Doupo: Life Simulator System

Chapter 390: Dragon Emperor Zi Yan, Eight-Star Dou Saint

Chapter 390: Dragon Emperor Zi Yan, Eight-Star Dou Saint

A few days later...

The scene was still set in the same volcano. Hei Qing, who had consumed healing pills but had not yet fully recovered from his injuries, glanced at Xiao Ming, who was sitting in front of the large cauldron and then looked at the two elders standing nearby.

A sense of relief flashed in his eyes. Although he had been knocked unconscious by Qing Yan that day, he was aware of the dire situation. Fortunately, Elder Zhu Xun returned on that day. Otherwise, Zi Yan would have been in real danger.

He had heard that Elder Zhu Xun had immediately killed Qing Yan upon his arrival, and then he had intimidated the other three Dragon Kings and imprisoned all the invading soldiers from the Ancient Dragon Army, locking them up in the Dragon Prison for punishment. Elder Zhu Xun's strength was extremely formidable.

With Elder Zhu Xun around, the three Dragon Kings probably wouldn't dare to come again!

Once Zi Yan finished refining the Dragon Phoenix Crystal Layer, they could begin the process of unifying the Ancient Void Dragon Tribe.

While Hei Qing was happily contemplating these matters, he suddenly heard Zhu Li's voice.

"Zi Yan is about to wake up!"

Upon hearing this, Hei Qing's gaze swiftly turned towards the giant cauldron, and he murmured excitedly, "She's waking up?!"

Apart from Hei Qing, there were many Ancient Void Dragons present, most of whom had suffered injuries to varying degrees in the previous battle. However, except for those on the verge of death, no one chose to enter seclusion for healing. They didn't want to miss the scene of the Dragon Emperor's reappearance.

At that moment, their expressions changed, and they hastily looked up, their gazes fixed on the fiery large cauldron. Within it, a delicate figure seemed to emerge, appearing faint and ethereal. As the figure became more distinct, they could clearly sense their bloodlines surging within them, accompanied by a boiling sensation. Under that boiling impulse, they almost couldn't help but kneel in the sky.

Inside the large cauldron, Zi Yan's tightly shut eyes suddenly opened, emanating an irresistible pressure that ordinary Ancient Void Dragons couldn't resist. This pressure originated from her soul, from her bloodline...

"The true royal bloodline... has been awakened..." Hei Qing's eyes turned to the large cauldron as he muttered with excitement.

The fiercely burning flame within the large cauldron was slowly extinguished in front of the many onlookers. A tall figure gradually emerged before their eyes.

The woman who appeared wore a purple-golden robe adorned with a dancing dragon and phoenix. The intricate designs seemed to come alive, emitting a noble aura that couldn't be concealed. She stood tall, her long purple hair cascading down like a waterfall, reaching her shapely buttocks.

The lady was breathtakingly beautiful. Her original purple eyes had transformed into a purple-golden hue, mysterious and captivating. Under the gaze of her purple-golden eyes, it felt as if the entire world would submit to her will...

No longer resembling a little girl, Zi Yan had transformed into a stunning young woman capable of captivating nations.

Numerous eyes were initially absent-minded due to Zi Yan's majestic presence. However, their attention soon shifted to the space behind her. A pair of three-meter-long purple-golden wings gently flapped, creating a powerful gust of wind and emitting faint thunderous sounds. The sight of these wings stirred the depths of one's soul.

"The Wings of the Heaven Phoenix... The Body of the Ancient Dragon..."

Hei Qing's excitement grew even more pronounced when he saw the magnificent wings on Zi Yan's back. After a moment, he knelt in the sky, his voice filled with respect and a deep reverence from the depths of his heart.

"Greetings to Your Majesty, the Dragon Emperor!"

"Greetings to Your Majesty, the Dragon Emperor!"

Following Hei Qing's lead, the strong individuals from Eastern Dragon Island also knelt fervently, their voices united in homage.

Elder Zhu Li stared at Zi Yan in disbelief, and then uncontrollable excitement surged within him. He slowly knelt down in the sky, tears streaming down his face.

"The Ancient Void Dragon Tribe finally has a Dragon Emperor..."


Zi Yan, who had stepped out of the large cauldron, waved her hand lightly as her purple-golden wings flapped behind her. She appeared before everyone like a phantom.

After having transformed to her current form, it seemed that her character had become completely different than before. Her indifferent coldness seemed to contain a nobility that rivaled the world itself.

Under this aura, even Hei Qing, who was quite familiar with her, didn't dare to see her as the mischievous little girl she used to be. Instead, he wholeheartedly recognized her as the new Dragon Emperor of the Ancient Void Dragon Tribe.

After rising to his feet, Zhu Li intended to speak to Zi Yan about Zhu Xun. However, at that moment, Zi Yan had already hurried over to Xiao Ming's side.

Xiao Ming looked at the fully grown Zi Yan, radiating an astonishing aura, and a gentle smile formed on his lips.

"Congratulations, you've finally grown up. By the way, Medusa has been extremely worried about you these days, but I was afraid that she might get hurt, so..."

"Xiao Ming!" Zi Yan called out.

"Huh?" Xiao Ming, who hadn't finished his sentence, looked at her with a puzzled expression.

Zi Yan gracefully approached him, and to Xiao Ming's surprise, she leaned in and kissed him on the lips. Their eyes locked in a profound gaze as their lips met...

Just as Xiao Ming was in shock and hadn't had time to process anything, he felt a majestic energy flowing into his mouth from Zi Yan. It was an extremely gentle yet immense energy.

As it entered his mouth, the energy cascaded down his throat, dispersing throughout his entire body. It flowed through his meridians and blood vessels, gradually infusing his limbs and organs with a comforting warmth.

This was the Ancient Dragon blood that he had once absorbed within his body. Now, it was being ignited by the energy transmitted by Zi Yan, creating a scorching and molten-like surge of heat that surged directly to his brain.

The next moment, Xiao Ming, who hadn't slept in a long time, closed his eyes.

As he drifted into unconsciousness, he felt himself being enveloped in a warm embrace. In his dazed state, he heard a soft voice.

"Rest now. When you awaken, the power of the Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit will make you stronger."

Zi Yan's sudden kiss made the strong individuals of Eastern Dragon Island raise their eyebrows in surprise.

Zhu Li and Zhu Xun also exchanged glances, a hint of astonishment appearing on their faces.

Zhu Li knew that Xiao Ming and Zi Yan had a good relationship, but he never expected it to reach this level!

Zi Yan used to look like a little girl, yet she could make such a move. What a beast!

If Xiao Ming hadn't fainted, he would have protested, "No, I didn't! Don't make random assumptions!"

Sensing the strange gazes from Zhu Li and the others, Zi Yan turned around.

"Is there something you would like to say?"

"... This is Elder Zhu Xun, a powerful individual of our Ancient Void Dragon Tribe who previously ventured into the Void. His strength is at the early stage of the eight-star Dou Saint."

Zhu Li ultimately chose not to bring up Xiao Ming's matter. Apart from being an outsider, Xiao Ming was actually quite decent in his opinion. Although he did not approve of him having multiple women, they had no right to interfere if Zi Yan herself did not care. As the Dragon Emperor, Zi Yan was the only one who could handle her own affairs. As a result, he focused on introducing Zhu Xun.

Zi Yan nodded slightly. When Zhu Xun appeared, she was already aware of the situation to some extent. Therefore, she held a positive view of Zhu Xun and directly announced.

"Elder Zhu Xun will be the Grand Elder of our Ancient Void Dragon Tribe from now on!"

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