Dragon Blooded War God

Chapter 288: Sending You To Hell

Chapter 288: Sending You To Hell

Long Chen possessed the advanced Black-tier Nine Dragon Flashes as his body combat technique of choice while the dwarf lady, he guessed, had an elementary Earth-tier body combat technique.

However, Long Chen had completely mastered the Nine Dragon Flashes, so he was as fast as her. In fact, he could even move faster than her.

When she saw this, she gasped. Youre only at the First River Stage, yet you have mastered a body combat technique to this level? How is that possible? Arent us dwarves the only people who possess such talent?

The dwarves are nothing! Long Chen grinned.

Xiaolang was already engaged in battle against the Eight Clawed Fire Chi, and Long Chen wanted to join him as soon as possible, so he did not want to waste time talking. Halberd in hand, he charged at the dwarf!

With the Dragon Soul Transformation and Azure Dragon Halberd, Long Chens attacks were almost more powerful than hers.

Your halberd that must be an intermediate Earth-tier divine weapon! When she saw that her dagger was forced away by him, her eyes were fixed greedily on his halberd.

Long Chen knew that this couple had to die, or they would bring Goldfish Island more trouble in the future.

Azure Dragon Combat Technique, Starsweep Dragon!

The elementary Earth-tier technique was unleashed. Countless rays of light shot at the woman. After seeing such a powerful attack despite him being merely at the First River Stage, she started treating him as an equal.

Secret Technique, Piercing Sun! The dark green dagger in her hand spun quickly, and a blinding ray of light flew towards Long Chens forehead. At the same time, her footsteps quickened!

She was using a delicate technique against his large attack. Indeed, she was smart, but Long Chen would not let her get her way.

From the womans perspective, Long Chen was using the halberd, which was a long weapon, while she was using a short weapon. As long as she closed the distance between them, Long Chen would be done for.

The manic energy from Starsweep Dragon brushed past her. Since both sides were using body combat techniques, neither attack injured their target. However, she used this opportunity to arrive by his side. With a cold smirk, she thrust her dagger towards his waist!

Long Chen felt the sharp aura of the dagger. He immediately released one hand from the halberd, and the bright Sword Devil Finger appeared. The shining sword light not only blocked her dagger but also forced her back!

He showed no mercy, unleashing several quick consecutive Sword Devil Fingers so she was forced backwards. When she finally retaliated by breaking one of the attacks, his cold chuckle rang in her ear!

Azure Dragon Combat Technique, Nine Heavens Dragon Ascension!

He was using an intermediate Earth-tier combat technique despite only being at the First River Stage, yet he managed to utilize it to its full potential. In that moment, the world seemed to darken as a furious Azure Dragon soul charged at her!

The woman had almost lost all hope in the face of such a sudden powerful attack. She did her best to flee using a body combat technique while simultaneously launching various attacks to defend herself!

Then she suddenly had an idea. She tugged at her clothes so that they came undone, and a pair of huge breasts were freed. Long Chen was almost blinded by them.

After undoing her clothes, she hurriedly made a pitiful expression, signaling that she was begging him for mercy.

What the fuck. Long Chen was speechless. Although this was the biggest, most tempting thing ever, this was nothing compared to Ling Xis beauty. Long Chens stomach turned, and his hands did not stop. He continued to drive his halberd into her chest, and the gigantic force from the Nine Heavens Dragon Ascension killed her immediately.

Is he not a man? That was the dwarf ladys only thought before she died.

From her perspective, no man shouldve been able to deal the killing blow in the face of such temptation.

Indeed, there were not many people who could proceed after seeing the best thing in the world. Long Chen was unfortunately the minority. After being by Ling Xis side day and night, and witnessing her pure innocence, every other woman might as well be a pile of poop.

Long Chen did not pause for even a moment after killing the dwarf lady. He spun his halberd around and ran towards the Eight Clawed Fire Chi. The battle between it and the Sun Devouring Wolf had reached its peak!

Although that woman was at the Second River Stage, her actual combat abilities had not even reached Emperor Yuans level. If Long Chen could kill Emperor Yuan, then he could kill her.

Unbeknownst to Long Chen and Xiaolang, the dwarf man who had been injured by the beast was able to crawl on his feet. Looking at the womans body, hatred filled his eyes. After glaring at Long Chen venomously, he prepared to flee Goldfish Island.

The direction he had chosen to run towards was coincidentally where Ling Xi was. He had heard what Long Chen said to the woman and learned that Long Chen had killed his clan members. His objective now was to head over to see if he could kill someone in order to take revenge!

Long Chen and Xiaolang were focused on the Eight Clawed Fire Chi, which was nearing its limit after taking countless hits.

Blood Devouring Domain! Xiaolang covered for Long Chen, who unleashed his formidable killing technique!

When he joined forces with Xiaolang, the divine technique became extremely effective because Xiaolang was not affected and now possessed a greater advantage!

The Eight Clawed Fire Chi was a Category Three Earth-tier beast. Long Chens Blood Devouring Domain should not have had much of an effect on it, only slowing its movements at most. However, it had sustained topical injuries from fighting the dwarves, plus the Sun Devouring Wolf had injured its feet!

Its body was covered in cuts. Under the influence of the Blood Devouring Domain, blood flowed from the cuts to Long Chen. Although it was not much, it would die from lack of blood if this continued!


The Eight Clawed Fire Chi let out a furious roar. It went insane when it noticed that the amount of blood in its body was decreasing, and bloodlust filled its eyes. It waved its claws hysterically, and while they did not strike its opponents, they caused the ground and mountain to break!

Xiaolang, nows your chance! Long Chen yelled.

Xiaolang immediately rushed to a direction where the beast could not see him and opened his mouth. A pillar of black flames shot towards its back!

The Nine Devil Ancestral Fire left a giant crater in its back. Its blood and flesh turned into black ice and shattered!

The Eight Clawed Fire Chi lost a huge chunk of its body, including internal organs. At this point, it clearly could not survive any longer. Very soon, its eyes dimmed and it crashed to the ground, throwing a cloud of dust into the air!

In reality, targeting the head wouldve been the most fatal attack strategy, but Xiaolang had spat the Nine Devil Ancestral Fire at its back because he wanted the demonic core in its head.

That attack also meant that one-tenth of the beasts blood was lost. Long Chens heart ached. He was now a First River Stage cultivator, and this Category Three Earth-tier beast far exceeded his Qis level. It would likely help him ascend to the next level!

Damn! The Eight Clawed Fire Chi was tough to beat. But now, all the good stuff on its body belongs to us. Long Chen was ready to give Xiaolang the demonic core and use Blood Transmutation. That was when he noticed a commotion coming from the east.

That was the direction leading to Ling Xi.

Long Chens nerves tightened. His gaze swept across the area and lo and behold, the dwarf man who had been hurt by the beast was no longer there. Long Chen had a bad feeling. That dwarf must have headed towards Ling Xi!

The dwarf was a Second River Stage cultivator, so Chen Feng and Chen Lei were likely no match for him. Terrified, Long Chen abandoned his plan for Blood Transmutation and ran as fast as he could towards Ling Xi without even calling for Xiaolang!

Xiao Xi

Violence filled his eyes. This was an oversight on his end! If anything happened to Ling Xi, he would never forgive himself!

The wind howled in his ears as rage coursed through him. However, he felt slightly better when he noticed Xiaolang catching up.

Xiaolang didnt know what had happened, but he had abandoned the Eight Clawed Fire Chis carcass. This showed how important Long Chen was to him.

It took less than thirty breaths for Long Chen to arrive. To his horror, he saw that Chen Feng was already wounded, barely standing with help from a few Goldfish Island warriors. Chen Lei was stubbornly standing in front of Ling Xi, facing attacks from the Second River Stage cultivator. Due to what Long Chen had said, retreat had never even crossed his mind!

The dwarf stared at the beautiful Ling Xi with fire in his eyes. Her beauty had made him completely forget his initial objective. As long as he could take Ling Xi away, he would leave this place.

That was when Long Chen and Xiaolang rushed over.

You idiot! You think you can stop me? This is my final strike! Im sending you to hell! The dwarf swung his dagger at Chen Leis neck.

Doge & Chacha's Thoughts

Save Ling Xi!

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