Seeing Tang San again, they inexplicably felt a sense of joy. Yet, they didn't dare to crowd around him; they just bowed, then stood aside.

Zhang Haoxuan smiled and said, "The growth rate of this Golden Tree is beyond my expectations. Truly miraculous! The life essence it's emitting is becoming increasingly potent. Within a month, your girls should all be able to advance to the second order. It's like turning decay into something magical. Our organization has tried to stimulate bloodline evolution by enhancing vitality, but it’s never been this effective. How exactly did you do it?"

"Using life energy to stimulate bloodline evolution is the right choice. But the question is whether that life energy is pure. The purer the life energy, the more beneficial it is for bloodline evolution. That’s precisely the advantage of the Golden Tree. Now, do you still think these branches were a waste of money?"

Zhang Haoxuan chuckled. "Are you holding a grudge? You have a point, though. I truly wish for it to grow quickly. However, I'm also afraid that its effects might be too good. If the life energy is too strong, it could cause unnecessary trouble."

Tang San smirked. "I'm here today precisely to solve this problem. The Golden Tree has now entered a positive growth cycle. What we need to do is help it grow faster while also concealing its aura. This way, the life energy it produces won't cause any trouble."

Zhang Haoxuan's eyes lit up. "Another array?"

Tang San nodded.

A strong sense of anticipation shone in Zhang Haoxuan's eyes upon his confirmation. He had already thoroughly studied Tang San's Spirit Summoning Array, and the more he studied, the more amazed he became. The connectivity, the understanding of the forces of nature, and the subtle changes within the array far surpassed whatever he knew about arrays. Seeing Tang San about to set up another array, how could he not be intrigued?

"I'll need your help, Master."

Zhang Haoxuan asked, "No problem, what do I need to do?"

Tang San said, "Today, I plan to set up two arrays. One of them is an illusion array, whose main function is to conceal this valley. The Golden Tree will be the core of the illusion array. It can now generate plenty of life force, so it’s the focal point for the array. The other array is called the Sky Swallowing Array. I've just figured this array out, so we'll need to test it to see how effective it is."

"An array you came up with on your own? Are you a monster?" Zhang Haoxuan's mouth twitched slightly.

Tang San chuckled. "Can't help it. I'm naturally gifted. You know that."

"What good does knowing do me? I just can't believe it. Let's get started then," Zhang Haoxuan said helplessly.

Tang San said, "We must set up the illusion array first. This way, when we test the Sky Swallowing Array, it won't cause too much of a disturbance."

"What do I need to do then?" Zhang Haoxuan asked.

"You've mastered the Spirit Summoning Array, right?"

Zhang Haoxuan nodded. "I should have no issues setting it up now."

"Great, I need you to work with me to set up eighteen Spirit Summoning Arrays within this valley. I'll choose the locations and determine the focal points. Also, I need you to fund the purchase of some items to set up the arrays. Without the Golden Wood as the core, we'll need other things to assist. Here's the list."

Tang San handed Zhang Haoxuan a list he had already prepared.

Zhang Haoxuan glanced at the list, his mouth twitching slightly. "This will cost me a few dozen naturae coins at least!"

Tang San laughed. "Haha, out with the old, in with the new! Once you've mastered the Spirit Summoning Array, you can craft some array discs to sell. I guarantee you'll make a fortune."

"Array discs?" Zhang Haoxuan looked at him, puzzled.

Tang San explained, "Basically, we can engrave Spirit Summoning Arrays onto pieces of special metals, creating portable arrays whose effects can be adjusted according to our needs. Of course, the effects of these portable arrays will be a little inferior to those built on the ground, but they are still effective. Later, everyone in our academy can use these array discs in their dormitories to gather spiritual energy, so they can cultivate at the same speed as if they were at Kali Academy. Also, don’t you think this can be a great source of money? But I’d say we shouldn't sell it here but let the organization handle the distribution. It'll earn money for the organization and provide us with a safe and hassle-free share. We'll only be responsible for production. This will be our unique secret technique, and you can claim that you developed it. This will make our future funding more substantial, and we can afford to buy good things."

Zhang Haoxuan's eyes shone brightly. "I see, so you’re planning to sell the discs as well? The organization will benefit greatly from this."

Tang San waved his hand and smiled, "The Spirit Summoning Array is just a common array, so there’s no problem selling it. When we make the discs, we can include a safety feature that ensures they can’t be dismantled or copied. As long as we’re the only ones who can produce it, we’ll have a steady stream of money. From now on, you will be the Array Master of the Redemption Society. In the future, we might even sell other things."

Zhang Haoxuan took a deep breath, feeling his heartbeat quicken instantly. Of course, he knew the significant benefits that could come from selling such array disks.

To those nobles of the demon and nymph clans with high-tier bloodlines, this kind of implements were not worth much, as they had arrays similar to the Spirit Summoning Array in their estates. However, theirs were costly to make and could not be moved. The portability of these Spirit Summoning Array discs was just too convenient. Moreover, arrays that gathered spiritual energy of heaven and earth were almost never sold; only advanced academies and noble families could possess such arrays. The status of array masters among the demon and nymph clans was very high! The potential earnings from selling these portable discs were imaginable.

Seeing his excited expression, Tang San said, "Master, I have a condition."

"Speak," Zhang Haoxuan immediately responded.

"First, the title of Array Master will be yours. You can't tell anyone that I created the array. I don't want to cause any unwanted attention. In particular, do not tell the Redemption Society."

"That's no problem. I'll cover for you," Zhang Haoxuan agreed without hesitation.

"Second, you can't be stingy when it's time to spend money. We must keep at least half the money earned from the array discs. I may need a lot of money to support my research and development in the future. You can't give it all to the organization."

"Of course. Without you, there would be no income anyway. I'll make it clear to the organization. Just say that the cost of producing these array discs is very high. As for the metal used in making the array discs, it would be best to find some that aren't widely recognized," Zhang Haoxuan said.

Tang San's gaze shifted slightly. As expected of his master—what a shrewd salesman! This idea seemed to have come naturally to him. Moreover, he had clearly guessed that the materials for making the Spirit Summoning Array discs weren’t anything expensive.

No wonder, since his previous Spirit Summoning Arrays were drawn directly onto the earth, hardly using any materials at all.

Tang San said, "Third, let's give it a year. We must save as much money as possible and then travel to the Ancestral Court. We'll go there to find some good items to bring back."

"You want to go to the Ancestral Court?" Zhang Haoxuan was taken aback.

Tang San nodded. "The way I saw it in the auction in Kali City, there are just too many good items to buy, and many of the owners have no idea what they own. We're not going to buy expensive items, but to find bargains. And, I also want to go to the Ancestral Court to learn what I can."

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