Azure Dragon soared high into the sky, its skin of stone was fully cast off and its aura had reached another level. Most of them had reached the Mid Hierarch Realm.

“Ten million years had passed since their death and now they were trying to stir up trouble!”

The Third Elder snorted, surging forward furiously and launched an attack towards the Azure Dragon. He was determined to fight against the Azure Dragon alone but most of them might not be able to get rid of it easily.

“Goddamn. You have such a strong fighting spirit and tenacious vitality.”

Dou Tianhuang howled ferociously while the Azure Dragon hovered in the air and leapt high in the sky.

Yang Xikuan, Chi Haifei, Qian Renji and Bing Yun, each of them were dealing with one. On the other side, Jiang Chen, Xue Liang, Huang Bo and Sheng Kun, who were slightly weaker in strength, joined hands and fought against an Azure Dragon together.

The strength of the Green Azure Dragon was beyond their imagination. The dragon’s breath was far more powerful than the terrifying swords. The dragons were twisting and overturning the world. The Azure Dragons were unbeatable and invincible!

Except for the Third Elder and Dou Tianhuang, most of them failed to resist the aggressive attack of the Azure Dragon. They were on the defensive and were retreating most of the time. Jiang Chen and the rest were confronting an Azure Dragon, but they did not gain the upper hand even though they were ganging up on it. However, the four of them did not exert their full strength while fighting the opponent. If they struck out with all their strength, the rest would not be able to save them in time when the Azure Dragon tried to kill one of them.

At the moment, Jiang Chen was burning with curiosity to find out the background of the Azure Dragons. If they were true Dragons, the Nine Region was truly an impressive and attractive place. The Qiu Niu that was found in the Icy Sea Divine Dragon Palace previously, was an incredibly terrifying creature. However, that place was not guarded by seven Azure Dragons so that was merely a soulless place. Even though seven Azure Dragons did not show any vital signs, they were determined to protect the tomb. It seemed like they were expressing their strong dedication and loyalty.

A whisk of the Divine Dragon’s tail swept through the sky and the four of them were forced to step backward. At the same time, both the Third Elder and Dou Tianhuang had successfully defeated the two Azure Dragons first and entered the center of the tomb, the others were left behind. At the moment, Qian Renji and the others had finally realized that the Third Elder was truly cold-hearted and merciless. It filled them with disappointment and despair. They were suffering the oppression of the Azure Dragons, tricks and powerful Divine Tools seemed useless in front of them.

“Take care, guys. They’re too strong so I have no choice but to protect myself.”

After the Third Elder finished his words, he turned away immediately. While Dou Tianhuang had exhausted all his powers to defeat the Azure Dragon and was not concerned with the Profound Connection Divine Palace. Hence, he had no reason to risk his life to help the others.

“I have never expected the Third Elder to abandon us mercilessly. Haha. This is so sad.”

Yang Xikuan said with a bitter smile.

“What shall we do now? The Third Elder have no alternative but to flee for his life and leave us behind. It is every man for himself. Although he is cruel, this is human nature. I would probably do the same thing If I was in his position.”

Chi Haifei said while shaking his head. They could only protect themselves with their own effort when the situation had backed them into the corner.

At the moment, the two Azure Dragons were not pursuing the Third Elder and Dou Tianhuang. Instead, seven Azure Dragons struck out together and attacked Jiang Chen and the others. Chi Haifei was blazing with anger. The mightiness of the Azure Dragons had driven them against the wall, without a chance of winning. At this rate, all of them would be exterminated!

“The Eighth Sword!”

Jiang Chen was holding the Heavenly Dragon Sword, the shadow of the sword was raging furiously. The shadow of the dragon was similar to the Azure Dragon. Once the Heavenly Dragon Sword struck out, the Azure Dragons stopped their aggressive attacks toward Jiang Chen and changed their target. The rest of them had become the next target.

“The Heavenly Dragon Sword is filled with the dragon's spirit. It seems like these Azure Dragons are from the true Dragon Clan.”

Jiang Chen murmured under his breath while touching his Heavenly Dragon Sword.

Jiang Chen knew that the Azure Dragon was not going to attack him since he owned the Heavenly Dragon Sword which has the dragon’s spirit. The Azure Dragons would not attack those from the same race!

“Those Azure Dragons are way too terrifying, I am no match for them.”

Bing Yun exclaimed in shock. She was forced to step back once again. The injuries on her body were getting more serious while Qian Renji and the others were even worse. They had been backed into a corner after the departure of the Third Elder and Dou Tianhuang. Their loyalty to the Third Elder was paid with betrayal and abandonment during this critical moment.

“There are Seven Azure Dragons here. I am counting on you now, Heavenly Dragon Sword.”

Jiang Chen surged forward with his sword and swept through the sky. As expected, the Heavenly Dragon Sword cast a shield before all of them. At that moment, the seven Azure Dragons stopped their attack instantly. Each of them was astonished. They thought they were going to die in that situation but Jiang Chen just snatched them out of the jaws of death at the most critical moment. The seven Azure Dragons stopped moving.

“Did it work?”

A faint smile flickered across his lips. Everyone fixed their eyes on Jiang Chen. The Heavenly Dragon Sword was overbearing and invincible and was even able to stun the seven Azure Dragons. This sounded like an unbelievable miracle.

“We should leave immediately! I am not sure how long this will last.”

Jiang Chen shouted.


All of them nodded heavily. Jiang Chen just made a stunning turnaround, he made it!

“Let’s go!”

Jiang Chen urged them to leave this place. Everyone entered the central area hastily while the seven Azure Dragons started moving once again. This time, there were seven men in gold armor riding on the Azure Dragons and a dreadful spirit spread over the void.

Jiang Chen realized that the seven of them were trying to hold their breath.

“Now I know who they are……”

Bing Yun was filled with despair, murmuring under her breath.

Even though all of them were able to enter the central area, Jiang Chen was still there!

“They are the invincible Divine Army trained by the Ancient Great Emperor, Heavenly Dragon Knight……”

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