Doupo: Life Simulator System

Chapter 324: Medusa’s Bad Timing

Chapter 324: Medusa's Bad Timing

After empathizing with those people in his heart, Xiao Ming diverted his attention to Xiao Yi Xian.

"It's not easy to monopolize an energy baptism. You weren't injured, right?"

"With the help of the two Dou Ancestors under little sister's control helping, it was fairly straightforward." Xiao Yi Xian replied with a soft smile. She then walked towards Qing Lin, her graceful fingers gently caressing her head.

"Speaking of Qing Lin, did you know she just turned sixteen a few months ago?" Xiao Yi Xian said with a smile, her words carrying a subtle meaning.

Sixteen years old was considered the coming of age in Dou Qi Continent.

Qing Lin, who had just regained her composure, felt her heart race again when she heard this. Her cheeks turned crimson, and she felt a tingling sensation all over her body. She unconsciously let go of Xiao Ming and jumped out of his embrace like a startled rabbit.

Xiao Ming didn't mind the sudden withdrawal of his arms' softness. Instead, he took a moment to admire Qing Lin's flushed face and the curve of her figure before turning his gaze to Xiao Yi Xian, who was standing nearby. He reached out and drew her into his embrace.

Xiao Yi Xian let out a soft giggle before snuggling into his chest and basking in his embrace. She inhaled his familiar scent, her heart fluttering with joy.

She looked up at him with adoring eyes as she wrapped her arms around his neck, relishing the sensation of being held by the man she had been longing for day and night for months.

Without hesitation, Xiao Ming cupped her chin with his free hand and kissed her long and deep, savoring the taste of her soft, pink lips.

The sight of Qing Lin rushing into Xiao Ming's arms caused the men on the street who had been watching the girls to widen their eyes in jealousy. Now, as they watched Xiao Ming taking Xiao Yi Xian's lips, a woman with exceptional beauty and grace, while holding her in his arms, they were all left speechless with envy.

Damn, this guy was really lucky!

Despite the attention they were receiving, both Xiao Yi Xian and Xiao Ming remained unfazed. They were too focused on each other to care about what others thought.

After a few moments, Xiao Ming released Xiao Yi Xian from his embrace and gently arranged the wind-tossed strands of her hair.

"Xian'er, you've done a great job taking care of Qing Lin these months," Xiao Ming said.

Xiao Yi Xian blinked her bright eyes playfully and hugged his arm.

"You know how hard I've been working, so you'd better make it up to me," she teased, her voice soft and alluring.

"In that case, let's not get any sleep tonight..." Xiao Ming's eyes twinkled mischievously.

Xiao Yi Xian's fair earlobes turned a faint pink as she caught his meaning. She didn't reply, but it was clear from her expression that she had agreed.

It had been far too long since they had seen each other, and she yearned for nothing more than to cuddle up with him.

At this point, Qing Lin had already recovered and looked with envy at the openly affectionate couple. She couldn't help but blame herself for her lack of courage just moments before.

"Eh?" Qing Lin then noticed Venerable Tian Huo in the crowd behind Xiao Ming.

Venerable Tian Huo was looking at the three of them with a smile on his face.

"Senior Yao, you've come back to life?!" Qing Lin, with her current strength, could naturally perceive that Venerable Tian Huo was not just a soul, but had a physical body.

If he didn't have a physical body, Venerable Tian Huo wouldn't have appeared in the street.

And at this moment, Xiao Yi Xian also noticed Venerable Tian Huo and looked at him in surprise.

"Hehe, thanks to Xiao Ming for refining my physical body." As he approached, Venerable Tian Huo stroked his beard and let out a chuckle.

"Congratulations on achieving your goal, Senior Yao," Xiao Yi Xian said, smiling gently.

"You are such a sweet girl; no wonder Xiao Ming loves you so much. Earlier, he even said that anyone who dared to look for trouble with the Woeful Poison Lady would be against him."

"Hm? What happened?" Xiao Yi Xian was surprised at hearing this.

Venerable Tian Huo explained what happened at the wormhole's entrance.

Xiao Yi Xian's eyes flashed with a hint of coldness as she murmured, "Ice River Valley..." But then she smiled tenderly at Xiao Ming, her eyes welling up with tears.

"Don't look at me like that, Xian'er; aren't you my woman? If you want to reward me, try to last a little longer tonight." Xiao Ming spoke softly into her ear.

Xiao Yi Xian blushed and lowered her head.

As a young couple, they had an insatiable energy for their intimate moments, and their love-making sessions were as passionate as rabbits in the fields. Xiao Yi Xian was usually left breathless and pleading for mercy from the sheer pleasure she was experiencing.

"Don't just stand here, let's go," Xiao Ming said, noticing that more and more people were staring at them. He took both Xiao Yi Xian's and Qing Lin's hands and led them away from the area.


The night sky was adorned with glittering stars that sparkled like precious jewels, creating a breathtakingly beautiful sight.

In the quietness of the room, the only sound filling the air was Xiao Yi Xian's soft breathing. As Xiao Ming looked at her serene expression. He leaned in and kissed her on the lips, enjoying the warmth of her skin. He slowly removed his hand from her mesmerizing body and covered her nakedness with a soft blanket. He got to his feet, pushed aside the curtains, and walked over to the round table in the center of the room.

A colorful little snake was coiled up on the table. Apparently noticing Xiao Ming's arrival, the head of the colorful snake lifted slightly, glanced at him, and then looked away.

"What's wrong with you, little one? Are you angry again?" Xiao Ming chuckled as he brewed a cup of tea for himself. He reached out to touch the snake's head, but it dodged away and hissed twice as if complaining about something.

"Ah, I see. I forgot to prepare food for you, didn't I? You don't have to be so petty," Xiao Ming said with a helpless expression.

After being apart from Xiao Yi Xian for so long, the passion between them had been overwhelming. When they arrived at the inn, they couldn't contain their desire for each other and went straight to his room.


"Okay, okay, I'll prepare some delicious food for you next time. Is that okay?"

Hearing this, the colorful python nodded in satisfaction and then moved to Xiao Ming's hand, actively putting its head into his hand.

"You're becoming more and more gluttonous, little girl," Xiao Ming was amused and exasperated by the behavior of the colorful python.

Suddenly, something unexpected happened. A dazzling seven-colored light burst from the python's body, and the python wriggled rapidly under the bright illumination. A charming, naked woman, perfectly carved like jade, appeared before Xiao Ming's eyes in no time.

Her flawless cheeks and enticing allure could drive any man insane, but her coldness added an irresistible attraction. Men were like that- the more unattainable something was, the more interested they became in it.

This woman was a jade masterpiece, but if only her icy demeanor could have been softened with a touch of humanity, she would have been perfect.

As soon as Medusa appeared, she felt something strange in her bosom. She then noticed Xiao Ming's right palm buried in her snow-white, towering breasts.

"Have you touched enough?" Her cold voice rang out.

Xiao Ming cleared his throat and calmly withdrew his hand after gazing at Queen Medusa's flawless naked body.

"Ahem, It's not my fault. You always appear out of nowhere."

Since her first appearance, Medusa had appeared two more times, and this was the fourth time. Whenever she appeared, she would shower Xiao Ming with benefits.

Just moments ago, Xiao Ming's hand was still resting on the head of the Seven-Colored Heaven Swallowing Python, but Medusa's sudden appearance brought his hand to her bosom.

During her first appearance, Medusa had been somewhat shy, but now her voice had become noticeably colder. It was possible that she had adopted a "throwing caution to the wind" mentality by now.

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