Chapter 351: Departure

Ye City was in a frenzy at this moment. The unexpected turn of events had taken everyone by surprise.

Everyone thought Xiao Ming was doomed at first, but now it was the people of the Hall of Souls who were wiped out...

Some individuals recognized the face of Old Ghost Zhai Xing, a notorious figure who had roamed the Central Plains for countless years and had achieved the status of a Hall of Souls' Tianzun.

With the loss of a Tianzun, it was certain that the Hall of Souls would seek revenge. Moreover, since they had brazenly provoked Elder Xiao Ming, one of the Eight Great Elders of the Pill Tower, it was clear that the Pill Tower would not let this incident pass unnoticed. The Central Plains was about to experience a significant upheaval, and its calm days were now behind it.

Xiao Ming and Xiao Yi Xian descended in the front hall of the Ye Clan. Ye Zhong, accompanied by several Dou Ancestor Elders of the Ye Clan, approached them with respectful expressions on their faces.

Xiao Ming had always been gentle in his interactions with others, and despite his noble status, he lacked a tangible sense of strength. However, the power he exhibited now was enough to inspire awe.

"Elder Xiao Ming, the Ye Clan apologizes for the danger you faced," Ye Zhong said, feeling guilty. "We're not sure how your whereabouts were discovered, which resulted in this unfortunate incident. This old man is deeply embarrassed..."

"Hehe... In the first place, the Hall of Souls came after us. What happened is not the fault of the Ye Clan. You don't have to worry, Elder Ye Zhong," Xiao Ming replied, smiling gently at the Ye Clan members.

As he spoke, Xiao Ming extended his hand, holding a jade slip. He tossed it into the air, enveloping it with Dou Qi and allowing it to hover in mid-air.

With a wisp of soul power pouring out from his brow and covering his index finger, he inscribed a rune on the surface of the jade slip, sealing the soul power within.

Xiao Ming then handed the jade slip to Ye Zhong, saying, "I greatly benefited from using the Sun Fire Ancient Altar this time. Borrowing the Sun Fire Ancient Altar exceeded the scope of our previous agreement, but within my capacity, I can offer the Ye Clan one more favor. When you crush this jade slip, I will naturally become aware of it."

Ye Zhong caught the jade slip and held it tightly in his hand, his face filled with joy.

Putting aside Xiao Ming's promising future, even his current strength and status could greatly aid the Ye Clan.

Xiao Ming's promise was something that countless individuals would fight over if they were aware of it. How could Ye Zhong not be delighted?

Just as Xiao Ming had stated, his visit to the Ye Clan had yielded significant gains. Xiao Yi Xian had condensed the Poison Pill, and with the acquisition of the Core Bead, Xiao Ming considered it a worthwhile endeavor to protect the Ye Clan once.

Although it was somewhat regrettable that he hadn't found the Sun Flame Seed, after careful consideration, Xiao Ming decided against continuing the search.

The Sun Flame rightfully belonged to the Ye Clan. Even if he were to find the Sun Flame Origin Seed, could he truly take it away?

The Ye Clan lent him the Sun Fire Ancient Altar, and he took away their Origin Seed, wouldn't that be too shameless?

Since he couldn't take it away, it was best to let go of that desire.

Xiao Ming, Medusa, and Xiao Yi Xian were about to depart when they heard Ye Zhong's voice calling out to them from behind.

"Elder Xiao Ming, please wait a moment. Allow this old man to see you off."

Xiao Ming turned his head, pondered for a moment, and nodded in agreement. Ye Zhong smiled and nodded back, swiftly leading the way towards a square located slightly north of Ye City.

Within the city, there was a small wormhole that served as a transit point to Holy Pill City. However, multiple transfers were required along the way to reach the final destination.

Following Ye Zhong's guidance, the group made their way through the city. After approximately ten minutes, they reached the northern square. Despite the decline of the Ye Clan, they still held some influence within Ye City. At the very least, there was no force within the city capable of challenging their position, allowing them to maintain control over this coveted small wormhole.

Xiao Ming and his companions ascended the stone platform and before them appeared the slowly rotating wormhole. The wormhole possessed a somewhat majestic aura, but the chaotic spatial fluctuations emanating from within indicated that it had not been properly maintained for many years.

Sighing, Ye Zhong gazed at the space wormhole and lamented, "Back when my Ye Clan was flourishing, we had two Dou Venerate experts who voluntarily maintained this wormhole. But as our decline began, we could no longer afford to invite experts of that level. It's quite embarrassing..."

Xiao Ming shook his head with a smile and replied, "Every clan goes through periods of decline. There's nothing to be ashamed of or find amusement in."

If one were to speak of decline, it would be laughable that the Xiao Clan, once the leading force among the Eight Ancient Clans, had fallen to the point where their strongest members were merely Dou Grand Masters.

Ye Zhong nodded in agreement, then retrieved the jade slip that Xiao Ming had given him not long ago from his storage ring. He rubbed it in his palm and spoke, "To be honest, I have a request to make of you."

"Are you going to use up that jade slip? Before you decide to use it, tell me what it is you desire."

"Actually, I would like to ask you to teach the younger generation of my Ye Clan," Ye Zhong said after a brief pause. "Elder Xiao Ming, despite your youth, your alchemy skills far surpass mine by an unknown margin."

"I believe the younger generation of my Ye Clan would benefit greatly if you shared your knowledge. Of course, I don't expect you to teach all of the young members; just one would suffice."

Xiao Ming's promise would only grow more valuable with time, so it would be a waste to utilize it at this moment. However, the request made by Ye Zhong did not present this issue.

Of course, Ye Zhong's request was made with a hint of trepidation, but he had no other choice. While Xiao Ming's assistance would undoubtedly help the Ye Clan pass the upcoming clan assessment, what about the assessments that followed? Could Xiao Ming continuously provide them with aid? It was more prudent to seek his help now in cultivating the younger generation.

Xiao Ming glanced at Ye Zhong with a meaningful gaze. Ye Zhong displayed shrewdness by understanding what conditions would be most beneficial for his clan.

Feeling slightly embarrassed under Xiao Ming's scrutiny, Ye Zhong cleared his throat and said, "Elder Xiao Ming, what do you think?"

"I have no intention of taking on disciples. However, if it's a matter of providing guidance, that shouldn't be a problem. If you don't mind, send someone to Holy Pill City."

Xiao Ming had previously given lectures at the Empire Alchemist Association and taught classes at the Jia Nan Academy. As long as he had the time and found the person to be promising, he didn't mind offering guidance.

Of course, considering that the Ye Clan was offering the jade slip as a condition, he wouldn't be as casual as he had been with previous alchemists. If necessary, he could provide them with his alchemy notes, and how much they could learn would depend on their abilities.

"No problem, no problem. I will make arrangements for her to visit you," Ye Zhong agreed with a smile. Although the person wouldn't become a disciple of Xiao Ming, receiving guidance from an eighth-tier alchemist was an opportunity not easily obtained. Moreover, spending time together would naturally foster a bond.

"For now, keep hold of the jade slip. When the time comes, she can bring it along," Xiao Ming instructed, motioning for Xiao Yi Xian and Medusa to enter the wormhole.

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