Douluo: Start Invincible From Capturing the Goddess

Chapter 870: Earth-shattering grandeur! One person wins chicken and dog

Chapter 870 Earth-shattering grandeur! One person attains enlightenment, chicken and dog ascend to heaven!


Luo Yu crossed his legs above the void, condensing a huge vortex in front of him.

In the boundless and distant dark universe, it seems that some colossus was attracted and moved in the direction of Douluo Continent.

Gu Yuena, the God of Life, and the God of Le looked at each other.

"Brother Yu, what are you doing?"

"I don't know." The King of Life God shook his head, and Le God was also puzzled.

But now she is lost in thought.

Luo Yu is also a little too strong, unknowingly abducted the God King of Life and turned against the God Realm.

On the Douluo Continent, the top officials of the Yanhuang League rescued the people in the earthquake disaster with their powerful cultivation.

At this time, he was looking at what happened in the universe through the mirror in shock.

Qian Daoliu said blankly:

"The leader is awesome!"

"The leader is mighty."


Tang Chen scolded: "Old man, the lord has taken over the God Realm, what are you doing?"

Qian Daoliu looked at Tang Chen with a weeping face, and said disappointedly:

"Old Tang, have you ever thought about it?"

"The lord has refined all the origins of the gods, how can we inherit the position of gods and break through to become gods?"

"Eh—it seems to be the case." Tang Chen was also dumbfounded.

Now that all the positions of gods are absorbed by Luo Yu alone, the others are destined not to accept the positions of gods, and will never be able to become gods again.

At this moment, Bibi Dong glanced sideways, and said with a cold snort:

"Is this the way you two are?"

"Have you ever seen Brother Yu mistreat anyone who followed him?"

Qian Renxue nodded from the side.

"Brother Yu considers things far more thoughtfully than ordinary people, and I think he must have a backup"

"Exactly." Bo Saixi and sister Ayin agreed.

Qian Daoliu and Tang Chen looked at each other with embarrassment.

Feeling isolated.

I envied Luo Yu in my heart and almost cried with envy.

Rampaging the world, suppressing the absolute power of the God Realm, and having the trust and companionship of so many top beauties, she is at the pinnacle of life.

No, the universe is at its peak!

"What is Brother Yu doing now." Bibi Dong was puzzled.

Qian Renxue blinked her colored contact lenses, feeling a little confused.

"Isn't the crisis over? Brother Yu, why hasn't he come back?"

Bo Saixi pursed her lips and said with a smile:

"Why, the little girl is starting to miss your love brother?"

Qian Renxue is not a fuel-efficient lamp either, when she heard Bo Saixi calling her a little girl, her red lips rose slightly, and said with a smile:

"Don't Auntie miss her husband?"

"You call me auntie?" Bo Saixi stared.

"Isn't this respecting you as an elder~" Qian Renxue blinked her curly eyelashes, charming and charming.


Tang Chen and Qian Daoliu smelled a strong smell of vinegar, and quickly hid away.

Bibi Dong has no intention of participating in the war at all.

is thinking about it.

Originally thought that the posthumous position in the family was guaranteed, but Gu Yuena was killed, she couldn't bear it anymore.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help raising her jade fingers and kneading between her eyebrows.


At this time, Ah Yin suddenly let out an exclamation, pointing to the cosmic scene reflected in the sky, and said:


"what is that?"

The girls woke up from the state of jealousy and absent-mindedness. They looked closely and were immediately shocked by the magnificent scene.


"what's going on."

"Brother Yu...this is what to do."

All the girls swallowed involuntarily, their hearts were filled with turbulent waves, which was even more shocking than Luo Yu's killing of a kind of **** king just now.

Even the God King of Life was shocked.

"Spirit world?"

"Brother Yu actually brought the God Realm here?"

"Has his strength reached this point?"

Leshen said dully: "What is he doing to bring the God Realm here?"

In the vast and boundless universe, Luo Yu was sitting there cross-legged like a grain of rice, while a divine domain covered by a golden film and filled with golden clouds and mists was flying towards quickly under the pull of the vortex, shaking the void.

Everyone stared at Luo Yu dumbfounded now, no one guessed what he was going to do to bring God Realm here.

You must know that this is a whole plane of the gods, and he was actually pulled here from thousands of miles away?

What everyone doesn't know is that after Luo Yu absorbed the origin of the myriad gods of the powerful in the God Realm, he has already become the master of the planes of the God Realm.

No matter how far away they are, they can still feel the breath from the God Realm.

The huge God's Domain is flying and moving in the universe, quickly approaching the Douluo Continent, as if it is about to collide with it.

But everyone has no fear, because they know that Luo Yu will not hurt them, only doubts and curiosity.


When God's Domain and Douluo Star intersected together, ripples appeared in the void, God's Domain stopped suddenly, and the entire Douluo Star trembled slightly.

Although God's Realm is full of spiritual energy and its quality is much higher than that of Douluo Continent, its volume is a little too small compared to the planet Douluo Star.

If one looks down from a very high angle in the universe, the golden sphere formed by God's Domain is only about one hundredth the size of Douluo Star.

Luo Yu got up in the void, and endless divine power gushed out from his body.

His current strength has reached the limit of this world. If he wants to give this realm a name, it is the control realm.

You can kill the king of gods with just one hand, without any effort.

He looked at the intersection of Douluo Star and Shenyu, and said solemnly:


Under his control, the God Realm turned into mist as if liquefied, slowly melting into Douluo Star.

In an instant, the energy of the entire Douluo star surged.

It actually expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Mountains and rivers are rising, oceans are roaring, plants are skyrocketing, spirit beasts are excited and screaming, and human life spans and physiques are constantly increasing. In this great opportunity, all creatures are realizing evolution and evolving towards a higher level. .

"Boom boom boom!"

Pillars of light rose from the Douluo Continent.

Bathed in the golden beam of light, Tang Chen's eyes were full of excitement and shock.

His cultivation has always been stuck in the Limit Douluo, and he has been unable to break through for countless years, no matter how hard he practices, it is useless.

Because he knew that he lacked the position of a god, but at that moment just now.

He felt that the shackles that trapped him disappeared, and his body seemed to become lighter, as if some kind of shackles between heaven and earth disappeared.

"Am... am I going to become a god?" Tang Chen looked at Yao Jin Hui's hands in disbelief.

The same scene appeared on Bo Saixi, Bibi Dong and other peak powerhouses, officially stepping into the realm of gods.

The golden-eyed Black Dragon King Ditian, who had always been indifferent, looked up to the sky and screamed, tears streaming from his eyes.


"My soul beast clan, can I become a **** without escaping the catastrophe of a million years?"

He doesn't know how to describe his mood now.

Since the Great War in the God Realm, there has never been a case of soul beasts becoming gods, because the God Realm does not allow soul beasts to become gods, and countless talented soul beasts have fallen to one after another. I just lived a few more years.

It is impossible to survive the catastrophe of millions of years.

Now he has become a god?

Bibi Dong felt the broken shackles in her body, the rising strength, and stared at the young figure in the universe bewilderedly.

"Brother Yu..."

Bo Saixi and Qian Daoliu glanced at each other, and they could see each other's excitement.

"I, unexpectedly, can also become a god."

Those who enshrine the gods will stop at Limit Douluo for life and will never become gods. This is the consensus of Douluo Continent for endless years.

However, now this nightmare is broken.

She, Bo Saixi, has become a god!

And this is all due to her man, Luo Yu, who created all these impossible miracles.

The beautiful eyes of the God of Life shone with a special brilliance.

The breath exuding from the whole body is full of vitality.

"I... I really didn't see the wrong person."

"He not only changed the world of gods, but also made all creatures equal, and they all got the chance to become gods."

“He used his own hands to fulfill the dreams of these people.”

The God King of Life has long had enough of the high-ranking faces of the gods in the God Realm. Now that he finally sees the scene he wants to see, his inner feelings are indescribable.

Gu Yuena's purple eyes were red, and drops of crystals oozed from the corners of her eyes, sliding down her fair and beautiful face.

She saw soul beasts breaking through.

She saw Ditian break through the shackles and finally become a god.

What she can foresee is that the soul beast can also become a **** without any obstacles in the future, and will no longer be bound by anyone.

Once upon a time, a man promised her that he would help her avenge God Shura by beheading him, resist the God Realm, and lift the oppression of the spirit beast clan.

At that time, the strength of the man was so weak that she could be wiped out by raising her hand.

Now, the man fulfilled all the promises he made to her, God Shura died without a burial place, the God Realm was completely integrated into the Douluo Continent, and the soul beast clan was no longer oppressed.

The strength of a man has reached an unprecedented realm, even more ancient than modern.

At this moment, Gu Yuena's heart was rippling, and she was drunk.

Leshen has a complex expression.

Once upon a time, she laughed at the other party's ignorance of good and bad, and even wanted a free wife and **** position, but now let's look at it again.

The clown was herself.

However, she can only be happy that a man can achieve such an achievement!

If you can know Luo Yu in this life, even if you have been rejected as a god, then this wave of operations is not a loss, blood profit!

Being able to play the piano is still invincible.

This is the legendary lover of dreams!

Leshen's elegant and beautiful face blooms quietly like a rose.

Meidi and Zhendi floated above a dilapidated city, and below were thousands of civilians and soul masters rescued by them from the ruins of the earthquake.

Mei Emperor couldn't help opening and closing his red lips and said:

"I thought he was brave enough to kill the Abyss Emperor, but I didn't expect him to overthrow the God Realm."

Emperor Zhen whispered: "Do you understand that what he is doing now is a big deal, it's terrible."

"Such a man... such a man..."

Meidi kept repeating, but didn't say the last words.

So what if your heart beats.

Would the giant dragon hovering high in the sky overlooking the mortal world see a woman like her?

Zhendi seems to have sensed the good sister's emotions.


It seems that there is a different kind of emotion hidden in it.

When the God Realm completely disappeared and fully integrated into Douluo Star, the entire Douluo Star had already undergone earth-shaking changes.

The aura is more than ten times or a hundred times stronger.

In terms of quality, it has even surpassed.

The soul master who hadn't broken through for many years completed the breakthrough at this time, and even the life span of mortals who didn't practice has been extended.

The patient who had been lying on the couch for many years walked out of the room, and the dying old man unexpectedly regained his vitality.

This time, Luo Yu truly explained what it means to be able to attain the Tao by one person and ascend to heaven.

He stands in the universe, and the sky mirror covers him.

At this time, all the creatures on Douluo Continent can see the supreme figure of that stalwart when they look up.

Luo Yu looked solemn, like the Nine Heavens Emperor.

opened his mouth and said:

"God Realm, Douluo, the two realms become one."

"From then on, there is no longer any shackles for you to become a god."

"Regardless of spirit beasts or mortals, they can practice hard and become gods on their own!"

For a moment, Luo Yu's majestic voice sounded in the ears of all creatures, inviolable and inviolable.


Di Tian took the lead in kneeling down.

"Thank you for the gift, my lord. Ditian is extremely grateful and wishes to follow forever."

Qian Daoliu and Tang Chen also knelt down one after another, willingly, tears filled with gratitude.

The feeling is indescribable.

Just as Qian Daoliu could only watch himself die of old age and was unable to become a god, Tang Chen accepted the inheritance of a Shura **** and was almost killed by the gods.

A strong man from Douluo Continent knelt down, and then all mortals, although they didn't recognize the figures in the sky.

But they can all understand that because of this person, their life span has been extended, and the other person has brought them an unimaginable great fortune, and everything has changed.

Star Dou Forest, Sunset Forest, the Far North, places where spirit beasts inhabit, are also worshiping the figure in the sky.

Douluo is promoted, and all souls return to their hearts.

Rays of rays of light flew out from the ground and gathered towards Luo Yu's body.

His cultivation has made another breakthrough. There were originally eleven divine rings behind him, and another soul ring was formed in the endless rays of light.

The God King of Life couldn't help exclaiming: "The twelfth soul?"

Luo Yu is blessed to the soul.

The twelfth soul, from the soul ring condensed by the power of the massive meritorious deeds of the Douluo Continent.

Does not have any attack power.

However, when luck reaches its peak, bad times turn into good fortunes, and disasters become auspicious. From then on, there is no need for Luo Yu to look for opportunities, and it is very likely that they will hit him automatically.

Bathed in the brilliance of the twelve divine rings.

In the midst of thousands of rays of light, the corners of Luo Yu's mouth raised, driving the mirror in the sky, continuously reflecting him, and flew into the Douluo Continent.

He stands above the Far North.

Everyone wondered what he was going to do in that deserted place.

He pointed at the mirror, revealing that handsome face like a banished fairy, his bright black eyes were like stars, exuding amazing handsomeness.

At that time, Douluo Dalu did not know how many beauties and young women fell for him.

Luo Yu smiled and said:

“There is one thing that I have wanted to do for a long time, but I have always thought that the time has not come.”

Douluo Continent became a sensation, and everyone was wondering what else such a man wanted to do.

Sisters A Yin, Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing and other beauties are also very curious.

Only Bibi Dong, Qian Renxue, Gu Yuena and the others seemed to realize something, and bit their red lips.

Luo Yu continued:

"The God Realm is not destroyed, why is it home?"

"Now the God Realm is destroyed..."


Luo Yu didn't say a word, and beautiful and magnificent rainbow bridges flew out from under his feet at the same time, building bridges in the air.

Carrying a dazzling and beautiful light, passing through the sight of all Douluo creatures, flying to different directions at the same time...


Two in one, I'm afraid you will say that I am out of context and combined.

Some people always say that I am short and weak. In fact, a mature author controls the number of words in each chapter to less than 200 words.

Douluo Continent will end before the end of this month, giving friends who like Douluo a perfect ending, from beginning to end, after the eunuch's two Douluo books, this time there is no unfinished end, and the preparation is sufficient. The results of this book are among Douluo colleagues. Those who are in the forefront, after all, I know other authors, full of sense of accomplishment.

Some trolls say they don't like it, but it doesn't really matter at all. After all, radish and green vegetables have their own preferences, and it's hard to say what everyone likes. If you are satisfied with coriander, those who don't like it will say you don't like it. We authors are all talking about income, really. Rubbish book, the author has long been **** or starved to death.

Crock pot, system, and Jiuxiao Tianzhu sword are actually the foreshadowing of the next chapter, which will be revealed later. In fact, when I drafted the outline, I considered the Doupo chapter. Later, I thought it would be more cost-effective to write a new Doupo fan. , so the next chapter will follow my original outline...

Thank you for your company, thank you bamboo~

(end of this chapter)

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