Dragon Blooded War God

Chapter 256: Burning Heaven Emperor

Chapter 256: Burning Heaven Emperor

Long Chen knew that he could not reveal to the others that Xiaolang had turned into a Sun Devouring Wolf. That was why he did not announce anything when he recognized him.

Everyone was still watching anxiously for the victor to emerge from the battle between Long Chen and the Sun Devouring Wolf. However, Long Chen stopped his attack and, to their shock, the wolf shrank into a cute cub that resembled a small dog. And now Long Chen was carrying it in his arms.

The events of today had really challenged their sense of imagination.

They all watched in a daze, unable to speak.

Long Chen had just recovered from the shock of Xiaolangs change, feeling very bitter as he looked at his best friend in his arms. Xiaolang was probably feeling very miserable to have turned from human to beast.

There are so many strange things in this world! If Ling Xi, who only has a soul remaining, can recover her body using spiritual herbs, then Xiaolang can too! Ive heard that the strongest beasts possess divine abilities that allow them to take human form. Now Xiaolang is a Sun Devouring Wolf, a wolf that, according to legends, has devouring-type abilities! I refuse to believe that he cant return to his human form! Long Chen thought to himself.

Being able to devour heat and light made the Sun Devouring Wolf an extremely impressive beast.

Xiaolang could not speak in his current state, but Long Chen could roughly guess his thoughts by looking into his eyes. The confusion and pain in his eyes had turned into acceptance of reality. This had become his reality, and the only thing they could do was find a way to fix it, not wallow in grief.

Long Chen finally recalled that he had to obtain the Burning Heaven Emperors inheritance.

As if Xiaolang could guess his thoughts, he touched Long Chens hand with his delicate, black paw and then leaped out of his arms and towards the sea of fire.

Where is Xiaolang leading me? Long Chen knew that Xiaolang would not hurt him, so he followed him inside without hesitation. He initially wanted to envelop Mo Xiaolang in Qi, but he was not afraid of the flames at all. The flames around Mo Xiaolang retreated and left a space that was just big enough for Long Chen to squeeze through.

Mo Xiaolang had once thought that the flames would burn the wolf to death, but in fact, the only thing it was not afraid of was fire.

Ignoring the looks from everyone, he followed Mo Xiaolang through the sea of fire. There was no path there, and he could tell that Xiaolang was only feeling his way around.

Perhaps Xiaolang saw something special the last time he came in here, thought Long Chen.

Indeed, a strange ripple appeared ahead. Long Chen thought the ripple was familiar. Xiaolang stopped walking, turned to Long Chen, and nodded, intending for Long Chen to walk ahead.

Is this the entrance to the tomb? Long Chen gasped. Standing in front of him was the wall of the tomb. There was a small door built in the same fashion as the large door outside. Similarly, there was a translucent light membrane stopping trespassers.

Xiaolang, could this also be a door to the tomb? Plus, this little door looks special. Maybe theres something special inside whispered Long Chen.

Based on his experience, the most important things were always hidden.

Although Mo Xiaolang could not speak, he could still nod and shake his head. He nodded, though it looked like he was struggling to explain something.

But how can I enter? Long Chen grew worried. The mysterious steel token was meant for the large door, but that had been taken by Yan Danqing. And whatever was inside must have been taken by Yan Danqing already.

At this point, Mo Xiaolang was spinning in circles frantically. He wanted to tell Long Chen something, but he could not seem to explain it. He cocked his head and used two paws to form a flat shape.

Youre referring to the steel token I got in the Burning Heaven Mountain Range! Long Chen was pleasantly surprised. He should have thought of it earlier, but the incident with Mo Xiaolang was still muddling his brain.

That steel token appeared in the Burning Heaven Mountain Range, so it must be hugely related to the Burning Heaven Secret Realm. Plus, it is the same as the token Yan Danqing got, so its likely I can pass through the light membrane using it.

Long Chen grew awfully excited with that thought. He carefully carried Xiaolang in his arms, then he took out the mysterious steel token from his Universe Pouch. When it appeared, it vibrated slightly. Long Chen leaned towards the light membrane, and a ray of light shone on him. He then felt a strong force pulling his body, and a moment later, he was swallowed by the light.

After a moment of darkness, Long Chen realized that he was standing in a long tunnel. This hallway was built using yellow mud bricks, arranged neatly to give the place an air of solemnity and regalness.

There was a lantern hanging every ten meters or so. Small, red flames, the type that burned for eternity, burned within the lanterns. It was due to these flames that the tunnel was lit very brightly.

This should be the inside of the tomb. I cant believe Im really inside the Burning Heaven Emperors tomb. With Xiaolang in his arms, he trekked ahead. The Sun Devouring Wolfs body was severely injured, so Long Chen had to carry him to avoid aggravating his injuries.

Although it was odd for a man to carry another man, this was a different situation, and Xiaolang needed care.

The meridians of the Sun Devouring Wolf should be different from those of humans. Xiaolang will need some time to understand this body, thought Long Chen.

Not understanding his body meant that Xiaolang could not absorb spiritual medicines effectively. Without that, his healing process would greatly slow down.

Thankfully, the Sun Devouring Wolf was above the Earth-tier. Long Chen just wondered what combat abilities he would possess after he recovered.

Mo Xiaolang was currently the equivalent of a domesticated Category One Earth-tier demonic beast. That was equal to a Heavenly River Realm cultivator. This meant that with Mo Xiaolang supporting him, as long as he did not provoke a person like the Ninth Prince, Long Chen could do whatever he wanted in Yuanling City.

The top priority right now was to find the most important thing in the Burning Heaven Secret Realm. He had a feeling that he might get something different from Yan Danqing.

Long Chen ventured deeper into the tunnel. After walking for about fifteen minutes, he came across two small, golden doors.

He grew excited. If there was treasure within this tomb, then it would be behind these doors.

Long Chen walked up to one of the doors and gently placed a hand on it, barely containing his excitement. He felt a metallic coldness and a gentle swaying, meaning that it was closed but not locked.

Then he pushed the door open without hesitation and entered a room that was not large. The walls were made of the same material as the tunnel, though the ground was black.

His gaze was immediately attracted by a table at the center of the room. He walked up to it and noticed two secret scriptures placed on the rotting desk.

They were two combat techniques. Looking at the yellowed material, he could tell that they had existed for a long time.

Ive got to say, Im very lucky indeed Long Chen sighed. They had all entered the Burning Heaven Secret Realm, and Xiaolang had started off stronger than him. But now Xiaolang had turned into a Sun Devouring Wolf and Long Chen was the one who had received the Burning Heaven Emperors treasure.

I wonder if this is considered the Burning Heaven Emperors inheritance? Or did Yan Danqing get something better? Long Chen wondered as he carefully reached out to grab the two scriptures. Just as he was about to touch them, they burst into flames and a familiar, old face appeared in the flames.

My child, how lucky you are that you made it here! The face in the flames seemed ancient.

Are you the Burning Heaven Emperor? Long Chen asked respectfully.

It is I. The old man, whom they called the Burning Heaven Emperor, eyed Long Chen up and down, impressed. When he saw the Sun Devouring Wolf in his arms, he gasped and exclaimed, How is it possible that the Sun Devouring Wolf would make peace with you?

I dont know. He just likes me, Long Chen responded. It was not on purpose; it was just that Mo Xiaolangs incident was so unbelievable that it was not convenient to tell anyone.

I dont have much time. Your arrival here proves that you and I have a karmic connection. These are two combat techniques. One book is the Nine Spinning Fire Shield, and the other is my most famous technique, Divine Fire Clone. All of it is for you, and I hope you can inherit my techniques and allow them to live on! And make them shine bright with glory! There are Heavenly River Pills I left behind in the room opposite. Those are for you too, the face in the flames said mildly.

Just based on their names, the Nine Spinning Fire Shield and Divine Fire Clone sounded extraordinary. Long Chen was overjoyed to receive them and hurriedly expressed his appreciation. Thank you for your generosity! I will never forget this! I will use these two techniques to their full potential, and their names will rock the world!

Not bad, child. A person of ambition, remarked the Burning Heaven Emperor.

Sir, I have one more question. There is a main door within the tomb. May I ask what the guy who entered from that main door will get? Long Chen was still puzzled over the inheritance. What constituted as truly receiving the Burning Heaven Emperors inheritance, leading to being recruited as an Immortal Guard?

Doge & Chacha's Thoughts

a secret entrance?

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