Where did the array disc come from? Did the mayor provide it? Did it come from the organization? This was what Guan Longjiang was wondering about. He had never heard of such a thing before! Wasn't it too reckless to entrust such a crucial item to the youngsters for the team battles in the Great Beast Fighting Arena?

This was also why he needed to talk to Zhang Haoxuan. If this item fell into the hands of the demon races, it would be unretrievable!

But no matter how anxious he was, he couldn’t do anything about it. Zhang Haoxuan was nowhere to be found, and he couldn't meet the Shrek Squad since they were inside the Great Beast Fighting Arena. There was nothing he could do.

The five members of the Shrek Squad were unaware that while Wu Bingji’s moniker of "Headshot Maniac" hadn’t exactly caught on among the public, their team was now commonly called the "Headshot Squad" by many demons.

With headshots in two consecutive battles, their way of fighting was thrilling to the demons! This human squad had just gained some notoriety.

Betting for their third battle in the Great Beast Fighting Arena had already started. There was considerable enthusiasm for the bets.

None of these were of Tang San’s concern. Their third match was not scheduled for the third day as expected; there was instead a two-day delay.

Tang San was not in a hurry, but Wu Bingji was quite distressed over the hotel room bill outside! Each additional day meant extra expenses. He had grumbled countless times, wishing they had canceled the room before they came to the arena for the matches.

But now there was no way out, so the senior brother eagerly awaited the third match. Once it was over, he wanted to check out of the hotel quickly.

They now fully understood the rules of the team battle. After the third match, they just needed to set a time for the fourth match, and then they could return to the Redemption Academy.

Finally, the eagerly awaited third match arrived.

It was still the Bloodthirsty Demon Ape who arrived, but today, its expression seemed much gentler. It was even sporting a slight smile on its ape face.

"Everyone, get ready. Your third battle will begin shortly. Rest assured, our Great Beast Fighting Arena is fair. So, your opponents are chosen randomly and they are also here for their third match. I hope you can continue your efforts and achieve even greater results."

The Bloodthirsty Demon Ape seemed a lot more talkative today.

"Please lead the way," Tang San said.

Tang San and his four companions were taken to the waiting room that carried the stench of blood.

The Bloodthirsty Demon Ape, observing their calm demeanor, said, "It's like this: today, many people have come to watch your match, and many bets have been placed. If it’s not too much trouble, you could drag out the match a bit longer; there's no need to end it too quickly."

Tang San glanced at him and said, "In a battle of life and death, should we be worried about the duration of the match?"

Although rebuffed, the Bloodthirsty Demon Ape didn't lose its temper this time; it simply shrugged and said, "It's just a suggestion. But I think you understand that the more money you can make for the Great Beast Fighting Arena, the more important you are to us. There will always be some benefits."

Tang San replied, "Understood. We need to prepare. Please leave us for now."

The Bloodthirsty Demon Ape, having gotten no amusement from the interaction, said nothing more and turned to leave.

Tang San turned his head to signal Du Bai, then put on that familiar mask..

Du Bai's eyes surged with white light. Since the match was on short notice, there hadn't been time to use Celestial Fox Transformation to enhance everyone's fortunes.

With fortune on their side, all five felt their condition improving.

"This match will likely bring strong opponents, so be ready. Eldest brother, just like we rehearsed, wait for my signal to act," Tang San reminded.

"Hmm? Will the opponents be strong? Considering that Bloodthirsty Demon Ape's attitude just now…"

"That was to mislead us. Since betting started and we've performed well in the first two matches, our opponents will be strong this time. They'll likely target our transport array disc specifically. Just be cautious," said Tang San.


All five were masked and ready for battle when the waiting room door opened again.

With the Headshot Maniac, no, eldest brother Wu Bingji leading the way and the other four following, they entered the now-familiar Great Beast Fighting Arena.

The Great Beast Fighting Arena was packed today, as team battles always drew a crowd. The demons were particularly keen on bloody team fights.

As Tang San had predicted, the Shrek Squad was the first to enter the arena. This meant the judgment of the odds was more favorable to their opponents.

Of course, it had been the same the previous two times, yet they had won each time.

"Let's see, our Headshot Squad has arrived. Wait, that’s not what they’re called, right? Whatever, 'Headshot Squad' suits them best. Today, let's see if they can decimate their opponents or if they will be torn apart. Please welcome the Headshot Squad's opponents today, the Bloodshed Team."

The opposite gate slowly opened!

All eyes were fixed on that gate.

Five figures stood side by side, slowly coming into view of the Shrek Squad.

Surprisingly, the five members of the Bloodshed Team were of the same species. Seeing their appearances, a look of surprise emerged among the Shrek Squad.

"Leopard demons? Flash Leopards?" Du Bai blurted out.

Indeed, all five opponents were leopard demons. Each was robust and sleek in form, appearing precisely like Flash Leopards.

"That one in the middle isn't a Flash Leopard," Tang San said.

The five leopard demons indeed looked similar, but the one in the middle was significantly more robust. Its fur patterns were different, resembling coins, and each spot was precisely arranged, unlike the more chaotic patterns on the Leopard Flash.

"Golden Coin Leopard? A golden bloodline!" Wu Bingji said gravely. [1]

Indeed, the one in the center was a Golden Coin Leopard. While it was difficult to gauge its cultivation order, the fact that a demon with a golden bloodline was participating in the Great Beast Fighting Arena's team battle was surprising enough.

The five leopard demons stepped out together, with the Golden Coin Leopard slightly ahead of the four Flash Leopards. Their movements were agile, yet an intangible sense of pressure emanated from them.

Leopard demons were best known for their speed and bursts of power. As Tang San had anticipated, their opponents had been designated as a countermeasure to their transport array disc. Given the leopard demons' speed, was teleportation any use?

However, at this moment, Tang San smirked. Solid plan, guys. I hope it works out for you!

The most important thing when designing measures that targeted an opponent specifically was to understand them first. But did the Great Beast Fighting Arena really understand them? As for the leopard demon with the golden bloodline, perhaps consuming its bloodline for later use would be helpful.

Now that he had a spirit core, Tang San could encapsulate the bloodline energies he absorbed in a shell created with his mighty spiritual power. Unlike in the past, they would not gradually dissipate as long as his body could contain them, ensuring they remained intact for longer. For instance, the bloodline of the ninth-order elephant demon he had absorbed the other day was preserved.

In addition to his regular cultivation practices, he was also researching these bloodline powers, exploring whether he could transform them to a certain extent and then bestow them upon his companions, enhancing their strengths.

He wouldn't mind having a ninth-order demon with a golden bloodline as his research subject. Of course, such a demon was bound to be a formidable opponent. Ordinary Flash Leopards could rival teleportation in speed; undoubtedly, the strength of this golden bloodline Golden Coin Leopard would be extraordinary.

1. All the other golden bloodline clans are just Golden Something. In this case, 金钱豹 literally means Golden Coin Leopard (or in a practical sense Money Leopard); it’s a generic name for leopards due to their spots that look like coins. There’s also an Internet-age pun based on this—the word is homonymous with “entering the wallet.” ☜

Bananachocopie's Thoughts

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