Tang San approached Zhang Haoxuan and said, "Master, are we allowed to go to the Great Beast Fighting Arena now?"

"I represent the academy in giving consent. However, you must be extremely careful. You cannot reveal anything out of place, understood? Also, another thing… you know that the Great Beast Fighting Arena is not a kind place. You’ve seen it. There, you cannot afford to be kind either, you get me? Being kind to your enemy is being cruel to yourself."

Tang San nodded firmly. "I understand, Master. Don't worry."

"Good, then make sure they understand that too. Go and train together. You haven’t fought together for quite a while. Now that everyone's strength has increased, you need to familiarize yourselves with each other and practice coordination more. In team battles, cooperation is vital."

Tang San nodded again in agreement.

Zhang Haoxuan didn't bother to offer guidance regarding their cooperation; he fully trusted that Tang San's efforts wouldn't be inferior to his own and might even be better.

They can go on their own. Tang San has never let me down. With this lineup plus Tang San's hidden strength, they should be able to face any opponent in the Great Beast Fighting Arena. After all, there are no god-level opponents there.


This battle had a significant impact on the Redemption Academy, affecting both teachers and students alike.

Guan Longjiang returned to his room, gradually calming his emotions. Though losing in front of a large audience was somewhat embarrassing, he had to admit to his pupils’ excellence. Even the strength of his own direct disciple had become somewhat incomprehensible to him.

And Tang San, once again, came into his view.

Over the past year, Zhang Haoxuan had kept Tang San out of the Redemption Academy under the guise of personal tutoring. Thus, even as the director of education, he was unaware of what Tang San had been doing.

Tang San's strength seemed to have made a qualitative leap from today's events. His Demonic God Transformation remained at the seventh order, but it definitely reached the pinnacle of the seventh order, and he was only a hair’s breadth from the eighth. This rate of growth was swift.

Although his appearance had changed significantly, the fact of the matter was that Tang San was only twelve. He was barely in his early teens, and yet he possessed such incredible power!

Even more terrifying was that his spiritual power had definitely reached the ninth order, and he had somehow found a unique method to use it.

Guan Longjiang knew that Wu Bingji and others were practicing a method to enhance spiritual power that Tang San had taught them. In his view, it must have been passed down by Zhang Haoxuan—in other words, it originated from the headquarters. Zhang Haoxuan hadn't mentioned this to him, and it wasn't his place to ask. These youngsters' spiritual power now appeared far greater than he had imagined. Given time, wouldn't they all have the potential to reach the tenth tier?

"Hey, how are you feeling?" The door was pushed open, and Zhang Haoxuan walked in from outside.

"Are you here to mock me?" Guan Longjiang said irritably.

Zhang Haoxuan laughed. "We're brothers, why would I mock you? Not to mention… if I were to be honest… even I might not have won if I were in your place today."

"So humble?" Guan Longjiang glanced at him, aware that Zhang Haoxuan's cultivation had reached the pinnacle of the ninth order. His progress had been notably fast in the past year, and he was clearly close to achieving that level.

Guan Longjiang was also striving and making efforts, but talent was what it was. He knew that the likelihood of breaking through to the god level in his lifetime was slim.

"You should feel proud. After all, these are disciples we've taught. A student surpassing the master is exactly our ideal, no?"

"The Great Beast Fighting Arena is still too risky," Guan Longjiang said, frowning.

"That’s true, but do you remember what happened when Tang San asked us to let the kids go out and experience life? True combat accelerates their growth. Let them go forth and improve. If they never take any risks, when will we ever be able to save our people from dire straits?"

Guan Longjiang sighed lightly. "Perhaps you're right. I have indeed been too cautious. These children truly gave me a great surprise today. I'm really curious, how did you manage to teach Tang San? He's so young!"

Zhang Haoxuan smiled slightly. "I didn't teach him all that much. It can only be said that he has a unique talent. Perhaps this is heaven's favor toward us humans."

Guan Longjiang looked at him with surprise. "Do you think of him that highly?"

Zhang Haoxuan said, "In any case, his future achievements will surpass ours. I have that much confidence. Given more time, he will surely shine even brighter."

"I can only hope so. Anyway, speaking of surpassing things, how come your bloodline fluctuations often spill out now? Are you losing control? Have you mentioned this to the headquarters?"

"I have. I just sent a letter to the headquarters and I am waiting for a reply now."

Guan Longjiang exclaimed, "I envy you! You're about to touch that world. I thought you’d be like me, gazing at that world but unable to get there."

Zhang Haoxuan smiled faintly. "It's possible, brother. It really is."

"You've been in good spirits lately. Is it because you're about to make a breakthrough?"

Zhang Haoxuan shook his head, "Yes and no. It's mainly because we might have a way out. Even if there are dangers in the future, we can preserve these sparks of hope."


"Don't ask too much; I can't tell you now. Let's wait until after I've made my breakthrough. Ah, right, let me ask you something."

"What is it?"

"How does it feel to be trounced by your own pupil? Hahaha, loseeeeeeer!"

With a burst of laughter, Zhang Haoxuan swiftly left, leaving Guan Longjiang fuming and his face turning green.

That brat Wu Bingji dares to suppress me. Alright, kid, you just fuckin wait!


Unaware that he was about to become the target of someone's venting, Wu Bingji was with Tang San and the others.

"Elder brother, your control over the ice needles just now was incredible. You even managed to fight Teacher Guan," Cheng Zicheng said with stars in her eyes.

Wu Bingji smiled widely. "Finally, a year's effort has not been in vain. After practicing Little Tang's Purple Demon Eyes, I've improved my fine control of the ice element."

Tang San said, "This is just the result of your efforts, eldest brother. Anyway, since we've decided to go to the Great Beast Fighting Arena, just as Master said, we need to practice coordination. If we win ten matches in a row, we can become nobility. Then, we can go to the Ancestral Court with my master to have a look."

Everyone's eyes lit up, and Wu Bingji said, "You arrange it, and we'll all listen to you."

They clearly knew that they would not have improved so much in a single year, or ever, without Tang San's help.

Tang San said, "We'll gather to practice our coordination in the coming week."

"Oh, by the way, do you mean Du Bai should also participate? There’s no way he can use his Celestial Fox Transformation in combat," Gu Li reminded him.

"It's okay. Luck enhancement can be done before the battle; as for during the battle… hehe, there are other methods. Don’t worry. I'll help brother Du Bai assume another identity."

He then turned to Du Bai. "Brother Du Bai, your spiritual power is sufficient now. I'll give you a few things to use in coordination with us."

"Hidden weapons?" Du Bai asked curiously.

Tang San shook his head. "Hidden weapons cannot be revealed in the Great Beast Fighting Arena."

He had used hidden weapons to assist Mei Gongzi in assassinating several strong opponents. Although a year had passed, they couldn't be exposed to avoid unnecessary trouble.

He took out three metal discs from his storage bag and handed them to Du Bai.

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