Dragon Blooded War God

Chapter 308: Killing Yu Tao

Chapter 308: Killing Yu Tao

Experts at the Heavenly River Realm were incredibly resilient. Although the halberd had cut into half of his neck, Yu Tao was not dead. His eyes widened, filled with infinite despair and fear. Humans feared death after all, and in this state, Yu Tao was not far from it.

His mind went black at this sudden death. The teenager standing in front of him with violence in his eyes forced Yu Tao to believe that it was reality.

He was going to die by Long Chens hand.

Was this a dream? He had not even attacked yet, but his head had been chopped off by Long Chen! Long Chens move was fast and precise, meant to kill in one move. He had spent massive effort building all his skills over the decades, yet he had been eliminated so quickly!

That was Dragon King Burial.

Since youre not completely dead yet, tell me about Zhang Yuanteng. Is he dead or alive? Long Chen had not taken the halberd awayit was still lodged in Yu Taos neck. He knew that if he took it out, Yu Taos head would fall on the ground.

Then he would be completely dead.

Yu Taos provocation, the self-blame due to Zhang Yuantengs death, and the growing killing intent in his mind all made Long Chen realize that he had started to lose control of his body.

The Ancient Bloodsoul Dragon is terrifying

After a momentary rush of blood to his brain, he had ended Yu Taos life. Now that Long Chen had calmed down to think, chills ran down his spine.

Yu Tao moved his lips with great difficulty. He clearly had something to say. Long Chen listened carefully and finally understood that the dying Yu Tao said two things. First: you will die. Second: Song Yuefeng.

Then his head slumped over, and when Long Chen pulled his halberd away, Yu Taos head fell on the ground.

He looked at Yu Taos eyes. Even in death, his eyes were wide open, staring at Long Chen unwillingly. But there was also some anticipation in them after he had said Song Yuefengs name. Song Yuefeng was a treasured child of the Harmony family. If Long Chen had a conflict with him, he would definitely die, and Yu Tao would be avenged.

This was why Yu Tao had uttered Song Yuefengs name in the end.

Long Chen did not care about the problems that would come after killing Yu Tao. The Ninth Prince would definitely make him suffer. Right now, his heart was filled with self-blame for Zhang Yuantengs death and enmity towards Song Yuefeng.

Of course, it was possible that what Yu Tao had said was a lie, though Long Chen could easily find out if he went to Area Seventeen to ask around. Yu Tao was not likely to lie just before he died. If it was true, then Song Yuefeng deserved to be killed.

Long Chen had no idea what to make of that guys personality. He had merely outdone him a little in front of the Sword Devil, and he had killed Zhang Yuanteng over that? Violent, unreasonable and arrogant. These were the traits of the dwarves. Song Yuefeng was an example.

Dwarves Dwarves again

Long Chen recovered from his violent state after killing Yu Tao, but the killing intent rose again when he thought of Song Yuefeng. And the guilt within him made him feel torn.

I refuse to let you die for nothing! He might be part of the three noble families, but so what? Its impossible to get the Nine Heavens Immortal Fruit with my current strength anyway! Why dont I just take Ling Xi far from here? When I reach the Ninth River Stage and no one in the Counter Essence Realm can beat me, I can come take the fruit again! he roared in his heart.

Long Chen had felt suffocated during his days in the Counter Essence Realm! More importantly, Ling Xi was still in Yuqin Palace, and this made him constantly worried. Killing both Yu Chong and Yu Tao was a sign of explosive growth in his strength, and the growing killing intent in him was related to the Ancient Bloodsoul Dragon and himself!

After killing Yu Tao, Long Chen made his decision.

Im not staying in this damn place anymore! Fuck this! Zhang Yuantengs death made it difficult for Long Chen to calm his violence-filled heart. Without a word, he left Yu Taos body there and went straight for Area Seventeen. If Song Yuefeng had truly done something, he did not mind avenging Zhang Yuanteng!

After advancing to the Fourth River Stage, Long Chen traveled like a gust of wind, quickly arriving at Area Seventeen and heading towards the base. Due to the stampede, most of the Immortal Guards were outside cleaning up the mess. Song Yuefeng, being a young master of the great Harmony family, was sure to be in the base enjoying himself!

Song Yuefeng The thought of the arrogant young man provoked the anger in him. The closer he got to the base, the redder his eyes became and the heavier he breathed. Faint, blood-colored dragon patterns appeared in his eyes.

Other people soon saw Long Chen. Due to his fierceness, they quickly ran to inform their superiors.

Every area had one Fifth River Stage Area Leader to deal with matters of magnitude like stampedes. It was the same with Area Eighteen. Since Song Yuefeng had only just become an Immortal Guard, he had been sent to the Elementary Zone to gain experience despite being at the Fifth River Stage.

That was why there were two Fifth River Stage cultivators in Area Seventeen right now. Due to his wealthy background, Song Yuefeng was expected to be much stronger than Yu Tao.

As he approached the base, Long Chen felt the Ancient Bloodsoul Dragons calls to kill start again.

Kill him! Avenge Zhang Yuanteng!

Zhang Yuanteng was innocent, but he killed him! He deserves to die!

Im going to take Ling Xi and leave anyway! So what if I kill him? Now that I have comprehended Blood Warp, I can rush out of Counter Essence City even if I kill Song Yuefeng!

These thoughts gradually invaded Long Chens mind.

Thick blood Qi radiated from his body, and the power of a Fourth River Stage cultivator erupted from him. There were many cultivators of the same level here, but no ones aura was as strong.

Who are you?! A shrill yell came from inside, then the dwarf rushed over angrily along with a group of Third and Fourth River Stage cultivators. When he saw that it was Long Chen, Song Yuefengs eyes turned cold and he smirked. What? Did you just hear the news? And came here to take revenge? You guessed right! I killed that pitiful little bug! But I did not kill him personally. If you tell the Sword Devil, my father will stop him!

The moment they met, Song Yuefeng blurted out the truth without reservation, that he had killed Zhang Yuanteng. It was clear how arrogant he was.

How did he die? Long Chen halted, forcing his voice to be flat. If not, he might not have been able to control himself and would've attacked instantly.

How did he die? Is that important? Haha Seeing as you came such a long way to ask, Ill tell you. Werent the immortal beasts coming? Wasnt he going to enter the protected area? If I broke both his legs, wouldnt he just lay there? Wouldnt he get torn to pieces? Surrounded by a group of people, Song Yuefeng laughed hysterically. He relished this feeling, to be able to bully Long Chen like this, making him furious but not daring to attack. The frustration Long Chen had caused him at the steel tower finally disappeared.

When the rest saw him laugh, they laughed too.

Dwarves really are animals through and through. And you bunch of traitors, why are you laughing with him? said Long Chen, trying to calm his emotions.

Zhang Yuantengs legs had been broken and he had been torn to pieces. These words stabbed into Long Chens heart like knives. What other people could not see was that drastic changes were happening inside his body. His blood was boiling and countless blood dragons were roaring within.

Even after Long Chens accusations, the people who were laughing did not intend to stop, as if they were proud of it. Long Chen had sentenced this bunch of spineless people to death.

You say we are traitors? Sir Song Yuefeng is the number one young master of the Harmony family, which is one of the three noble families of the Cangyang Kingdom. The dwarves are one of us! What did you mean by that, you punk?

Yeah, why are you so rude? Did your parents raise you that way?

Everyone started to lecture him.

You said you broke his legs and let him get ripped apart alive by the beasts? Long Chens gaze finally fell on Song Yuefeng. He lowered his head, startling violence hidden in his eyes.

Yeah, thats right. But what will you do to me, punk? Do you dare to fight the Harmony family? You are a lowly peasant! Haha Song Yuefeng was bent over laughing.

Long Chen no longer spoke. He took out the Azure Dragon Halberd. Words were useless at this point. Pointing the halberd at his target, he said with contempt, Do you have the guts to duel me?

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then they laughed hysterically.

Alright, alright. If I dont teach the brat a lesson, he will keep crying. Ill show him whats what, chase him off, and well drink the night away. Everyone, what do you say?

Of course, Young Master. Once you hit him, this idiot will become an idiotic pig.

Doge & Chacha's Thoughts

They deserve to die

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