Dragon-Blooded War God

Chapter 612: Bewitching Lady Mo

Long Chen turned around and saw a woman in her twenties. She was looking at him with dumbfounded eyes. She was indeed pretty and had a mature air about her.

Long Chen remembered that that was what Chen Guangjun’s wife called him. He had to admit that he was unlucky. He had decided to avoid going to Chen Guangjun’s house so there wouldn’t be any slip ups, and he never thought he would meet her here.

It was clear that she had come to ask the Fierce Tiger Martial King if he knew the whereabouts of the Hundred-War Martial King.

“Lady Mo.” Long Chen could only play along.

His words had just escaped his lips when she pounced into his embrace. She hooked his neck with her pale arms as she cried happily.

“My dear, you are finally back. I thought … I thought …” She cried pitifully.

She pushed herself into his chest, and her sexiness aroused Long Chen a little. He pushed her away slightly to calm himself down. “Alright. It’s fine now. I’m back. Don’t worry, I was delayed by something minor. Let’s go home and talk.”

Long Chen was worried that she would see through his disguise after saying so much, but Lady Mo did not notice anything wrong.

“Alright. Yu’er and Zhan’er are waiting for you at home.”

The Hundred-War Martial King had a son and a daughter. One was seven and the other was six. The son was called Chen Guangzhan and the daughter was called Chen Guangyu. Long Chen had memorized their names too.

With Lady Mo by his side, Long Chen knew that he had no choice but to follow her home. He couldn’t afford to risk his disguise by ditching her in the streets, so he stayed with her.

Along the way, Lady Mo kept asking about what had happened, and Long Chen had to lie to her. She listened with tears in her eyes, feeling pity for her husband.

Long Chen was glad that everything was proceeding so smoothly.

He was actually pitying Lady Mo since her husband was dead and she would have to raise her two children alone.

Soon, they reached the Hundred-War Martial King’s estate. The children were sitting at the doorway, staring outside. They jumped like rabbits when they saw Long Chen and Lady Mo returning. They each hugged one of Long Chen’s legs. “Father! You are back! We missed you!”

The children were very cute, but Long Chen didn’t know what to do. Thankfully, Lady Mo and the children didn’t notice anything wrong with him. Long Chen decided to deal with it by heading into the estate first. He was confident that as long as he was here, he would have a chance to enter the Nine Spirit Pavilion.

The Nine Spirit Pavilion was the entrance to the Nine Spirit Purgatory.

“Both of them were very naughty when you were away.” Lady Mo winked at Long Chen and chuckled.

“No! Me and my brother were very obedient,” Yu’er complained.

“Mother is the bad guy! She tried to frame us! Hmph! I don’t want to be friends with you anymore.” Zhan’er scoffed at Lady Mo playfully.

The two of them were very cute, and Long Chen actually liked children. He thought that it would be perfect if he and Ling Xi had a son and daughter.

That was the future Long Chen wanted.

The only issue was that he wasn’t sure how long he would have to wait until then.

“Father, where are our gifts?” The two children looked at him.

Long Chen froze. He didn’t know what the Hundred-War Martial King had promised them, and he would be in trouble if he didn’t deal with this situation properly.

Seeing how Long Chen said nothing, Lady Mo quickly interjected. “Your father was in danger and got injured. He couldn’t get anything for the both of you, so don’t trouble him any further.”

Her kind words swept like a wind, and the children nodded.

Long Chen was saved!

They entered the Hundred-War King estate afterwards.

Lady Mo went off to prepare dinner since it was late, so Long Chen sat in the courtyard to talk with Lady Mo’s children. Since they were young, they didn’t feel like anything was off with Long Chen even though he was silent most of the time.

Soon, it turned dark and they had their dinner. After Lady Mo put the children to sleep, Long Chen didn’t know what to do. He stood in the courtyard as he tried to plan his next steps. The moon illuminated him in a soft glow as Lady Mo walked out and hugged his arm. “You must’ve been waiting for so long.”

Her face was flushed red.

Waiting for long?

Long Chen was stupefied.

He didn’t react when Lady Mo pulled him into her room and locked the door. She then approached him. “When you were gone, I asked my cousin to find you, but he had to guard the Nine Spirit Pavilion, so he just sent some men to do it. After some time, they came back and reported that you were missing and most likely died. I almost went crazy when I heard their news, but thankfully, you returned …”

She started crying.


Long Chen suddenly remembered that Lady Mo indeed had a cousin. He was also a Martial King, but he worked underneath Xiao Lin. Doesn’t that mean that if I get close to the cousin, I can get close to Xiao Lin and win his trust too?

Long Chen thought that the plan was plausible.

He suddenly found a way to execute his plan.

All he needed to do was wait here and Lady Mo’s cousin would definitely appear after hearing the news of his return. All Long Chen needed to do was ask for a recommendation to work under Xiao Lin and it would probably be fine.

The only challenge now was not to reveal his true self to Lady Mo.

Long Chen sighed in relief when he finally had a goal. Thankfully, neither she nor the children had discovered his true identity, so he was confident in his disguise.

“Dear …” He suddenly heard a bewitching voice.

When he turned to her, a pair of slender arms wrapped around his neck. Lady Mo pushed her voluptuous body onto Long Chen. He looked down and saw that her eyes were already glazing over and her lips were slightly parted. Her blushed cheeks showed that she was getting aroused too.

Ack! Long Chen suddenly realized that Lady Mo hadn't seen her husband for quite some time and they were supposed to consummate tonight! Long Chen could not do this, and now he realized he had been backed into a corner.

“Lady Mo, I don’t think that we should do this today. I haven’t recovered.” Long Chen had to purposefully make his voice hoarse as he pulled himself out of her embrace.

“Haven’t recovered?!” Lady Mo’s eyes became clear again as she controlled herself. “I’m sorry … We can do it some other time … I thought you were having a hard time controlling yourself too …”

Lady Mo blushed because her advances were turned down.

Long Chen could only smile.

Ten minutes later, Long Chen laid on the bed like a log as Lady Mo cuddled him. She hugged his waist and placed her head in his arms. Long Chen was supposed to cuddle only with Ling Xi, but he had no choice today.

“Lady Mo, uh … I should cultivate now.” Long Chen despised himself for saying this, but the warmth and softness of Lady Mo’s body was not something he could handle right now. Her body and scent invoked something primal in him.

“Weren’t you injured? Rest now. No need to work so hard,” Lady Mo said unhappily.

Long Chen had to wait until she fell asleep to escape her embrace. He had to admit that he envied the Hundred-War Martial King for having such a pretty wife and cute children waiting for him at home.

Suddenly, Lady Mo stuck her hand into Long Chen’s pants and groped him without any warning.

Lady Mo sat on Long Chen’s body and chuckled. “You said you were injured, but look at how hard …”

Then she suddenly let go in fear. “Wait, this isn’t right. You … When did you become so big?”

The dragon signified the utmost Yang, so thanks to the Inherited Blood Essence, Long Chen was also given the most magnificent girth. It was natural for him to be bigger than the Hundred-War Martial King.

Long Chen had been very careful, but he never thought he would slip up like this.

Lady Mo’s eyes filled with fear. She stood up and stammered, “You … You are not my dear! Your scent is different too!”

Long Chen never knew guys had a scent too.

Only a woman who spent a long time with someone would recognize it.

He was found out.

Before she shouted, Long Chen pushed her down and covered her mouth with lightning speed. “Don’t shout, or your children will die.”

Lady Mo was frightened to her core.

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