Dragon Blooded War God

Chapter 258: Divine Fire Clone

Chapter 258: Divine Fire Clone

Has he agreed to it? asked the Burning Heaven Emperor excitedly.

Mo Xiaolang could not speak, so he only nodded.

Long Chen could only shake his head with a bitter smile. This was Mo Xiaolangs decision for his own life, so he could not stop him.

Its a pity I dont have enough time left to witness the result. After such a long chat with you guys, the soul power I have saved up for countless years has been all used up, and I shall return to the cycle of reincarnation. The Burning Heaven Emperors heart was filled with bitterness.

Sir, do you have any unfulfilled wishes youd like us to help you with? This was all Long Chen could say.

Wishes? Its been so many years. What wishes could I have? The Burning Heaven Emperors gaze swept from Long Chen to Xiaolang. Then his eyes brightened as he said, It is tremendously lucky that we have met here at this time. Both of you possess extraordinary talent, and I can tell you have a close bond. I have no unfulfilled wishes, but I wish nothing but the best for you. I never had a brother like that in my life, so I admire the brotherhood between the two of you. May you two look out for each other for the rest of your lives!

Thank you, Sir! Long Chen and Mo Xiaolang looked at each other and smiled. The Burning Heaven Emperor seemed to also be a person who took friendship seriously.

I should be the one thanking you two for accompanying me on the last leg of my lifes journey so calmly. The Burning Heaven Emperor gave a small smile.

As they waited, Long Chen felt at a loss for what to do, because he was witnessing the end of a life. However, the Burning Heaven Emperor maintained a faint smile on his lips right until his spirit completely disappeared. Perhaps dying so happily was the most beautiful release.

Xiaolang, lets go. Long Chen put the two books on the rotting table in his Universe Pouch, then he called for the little black wolf on the ground. Mo Xiaolang still wasnt able to control the Sun Devouring Wolfs body well, so when he trotted along, he was awkward and wobbly, making him look comical.

Of course, girls would find this adorable.

No one would expect such a cute wolf to be an apex predator as described by the Burning Heaven Emperor.

Closing the door gently, Long Chen did not hurry deeper into the room but rather opened the other door. Xiaolang was now a demonic beast, so he could not utilize the Heavenly River Pills. This meant that all the pills in the room belonged to Long Chen alone.

When he opened the door, a huge amount of star power flowed out, almost knocking Long Chen over. Fortunately, the Heavenly River Pills star power was gentle in nature.

Stabilizing himself, Long Chen looked closer and saw dozens upon dozens of Heavenly River Pills in the room. The countless pills transformed the room into a starry night sky, each pill sparkling like a star.

Im going to be rich! Long Chen broke into the widest grin. This was, without a question, the most assets he had ever owned. The divine jades he previously had were nothing compared to these Heavenly River Pills. All his divine jades might not even be worth the price of two pills.

Long Chen knew that even the Azure Dragon Patriarch owned no more than ten Heavenly River Pills himself. Yet there were piles and piles of them in this room

If Ling Xi were here, she would have given me several hard kisses! Its a pity. I dont know when that girl will wake up. Im going to show her my fortune the moment she does! Haha Long Chen was delighted. He counted the pills as he gathered them up. Half an hour later, the room was empty and all the Heavenly River Pills were in his pouch.

There are about two thousand Heavenly River Pills in total! Xiaolang once said an average Fourth River Stage cultivator has a net worth of about a thousand Heavenly River Pills. So, does that mean Im richer than an average Fourth River Stage cultivator? When I enter the late Heavenly River Core Realm, I will be able to ascend to the Heavenly River Realm within a very short time thanks to all these pills!

This was an opportunity for him to become stronger, laid before his very eyes. Long Chen was extremely excited.

Long Chen and Mo Xiaolang were the greatest winners of the trip to the Burning Heaven Secret Realm. Although Mo Xiaolang had lost his body and turned into a beast, he had received extraordinary abilities, so it was difficult to say if it was a good or bad thing. However, Long Chen had received the larger part of the Burning Heaven Emperors inheritance, so relatively speaking, reaching the mid Heavenly Core Realm was a minor win. He had received three separate things in total.

First, the Nine Spinning Fire Shield, which was an intermediate Earth-tier defensive combat technique. Defensive combat techniques were rare, rarer than body combat techniques, in fact. This was the equivalent to the last two attacks of the Azure Dragon Combat Technique.

Second, two thousand Heavenly River Pills, of course. Even the average Fourth River Stage cultivator did not have wealth like this. With these pills, not only would he be able to enter the Heavenly River Stage confidently, he would also not need to worry about money for a very long time.

Third, the Divine Fire Clone technique. To Long Chens shock, it was an even rarer combat technique, even rarer than life combat techniques. Many people had not even heard of techniques like this. Divine Fire Clone should more aptly be called a divine technique, specifically an advanced Earth-tier divine technique!

This was Long Chens highest-tiered combat technique so far, ranking above the Azure Dragon Combat Technique.

Long Chen glanced through the instructions for Divine Fire Clone. He would have to condense his Qi into a True Fire Seed and store it in his meridian point during his usual cultivation process. When facing an opponent, he could then release the True Fire Seed to form a clone made of fire!

The clone would be completely controlled by Long Chen's mind and could assist in attacks. It would have about one-fifth of Long Chens strength, though of course, its stamina would be vastly different from that of a true cultivator. The number of clones one could create was related to the cultivators Qi and cultivation level.

Divine Fire Clone had four stages. After mastering the first stage, he would be able to produce one clone. At the second stage, up to five clones; at the third stage, up to twenty-five clones. As for the last stage, he would be able to produce a hundred and twenty-five Divine Fire Clones!

Long Chen guessed that the Divine Fire Clone that Yan Danqing had received could only reach the third stage at maximum. Twenty-five Divine Fire Clones who had a fifth of his combat abilities. Although it was powerful, it sounded realistic. But a hundred and twenty-five? That would be vastly different.

As Long Chen skimmed through the Divine Fire Clone scripture, Xiaolang lay on his chest, also reading intently.

Xiaolang, can you cultivate this too? Long Chen asked casually.

To his surprise, Mo Xiaolang nodded, though then shook his head sourly.

You mean youre not sure? But its possible? he asked excitedly.

Mo Xiaolang nodded.

Now thats interesting! Well see who cultivates it first, he said with a guffaw.

The Divine Fire Clone technique was indeed a good technique. Long Chen believed that if he could unleash it to its maximum, he would be extra terrifying! Terrifying enough for people to fear his name!

When a hundred and twenty-five clones of himself attacked at the same time, who could stop him?

All in all, Long Chen had a bountiful trip!

There was only one thing left to do.

Now that he had collected the pills, he glanced through the Divine Fire Clone scripture once more, then put it into his pouch and looked at Mo Xiaolang solemnly. He asked, Xiaolang, are you sure you want to try your luck with the Nine Devils Ancestral Fire? You must know that it might kill you.

Xiaolang hesitated for a while but still nodded. He knew that it was a huge opportunity, though whether he could take it or not would depend on his capabilities.

Xiaolang was currently controlling the Sun Devouring Wolfs body, and he wanted to familiarize himself with its abilities. When Long Chen saw that he insisted, he did not ask again. He pushed the small golden door open and walked deeper into the tunnel.

The Burning Heaven Emperor had said that the Nine Devils Ancestral Fire was in the deepest part of the tunnel.

The Nine Devils Ancestral Fire was an extraordinary presence amongst the other ancestral fires. It was also called Hellfire! Hell was extremely cold, so when observed visually, it seemed extremely cold. However, judging it by its looks would be a huge mistake because the fire was so cold that it had turned into extreme heat! In terms of combustive abilities, it was one of the best amongst all the ancestral fires!

Of course, the fire that Xiaolang was going to absorb was just a part of the Nine Devils Ancestral Fire.

The tunnel led downwards, likely going underground. The deeper he walked, the colder Long Chen felt. This might make one think that the ancestral fire emitted cold, but in truth, the low temperature was because the Nine Devils Ancestral Fire had absorbed all the heat in the air.

The Nine Devils Ancestral Fire was likely still in deep slumber now. Long Chen could only get this deep because of his Level Three Blazing Thunder Body. The duo went on for a while until the tunnel disappeared and revealed a cave ahead. Long Chen focused his sight and found that the cave was covered in hard, thick, black ice. It was a dim place, and everything around him was covered in a layer of black ice.

A gust of cold wind greeted Long Chen, instantly causing him to shiver. He had no choice but to activate his Qi. Once Qi was surging through his whole body, he felt a bit better.

Fuck me! What is going on with the ancestral fire? How is it so cold?!

Although he knew that the fire itself was not cold, Long Chen still complained.

Black ice? He stepped on the black ice, and coldness rushed through his body. Long Chen stomped gently and discovered that it was extremely hard and likely very thick. It must have existed for a long time.

Is that the Nine Devils Ancestral Fire?

Doge & Chacha's Thoughts

it's cold!

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