Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1477 – Overpowering

As soon as King Fan’s killing intent emerged, numerous people were stunned. Even Yang Ling was petrified. He wouldn’t have thought that Yang Bufan would really unleash his murderous intent towards him. It seemed like Yang Bufan was really going to kill him. However he still firmly believed that Yang Bufan wouldn’t dare to kill him, as he was after all, a member of Yang Family, the same family where Yang Bufan had come from. Yang Bufan would have to be insane if really he killed a royal family member just for an outsider.

As a matter of fact, there was no sentiment or love within the royal family. There were intense competition even amongst brothers. He was just a tiny Yang Ling that was worth nothing.


Yang Bufan struck. His palm pounded on Yang Ling’s face. The force of the palm strike wasn’t small. Yang Ling had no chance to react at all. His head went spinning, and went dizzy before he fell to the ground.

*Barf...* *Barf...*

Yang Ling spewed out blood. The palm strike had straightaway battered his mouth, pulling out of all his teeth. It showed how violent that slap was.


Pandemonium broke out. Everybody was in great trepidation. King Fan’s momentum was just too great. He would fight without hesitation even if his opponent was an elder. As a matter of fact, the insignificant elder and King Fan were at two different levels. When Jiang Chen hit an elder, he was considered treacherous, but when it was King Fan who hit the elder, the case had completely became different. No one would dare to punish King Fan, the young Immortal Emperor.

Seeing Yang Ling being slapped to such an extent, the disciple who had been slapping himself felt a chill down his body, and he slap himself harder, not daring to stop at all, afraid that Yang Bufan would personally send him a slap if he so ever stopped, that would also mean that he would die. Given Yang Bufan’s strength, one slap could really send him to see the King of Hell.

“King Fan, you and I are of the same sect. Are we going to kill each other for the sake of an outsider?”

Yang Ling raised his head and mumbled. Facing the formidable King Fan, he began to feel somewhat afraid. He knew Yang Bufan’s identity. Even if Yang Bufan killed him, he was afraid that his death would be in vain.

“Humph! Is an old dog worthy of my place? You should take a look at who you are. Since you are so loyal to Crown Prince, I’ll now kill you. I would like to see if Crown Prince will come out just to save you.”

There was killing intent all over Yang Bufan’s body. Today, he had to establish his prestige. As King Fan Prefecture had just been built, if King Fan didn’t show some ruthlessness, others would think that King Fan Prefecture was just a pushover.


Yang Bufan flicked his hand. A sparkling dagger fell right in front of Yang Ling.

“Since your surname is Yang, I will give you the chance of killing yourself,” said Yang Bufan said coldly.

Many people noticed that his eyes didn’t have the slightest emotions. In Yang Bufan’s eyes, Yang Ling was already a dead man.

Such a situation turned the atmosphere even more tensed. At the beginning, everyone thought that Yang Bufan was just venting his anger on Yang Ling. It was beyond their expectation that he would kill Yang Ling, however. Anyone could tell that Yang Bufan wasn’t joking. He was going to take Yang Ling’s life for sure.

It was the first time that such an incident had happened in Genius Prefecture.

No one dared to speak. Everyone was watching the scene silently. There was only the slapping sound of that disciple on the scene. That disciple seemed to be sparing no effort while slapping, like he wasn’t slapping himself. The two sides of his face had already gotten swollen.

Yang Ling stared at the dagger in front of him absentmindedly. A surge of chilly intent instantly affected his soul. Only now did he know that Yang Bufan wasn’t joking with him. Yang Bufan was serious about what he said. Yang Bufan really wanted to kill him.

“King Fan, this matter is unrelated to me. It was Elder Hu who sentenced Jiang Chen into that valley.”

Yang Ling’s voice quivered. He was really scared. Every person was vulnerable in the face of death. People like Yang Ling in particular had always been afraid of death since birth. He was used to being indulged and nurtured by Genius Prefecture all along, feeling that death was just so far away from him. He had never expected death to come so quickly.

“You will die. The same goes to Hu Yao. You all wanted Jiang Chen’s life. Then you all will pay for it with your lives. Since you won’t do it yourself, I will help you to do it.”

Yang Bufan was determined to kill the man as he was exceedingly angry. As soon as his words faded, he pointed a finger at Yang Ling’s glabella. A ray of golden light pierced through Yang Ling’s glabella like a sword with a ‘Pu Chi’ sound. Yang Ling’s body trembled. The brilliance in his eyes began to fade. His vital force was draining gradually, and then he sprawled on the ground, motionless.

Yang Ling was killed. His face was painted with fear and reluctance before his death.

This kind of scene frightened everyone. Most of them didn’t even dare to inhale loudly. Yang Bufan’s means was just too brutal. He killed ruthlessly and decisively. There was no ripple of emotion in his eyes. He was like a frenzied killer that blood could no longer stir his emotions.

No one knew how many people Yang Bufan had killed. He had been in Evil Abyss for ten years and he was the Evil Lord there. In his eyes, life was as fragile as insects. Only the strong were respected.

This was the first time he had killed a man since his return in the Imperial Capital. He exposed his powerful side to everybody – the cruel, domineering and unsentimental side.

“What an overbearing King Fan! He doesn’t even hesitate to kill. And he killed an elder of Genius Prefecture for the sake of his people. It’s worth following this kind of man.”

Dong Fei was deeply attracted and fascinated by King Fan’s dominance. In his point of view, Yang Bufan and Jiang Chen were the same kind of people – they were really strong. In a world governed by the law of the jungle, only the strong ones could survive well.

Yang Ling was dead, but it wasn’t over yet. It was just the beginning judging from Yang Bufan’s momentum. Just like what Yang Bufan had said, Hu Yao would never get away from his destined death.

However, the people didn’t believe that Yang Bufan would really kill Hu Yao. After all, Hu Yao’s identity was incomparable to Yang Ling. Hu Yao was a true Immortal Emperor, the elder in charge of the outer prefecture. He couldn’t be killed just like Yang Ling.

Nevertheless, this line of thought didn’t exist in Yang Bufan’s head. Without looking at Yang Ling’s corpse, he flew skywards in a flash, heading for the palace where Hu Yao lived in the outer prefecture.

“My God! King Fan has gotten really mad. He’s going to cause havoc in Genius Prefecture! Let’s go and see.”

“Is he really going to kill Elder Hu Yao? This is crazy!”

“It’s very likely. King Fan is obviously more ferocious than King Ping and the Crown Prince. He is a kind of man just like Jiang Chen who is not afraid of anything. Elder Hu Yao is going to be in danger today. Although he’s an Immortal Emperor, he can never be compared to a genius like King Fan. Even when King Fan was just a half-step Immortal Emperor, Elder Hu wasn’t necessarily the opponent of King Fan, let alone now.”


The outer prefecture was stirred. A lot of disciples were flying towards the palace frenziedly. The day of King Fan’s advancement to Immortal Emperor was also the day of a major incident in outer prefecture.

Almost all of them had already left. However, the disciple of Crown Prince was still slapping himself very seriously. He had lost count of how many slaps he had made. He must have made a few hundreds slaps. Despite that, he still didn’t dare to stop.

He was truly terrified by King Fan’s ferociousness. Yang Ling had died. If he were to stop his hands, he probably would die as well. All of this was caused by his single sentence which made him feel very aggrieved.

King Fan was going to kill Elder Hu Yao as well, so he wouldn’t mind killing another little shrimp like this disciple.

“Hey, stop slapping yourself. King Fan has already left,” Someone approached the disciple and said disdainfully.

“Ah! Already left?!”

The swollen face of his revealed a panicked expression. It only dawned unto him that Yang Bufan had ordered him not to stop before he left. Now that King Fan was gone, he could stop for good.


He then fell to the ground on his back. His hands and face were numbed as if he was going to collapse.

Yang Bufan straightaway stepped into the palace of Hu Yao. The whole mountain peak trembled as his foot landed on it. Some rocks rolled down from the peak. Lines of cracks appeared in the palace’ walls as though a big earthquake had happened.

“Hu Yao, show yourself.” Yang Bufan’s voice reverberated through the building.

Hu Yao who was in the middle of seclusion was immediately alarmed. He seemed incomparably angry. He was the elder in charge of the outer prefecture. Given his identity and status, he didn’t believe that someone would actually dare to come to his palace and cause trouble.

“Who has come to disturb this elder?”

Hu Yao’s voice rang from the interior of the palace. In the next moment, Hu Yao rushed out furiously. But when he saw King Fan, his facial expression changed. All of his fury was concealed.

“Congratulations on advancing to the Immortal Emperor realm, King Fan. I wonder why King Fan has come to this elder’s palace, and what has made King Fan so angry,” Hu Yao asked.

“Were you the one who sent Jiang Chen to that valley for a month?” Yang Bufan asked coldly.

“It turns out that King Fan has come for the kid who doesn’t know the height of the Heavens and the thickness of the earth. That’s right. It was my order to send that kid to the valley to reflect on himself. He was just too arrogant. He had no respect for the elders and had beaten up the elder. As the elder of the outer prefecture, I would naturally have to resolve this matter.” Hu Yao said solemnly.

“Hu Yao, listen closely. It’s not up to you to punish my people. As you want to take Jiang Chen’s life, I will use your life to pay for it then.”

Yang Bufan’s momentum was majestic. He made no attempt to conceal his killing intent. Yang Ling had already been killed. Hu Yao would also have to pay a hefty price. He wanted everyone to know that he, King Fan, wasn’t a person to be trifled with.

“Could it be that King Fan wants to fight this old man for real?” Hu Yao was stunned. He never thought that Yang Bufan would be so powerful, however he was not scared. After all, he was also an Immortal Emperor expert and he had a certain status. Even if it was King Fan, Hu Yao couldn’t be killed as King Fan pleased. Plus, Hu Yao was also an elder of Crown Prince Palace. King Fan couldn’t afford to shame Crown Prince Palace.

“I have come to kill you.”

Yang Bufan said, then turned into a ray of light, rushing at Hu Yao. Hu Yao’s face changed dramatically. He already knew what was coming, seeing Yang Bufan’s action. He also knew that he was not a match for Yang Bufan.

Yang Bufan struck out a palm halfway. The terrifying palm reached Hu Yao’s face in a blink. Without delay, Hu Yao raised his palm to meet the attack.


*Ka Cha!*

The two great Immortal Emperor experts’ palm connected. Boundless Qi waves rolled skywards. A bone-cracking sound rang out. Hu Yao was sent flying away. One of his arms was twisted.

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