Chapter 377: Soul Value

"You're exaggerating; I've just been fortunate," Xiao Ming smiled casually as he stood up. "When it comes to talent, both you and the girl from the Dan Clan can be considered the leading figures of our generation in the Pill Tower. There's no need to belittle yourself."

Perhaps sensing Xiao Ming's gaze, a delicate and gentle-looking young girl from the Dan Clan turned her head, briefly meeting Xiao Ming's eyes before quickly averting her gaze, her demeanor filled with shyness.

Hearing Xiao Ming's words, Cao Ying felt a slight dissatisfaction and pouted. She also turned to look at the girl, finally covering her mouth and letting out a light giggle. "Oh, Xiao Ming, excessive modesty can be perceived as arrogance, you know~"

"I haven't said anything wrong," Xiao Ming simply smiled slightly without taking it seriously. "Ying'er. Over the years, I have encountered numerous fortunate circumstances; otherwise, I wouldn't have achieved such accomplishments at such a young age."

"You possess a naturally powerful soul, while Dan Chen has a soul-sucking constitution. It's just that you've been immersed in cultivating inside the Pill Tower and lacked the same opportunities as I have."

"After all, the cultivation realm is one thing, and talent is another. Although the cultivation realm may represent one's talent to a certain extent, it's only to a certain extent."

Cao Ying listened attentively, a faint smile adorning her thin face. "What you say makes sense, but there's something you're overlooking. Isn't the cultivation path about transcending one's limits? In my opinion, it's you who belittles yourself. Actively seeking opportunities and venturing outside is even more impressive than relying solely on innate things like talent. Countless cultivators risk their lives daily, yet none have achieved what you have."

"Who knows? Perhaps while you downplay yourself as merely 'fortunate,' in the eyes of others, you're like an irresistible flame that draws them closer, making it impossible to tear their gaze away. Even if they eventually get burned, they can't help but be captivated by your radiant light..." After staring at him for a moment, Cao Ying slowly turned around.

"In this competition, even when facing you, I will give it my all. By the way, congratulations on breaking through to the Heaven Realm..." Her voice gradually trailed off. Cao Ying bid farewell with a graceful gesture of her hands, her figure swaying with elegance as she made her way towards the Cao Clan's seat.

Behind her, Cao Dan and Cao Xiu, known as the "Three Great Geniuses" of the Cao Clan, saw Cao Ying return to her seat and paused their steps somewhat embarrassed. After exchanging glances, they offered a polite smile to Xiao Ming before hastily following her.

Ye Zhong, who had been sitting quietly, observed Cao Ying's departure and Xiao Ming's focused gaze. He couldn't help but think to himself, 'The witch of the Cao Clan is truly something!'

After watching the delicate and graceful figure retreat for a while, a smile involuntarily appeared on Xiao Ming's face. He calmly sat back down and patiently waited for the start of the assessment.

Once the members of the Cao Clan took their seats, all the representatives from the Five Great Clans had already gathered, and the floor of the hall began to vibrate slowly. The seats of the five clans transformed into movable platforms, gradually shifting backward.

In the blink of an eye, a spacious square appeared at the center of the hall. A spirited old man with white hair walked out, coming to a stop in the middle of the square.

The old man's gaze slowly swept across the entire hall. When he saw Xiao Ming, his gaze paused for a moment before quickly returning to normal. A smile appeared on his face as he spoke, "Now that the Five Great Clans have arrived, I won't waste any more words. I will be the one presiding over this year's assessment. Does anyone have any objections?"

'Elder Sheng Yao is indeed the one presiding over it this year,' Ye Zhong sighed beside Xiao Ming. This elder had some history with the Ye Clan and had often helped them in the past. However, the assessment of the Five Great Clans was beyond the control of the Eight Great Elders, so he couldn't do anything about the Ye Clan's previous assessment.


"It's about time. Participants from the Five Great Clans, please enter the arena," Elder Sheng Yao said after a brief introduction.

As his words fell, the murmurs in the hall quieted down.

Xiao Ming calmly stood up and adjusted his robe, walking leisurely toward the center of the square.

Simultaneously, representatives from the other four clans also stood up, their presence not surprising Xiao Ming.

Cao Ying, with her enchanting figure, rose from the Cao Clan's seat.

On the Dan Clan's seat, Dan Chen, appearing delicate and hesitant, stood up after a moment of hesitation. She whispered something to the man beside her before joining the others.

Among the Bai Clan members, a handsome-looking man also stood up, though his expression was quite unpleasant.

As for the Qiu Clan, a man with an ordinary appearance wore an even more displeased expression than the member from the Bai Clan. It was unquestionable that Xiao Ming would be the first place in the assessment, as for the last one, he was certain it would be himself. He recognized all the contestants, and his strength was the weakest.

The five individuals slowly descended from the square, maintaining a reasonable distance from each other.

"Hehe, I am Cao Ying from the Cao Clan. Greetings, Elder Sheng Yao!" Cao Ying let out a giggle, exuding an alluring charm. Her voice was melodious and pleasant, leaving a favorable impression.

"Dan Chen from the Dan Clan, greetings, Elder Sheng Yao!" Following Cao Ying's lead, Dan Chen also respectfully greeted, her head lowered in a shy manner, evoking a sense of endearment.

"Very well, very well!" Elder Sheng Yao stroked his beard, his aged face beaming with a bright smile. Cao Ying and Dan Chen were both inner disciples of the Pill Tower, so he naturally treated them warmly.

"Bai Yang from the Bai Clan, greetings, Elder Sheng Yao."

"Qiu Clan..."

Facing the two male participants, Elder Sheng Yao's enthusiasm waned, merely nodding lightly.

When it was Xiao Ming's turn, Elder Sheng Yao smiled and took the initiative to speak, "Elder Xiao, I didn't expect you to represent the Ye Clan this time."

"It's natural to do old acquaintances a favor." Xiao Ming said calmly with a smile. He didn't have to be overly respectful because they were both members of the Eight Great Elders. In terms of alchemy skills, Elder Sheng Yao was no match for himself.

"Hmm. It seems that the championship for the Ye Clan is guaranteed this time!" Elder Sheng Yao's gaze swept over Xiao Ming. He stroked his beard and chuckled. He knew that Xiao Ming had recently achieved a breakthrough in the Heaven Realm, while the other four participants shouldn't have even reached the Spirit Realm. Xiao Ming's participation in this assessment seemed somewhat unfair to the others.

However, it didn't violate any rules, and considering Xiao Ming's relatively young age, Elder Sheng Yao didn't raise any objections.

"Now that all participants have gathered, let us begin today's assessment," Elder Sheng Yao declared.

After uttering these words, Elder Sheng Yao took a step back and gradually retreated to a spot beside a black cloth-covered object. With a casual motion, he pulled away the black cloth, revealing a stone tablet about nine meters tall. Actually, it was not accurate to describe it as a stone tablet because this stone tablet was transparent, resembling crystal.

"Our test is divided into three sections. This first section is soul testing," Elder Sheng Yao explained, his face serious and the smile fading from his lips. His gaze swept over the five contestants, including Xiao Ming, as he continued slowly:

"As we all know, the soul is the foundation of alchemists. Only with a powerful soul will one possess sufficient Spiritual Perception and Spiritual Control…" Elder Sheng Yao pointed to the middle of the stone tablet. There was a circular smooth plate there. He said, "Each of you will insert your soul power into this plate. It will test the value of your spirit. This value is called Soul Value by the Pill Tower…"

"As long as your Soul Value reaches 400 or above, you pass. The highest recorded Soul Value in the assessments of the Five Great Clans in recent years was achieved by a woman named Dan Yun, with a score of 849."

"However, I believe that this record will definitely be broken today."

Speaking up to this point, Elder Sheng Yao's gaze also fell upon Xiao Ming, and the others' eyes followed suit, all looking at Xiao Ming in unison.

At this moment, Elder Sheng Yao secretly transmitted a message to Xiao Ming.

"Elder Xiao, please restrain your power later. The stone monument cannot withstand the strength of someone in the Heaven Realm."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Ming paused briefly, then nodded slightly. He hadn't planned on going all out anyway.

Seeing Xiao Ming nod, Elder Sheng Yao secretly breathed a sigh of relief before calling out to everyone.

"Ha ha, since all of you know the rules, let's begin. Who will go first?"

Cao Ying chuckled, her slender phoenix eyes flirtatiously glancing at Xiao Ming. She swayed her graceful figure and took the initiative to take a step forward, smiling as she said to Elder Sheng Yao.

"With Elder Xiao Ming present today, breaking the current record is unavoidable. However, allow me to be the first to surpass it."

Standing in front of the stone tablet, she lifted her jade-like hand and gently pressed it against the surface. Instantly, a terrifying soul storm surged around her.

Immediately, the smooth mirror disc at the center of the stone tablet displayed a series of blood-red numbers that kept changing. After about ten seconds, the series of numbers finally settled.


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