Doupo: Life Simulator System

Chapter 327: Ten Thousand Snake Mountain Range

Chapter 327: Ten Thousand Snake Mountain Range

The Ten Thousand Snake Mountain Range, although not particularly well-known in the northwest region of the Central Plains, was not completely unknown. Its main reason for fame was the presence of a powerful snake clan.

Xiao Ming, accompanied by Xiao Yi Xian, Qing Lin, and Venerable Tian Huo, flew for a month with several transfers through wormholes. Finally, a massive mountain range shrouded in dense clouds and mist gradually appeared in their sight.

The Ten Thousand Snake Mountain Range was perhaps the most magnificent mountain range Xiao Ming had ever seen in his many years of travel, surpassing even the previous Lightning Falling Mountain Range. The dense clouds and mist covered most of the mountain range, making it impossible for people to see what lay within. Moreover, there seemed to be tremendous energy hidden within the mist.

From afar, the towering mountains of the range were visible, each one several thousand meters high, with clouds and mist swirling around their midsections, obscuring the mountaintops. The dense mist covering the mountains was tinged with a deep purple-black hue that thickened around the middle of the mountains and blocked out the sunlight.

Venerable Tian Huo looked at the purple-black fog with a slight frown and said, "Xiao Ming, it seems like this mountain range isn't easy to enter! Look at that thick layer of mist, which contains extraordinary energy fluctuations. The color of this miasma is purple-black, indicating that it is highly poisonous. This place is also the burial ground of the Ancient Heaven Serpent, so who knows what dangers might be hidden here."

Xiao Yi Xian also raised her delicate nose, sensing a faintly sweet and pungent smell in the air. As someone well-versed in poisons, she immediately analyzed what the smell represented.

She gently opened her pink lips and said, "The entire Ten Thousand Snake Mountain Range is named for the numerous natural venomous snakes and giant pythons in the mountains. These miasmas should be the result of the breath of these venomous snakes and giant pythons after thousands of years of inhaling and exhaling."

Qing Lin nodded in agreement, standing beside Xiao Yi Xian.

Xiao Ming also nodded calmly in response, not showing any worries like Venerable Tian Huo.

"The purple-black miasma is not a big concern," Xiao Ming reassured Venerable Tian Huo. "As for the danger that Senior Yao is worried about, it certainly exists. If there were no danger in the location of the Ancient Heaven Serpent's tomb, I'm afraid we wouldn't have this opportunity in the first place."

"That makes sense. Let's be careful when we get there," Venerable Tian Huo responded.

Having roamed the Dou Qi continent for many years, he was naturally not a fearful person. His warning to Xiao Ming earlier was just a reminder, and he would not back down now.

"We still have two hours until sunset. We'll take the low-altitude flight route marked on the map," Xiao Ming said, ending the conversation before flying forward. Xiao Yi Xian and the others followed him.


Meanwhile, a twenty-three-meter-long, one-and-a-half-meter-thick green snake lay motionless in the grass beneath their previous location. The snake slithered towards the mountain after the group had left, and the plants along the way shifted.

The green snake arrived at the entrance of a cave after crawling for half an hour. Two red snakes nearly three meters thick guarded the entrance, blocking the green serpent's path. After exchanging a few "hiss hiss" sounds, they let the green snake in.

The cave's interior was surprisingly large, with a diameter of several thousand meters. Inside, snakes of various sizes were coiling and twisting. The green snake continued into the cave until it reached the depths, where a brilliant red light shone and coral reefs several meters tall dotted the area, making the cave as bright as day.

A massive boulder hundreds of meters long lay deep within the cave. A blood-red python with scales coiled around the boulder's base, its head raised high as it hissed at the green snake that had entered. Despite its size, the green snake appeared to be an ant in the presence of the blood-red python. Several other large snakes, slightly smaller in size, were also closely watching the green snake from the sides of the blood-red python.

The magical beast hierarchy has always been strict, and the small and humble green serpent appeared nervous, hissing incessantly at the blood-red scaled giant python with its head held high and its red tongue sticking out.

"Big Brother Xia Ran, according to the description of the little green snake, several human Dou Ancestors have entered our Ten Thousand Snake Mountain Range," a large white snake on the right said. "It will be our tribe's blood ritual day in a few days. I'm not sure what their plans are, but there could be some unexpected changes. Should we alert the clan elders?"

"Big Brother Xia Ran, the Snake Lord has not appeared in a long time," said a large flower snake on the left. "Perhaps the Beast Taming Sect is looking at our Snake Tearing Flowers. This could be a test, and we can't afford to be careless."

Among the snake tribes in the entire Dou Qi continent, the bloodlines of the snake tribe in the Ten Thousand Snake Mountain Range were not advanced, and they could not even be considered a tribe. They were just a collection of many different groups of snakes gathered together to form a snake clan.

Therefore, there was no connection between them and the Nine Serene Deep Ground Python Tribe.

And yet, these snakes with low bloodline grades were able to reach their current state because they had something to rely on - Snake Tearing Flower, or rather the treasure that could produce the Snake Tearing Flowers.

The Snake Tearing Flower functioned similarly to the Snake Soul Holy Fruit that Xiao Ming had obtained. The only difference was that the Snake Tearing Flower had a more precious and powerful effect, and it could be used by creatures other than humans.

The ability of the Ten Thousand Snake Mountain Range to sustain the snake clan meant that the production of the Snake Tearing Flower in this area was extremely terrifying, and the place that could sustain such production had to have some unique features.

It was only natural for it to be coveted.

The Beast Taming Sect was a hidden sect, not as well-known as the Three Valleys in the Central Plains, but it was no less powerful. They had long been interested in the nearby Ten Thousand Snake Mountain Range, and the two sides had numerous conflicts.

The central Red Scaled Blood Python only opened its eyes after a long while. Its mournful voice echoed, "Send a snake to notify the elders. Oh, forget it; I'll go on my own. I had hoped to wait for Xia Mang to join the blood ritual day, but you can let it go when it returns."

"Also, make sure you don't lose track of those few human's whereabouts. Who will follow them?" it asked, scanning the area with its lantern-like eyes. Except for the White Snake and the Flower Snake, who were sixth-rank magical beasts, there were also three or four fifth-rank and dozens of fourth-rank snake-type magical beasts.

When Xia Ran inquired about it, the Big White Snake remained silent and observed its breath and heart rate. After all, those people were in the Dou Ancestor realm, and following them would be too dangerous. It was better to leave it to the other snakes.

The Flower Snake felt the same way.

Upon observing the situation, Xia Ran didn't say much but instead shifted its gaze towards the location of the fourth-rank magical beasts below. Its eyes showed a hint of killer intent. After a brief moment, a green python slithered towards the center and hissed several times.

The Red-Scaled Blood Python nodded and said, "Alright, it will be Lu Mang. However, one is not secure enough. Hui Yan and Shi Mu, the two of you will go together and take turns following them. Be careful not to be discovered."

Two long gray-black snakes slithered out and followed Lu Mang, twisting their thick bodies as they swam out of the cave, quickly following behind.


Lu Mang took some time to lead its two companions through the mountain range. They even walked through the grassy areas after sunset in the moonlight. There were countless snakes in the Ten Thousand Snake Mountain Range, and despite their low intelligence, they were able to locate Xiao Ming and the others.

Xiao Ming and his companions flew close to the ground, and despite encountering thousands of snakes and other snake-like beasts along the way, they paid little attention to them. The majority of these creatures were either low-level or common snakes. Besides, this was the Ten Thousand Snake Mountain Range, snakes' natural habitat, so encountering them at every turn was unavoidable.

After the sunset, Xiao Ming and his companions rested and caught a wild rabbit to roast and satisfy their hunger.

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