Dragon Blooded War God

Chapter 275: Advancing Into the Heavenly River Realm

Chapter 275: Advancing Into the Heavenly River Realm

Two hundred Heavenly River Pills? Why do I need to use so many? Long Chen was lamenting this even though his life was in danger. He only had two thousand Heavenly River Pills, and he would need two hundred of them just to carve out the space inside his body. He had a feeling that two thousand pills would not be enough for him to go past the Heavenly River Realm.

But his life was in danger and he had no choice but to consume them. He took out two hundred Heavenly River Pills and carved out the eighteen Star Veins.

The eighteen dark-blue Star Veins covered his body, from his chest to his arms, from his head to his bottom, and even down to his legs. The strong Star Veins were everywhere.

The Star Veins could be seen faintly from the outside. When all eighteen of them intertwined throughout his body, it appeared like the starry night sky. But currently, the Star Veins were empty; they lacked the power of the constellations.

There were two important steps to enter the Heavenly River Realm successfully. One could either do both of them at the same time or complete them separately. It was only when both of the steps were completed that one would be recognized as an official Heavenly River Realm cultivator. Now that Long Chen had carved out the space in his body, he had completed the first step. For the second step, he needed to draw in the power of the constellations and merge it with his Dragon Soul Qi to form a liquid. He would then need to place the liquid inside his Star Veins.

Now that it was daytime, Long Chen could only complete the first Yang heavenly river found within the Dubhe Starry River. As for the other, he could only do it at night. He was preparing to fill in the first Star Vein in his body, the Dubhe Star Vein!

The Star Consolidation Method was used to carve out the space, but to draw in the power of the constellation, he needed another method. It was time to use the Star Attraction Method! It was a formless technique that could attract the power of the constellations just by looking at them. Long Chen was preparing to use it!

This is

With a silent boom, Long Chen found himself in the void of space. In front of him were the grand constellations. They were boundless, and Long Chen was deeply shocked by the magnitude of the universe. He had a feeling that the constellations were calling him, and his spirit was connected to them, allowing him to hear them.

Long Chen snapped back to reality and found himself back in his original location. The only difference was that he felt a new power inside his body. It was a wild yet cohesive energy that slowly filled his first Star Vein.

This was the basis of true strength.

As the formless energy poured into his first Star Vein, Long Chen guided his Qi and merged it into the Star Vein. When his Dragon Soul Qi and the energy of the constellations met, they slowly merged. Long Chen saw that there was starlight inside the blood-red Qi, making it look like a glittery river of blood flowing in his Dubhe Star Vein.

He zoomed out and saw that his Dubhe Star Vein looked identical to the Dubhe Starry River in the sky. Compared to the pale blue Dubhe Starry River, his blood-red Dubhe Star Vein was even more glamorous with its glittering red color.

When Long Chen finished merging his Dragon Soul Qi with the power of the constellations, a beautiful, red river appeared in his body. This was only one of the Star Veins of the Dubhe Star Vein. It could be said that he had taken half a step into the First River Stage, but even so, his strength had multiplied!

Long Chen opened his eyes.

A beam of blood-red starlight pierced into the skies and parted the clouds. Long Chen stood up in his transformed state. His aura was completely different now that he was at the Heavenly River Realm.

Long Chen, having barely survived the ordeal, was now stronger than before. Mo Xiaolang was very happy to see that, but Emperor Yuan despaired. When Long Chen was carving out the space in his body, Emperor Yuan had a feeling that he might succeed. He had tried to pull away from the wolf to kill Long Chen, but he had failed to do so.

When Long Chen stood up, Emperor Yuan was already covered in wounds. If he did not run now, he would die by Long Chens hand.

Emperor Yuans face paled from fright when he saw that Long Chen had successfully entered the Heavenly River Realm.

Long Chens eyes were filled with blood-red starlight. If he could kill the First River Stage Eastern Azure Dragon Patriarch even before he entered the Heavenly River Realm, then he would most definitely be able to kill Emperor Yuan now after entering the Heavenly River Realm. Emperor Yuan could not even take down the wolf, much less Long Chen.

Having to pick between dignity and life, Emperor Yuan chose the latter. He tossed away his ego and arrogance and was left with nothing but despair.

This brat I cant believe he survived! How lucky is he? If I fight him now, I will most certainly die. Unfortunately, it's too late to turn the situation around.

Emperor Yuan was covered in wounds, but he fled with all his might. Long Chen was going to leave Yuanling City soon, so if could escape and bide his time, he would be safe.

But Long Chen would never let him escape.

Even though he was only half a step into the First River Stage, his speed surpassed those at the Second River Stage when his transformation was active. Since Emperor Yuan was wounded, Long Chen could slowly catch up to him.

Mo Xiaolang was also chasing Emperor Yuan from another direction.

Blood Devouring Domain!

A blood-red mist consumed Emperor Yuan. Long Chen designated Emperor Yuan as the sole target, and the entire force of the technique completely focused on him. Thanks to Long Chen power-up, the Blood Devouring Domains strength had also increased. It could only limit Emperor Yuans movement last time, but now Emperor Yuan was completely trapped!

Blood flowed out of his wounds and flew towards Long Chen.

NOOOOO! Guttural cries came from Emperor Yuan. Under the influence of the Blood Devouring Domain, he inched forward slowly. He looked back and used all of his Qi to control his bloodhe couldnt let Long Chen consume it!

Long Chen, what kind of monster

Emperor Yuan felt a sharp blade flash past his neck. He didnt even finish his sentence when his world turned around. The last thing he saw was a youth smiling at him cruelly.

He then lost consciousness.

After Emperor Yuan died, Long Chen dispelled the Blood Devouring Domain. Emperor Yuan was only one stage higher than him, so his blood was not very useful. Also, thanks to the loud noises from their fight, the Ninth Prince would soon learn of what had happened. Long Chen did not want the Ninth Prince to know that he could absorb the blood of his opponents to increase his strength.

Emperor Yuans headless body fell to the ground.

And his head was laying underneath Long Chens foot.

When Emperor Yuan turned around, Long Chen had cut off his head with the Azure Dragon Halberd.

Long Chen felt relieved after dealing with Emperor Yuan, but the fight had been anything but easy. His life had been on thin ice from start to finish. Long Chen felt cold sweat cover his body when everything was over.

He looked back at Mo Xiaolang. Mo Xiaolang was already beside him and was very happy to see that Long Chen had become stronger again. As long as Long Chen completed the first Yin Star Vein, he would be roughly as strong as Mo Xiaolang.

Long Chens strength had once again come closer to Mo Xiaolangs after the latter became the Sun Devouring Wolf.

Mo Xiaolang was somewhat pitying the dead Emperor Yuan. The strongest man in Yuanling City was now dead, thanks to Long Chen and Mo Xiaolang.

Lets go. Now everything is truly over. Let's say goodbye to everyone before we head to the capital. We should go to Sister Mengyaos place to say goodbye to her first.

Mo Xiaolang nodded.

As for Emperor Yuans corpse, Long Chen was certain that someone would come and fetch it soon.

In reality, a lot of people had watched their fight from the sidelines. The news of Long Chen killing Emperor Yuan soon spread across Yuanling City. They werent exactly fighting in a secret location, so people naturally found out very fast.

The Ninth Prince mustve heard of the fight, but he didnt show up. Maybe he came but didnt want to help me? Long Chen thought about the problem. The Ninth Prince must have been told about their fight almost as soon as they started. If the Ninth Prince wanted to save him, he wouldve done so, but he had not appeared at all.

Or maybe he saw that I was about to enter the Heavenly River Realm and decided to stay put

They soon left the scene.

Once they were gone, more and more people gathered around the corpse of Emperor Yuan. None of them dared to approach Long Chen, the strongest person in Yuanling City.

In a dark corner, the Ninth Prince had seen everything that had happened. He gave his butler a confused look. Elder Yan, Long Chen used almost two hundred Heavenly River Pills to carve out the space in his body. He also has the ability to devour blood.

My Lord, you only gave him a hundred Heavenly River Pills. That means he encountered a treasure trove. Its likely that he obtained something else in the ruins. Also, consuming almost two hundred Heavenly River Pills means that the quality of his body far exceeds that of everyone in the Cangyang Kingdom. Ive never heard of someone of that caliber before. The butler sighed.

But that doesnt mean his body is guaranteed to be superior. There was once someone who used more than a hundred Heavenly River Pill to carve out the space in their body, but after that, their achievements were close to nil. They were extremely weak. The reason why they needed so many Heavenly River Pills was because their body was extremely poor and required a lot more resources than other people to catch up. But Im more curious about his technique that devours blood. He must've encountered something extraordinary before. I wonder if he has anything on him that would shock me? the Ninth Prince said calmly.

My Lord, are you planning to do something?

No, we cant rush this. I can do it slowly once we are back in the capital. I dont want to spook him. The Ninth Prince smiled.

Doge & Chacha's Thoughts

Power up lets goooo

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