Not until the fifth day after the great battle ended did Tang San finally see Mei Gongzi at Kali Academy.

She looked somewhat thinner, and her eyes revealed weariness. When Tang San saw her, he kept sweeping the floor as usual, but Mei Gongzi actually walked straight toward him.

"Come with me for a moment," Mei Gongzi said when she reached him, then walked towards a nearby grove.

Tang San felt the whole world had become more colorful when he saw her, and his mood significantly lifted. Even his dim divine consciousness felt a bit more lively.

He followed Mei Gongzi into the small grove.

"Sister Mei." Tang San called out with a smile.

Mei Gongzi turned to look at him and said, "I am leaving."

The simple words almost instantly froze Tang San's smile, and a strong sense of loss surged uncontrollably within him.

"Where are you going?" he blurted out instinctively. And he nearly added, I'll go with you.

Mei Gongzi shook her head. "I will not be leaving Kali City, but I will enter seclusion and cultivate with my father. I don't know how long it will take, but it will definitely be a while. I came to say goodbye to you."

Upon hearing that she was only going into seclusion and not leaving Kali City, Tang San breathed a sigh of relief. Then, he remembered something.

"How is your father? That day…"

"He's severely injured. Don't ask too many questions; the more you know, the more danger you’re in. Focus on your cultivation, understand? When I return, I'll be checking on you."

As Mei Gongzi spoke, what echoed in her mind was the intense sense of loss he had shown just a moment ago.

Tang San nodded; he had already guessed something. It wasn't a bad thing for Mei Gongzi. However, reason could not overcome the turbulence of his feelings, and a strong sense of reluctance still lingered in his heart.

"I'm leaving now. Work hard, and if I find you haven't met the mark when I return, hmph!" Mei Gongzi glared at him, then quickly walked toward the grove's edge.

Tang San's mouth twitched slightly; this was the first time they had been in the small grove together! The previous time in the Kali Mountains didn't count; that was Asura, not himself.

He quickly turned and followed her out. He did not know when he would see her again, so all he could do was use this chance to take a good look at her!

Mei Gongzi was now close to the exit, but she felt his gaze. She stopped, looked back at him, and then waved her hand vigorously.

Tang San hurriedly waved back. His lips moved silently, saying something to her without making a sound.

Mei Gongzi seemed to understand it, and her hand paused momentarily, but then she quickly turned and continued walking away.

I'll miss you, Tang San silently repeated in his heart.

Stepping out of the academy, Mei Gongzi took a deep breath of fresh air, but a heavy sense of oppression still couldn't be shaken off her heart. Was it because of him? Why is it that every time I see him, my emotions run wild?

She took a cup of milk tea from her storage space; it was actually just an empty cup, but she still held it in her hand. She stood silently at the academy's entrance, waiting.

However, today seemed different from usual; the waiting time was exceptionally long.

It wasn't until the sky gradually darkened, nearing evening, that a familiar voice finally sounded behind her.

"Sorry I'm late."

Asura, dressed in black and wearing a mask as always, had appeared at some point in a far-out corner.

Mei Gongzi suddenly turned around, and the instant she saw him, she felt a sense of relief.

After they parted that day, she felt uneasy. Facing a god-level power like the Dark Raven Demon King, she was unable to resist and was about to fall into enemy hands. In the end, she was still saved by Asura. Did he have the power to contend with god-level beings? He wasn't a god himself; of this, Mei Gongzi was certain. Yet, the result was that she was saved.

After returning, her heart was full of doubts, but she couldn't find any answers. Only later she heard from her mother about the outcome of that great battle. Under the sudden deterrence of the Sea God, the Crystal Phoenix Demon Emperor did not end up in a mutual defeat with the Great Peacock Demon King, but opted to leave instead.

Where did this Sea God come from? And was he truly a Demon Emperor?

For some reason, upon hearing the words "Sea God," she felt a strong stirring in her heart.

For some reason…she felt as if this Sea God was someone she knew.

She had many speculations. Among them was the guess that this person named Asura had something to do with the Sea God.

There were only a few ways she could have been rescued. One was that Asura hid his true strength, and in reality he was capable of overpowering even someone as strong as the Dark Raven Demon King. Another possibility was that an influential figure was supporting him… maybe a god-level power stepping in at the crucial moment to defeat the Dark Raven Demon King and save them?

Zhang Haoxuan had assured her multiple times that he was not an enemy, but then… who was behind him? Why couldn't Zhang Haoxuan clarify it? Her mother had also inquired before and received ambiguous answers. The only certainty was that this Asura was human and therefore an ally.

Asura was looking at her too, and for some reason, Mei Gongzi felt a sense of familiarity in his gaze. Gone were his usual ease and confidence, replaced by a particular emotion. It was similar to something she had seen before. In fact, she’d seen it not too long ago, in Tang San's eyes.

Asura had the stature of an adult, and his abilities were different from Tang San’s, naturally making it impossible for them to be the same person. Yet that look in his eyes…

Indeed, Asura silently watched her as if to memorize every detail of her being. He had been watching her not just for a few moments now, but from the moment she stood outside the academy. He only appeared now because he wanted to look at her, not knowing how long it would take to see her again after this departure.

"Why were you looking for me?" Asura asked in a low voice.

Mei Gongzi said, "The hunting operation is paused for now. I will be away for a while. To cultivate in seclusion."

"How long?"

"I don't know how long, but it will be a while."

Asura silently nodded. "Are you here to say goodbye? Can't you come out during your seclusion?"


Asura took a deep breath.

"I understand. When you finish your seclusion, wait for me with milk tea at this exact spot. I promise that I will be here within three days."

Mei Gongzi felt an inexplicable sense of relief, surprised to find herself somewhat worried that she might never see the person before her again after her seclusion. Perhaps it was because he had saved her that day, she thought.

"Okay," Mei Gongzi nodded earnestly.

Asura remained silent, just looking at her.

She put the milk tea cup away in her hand, saying, "Then I must go."

Asura's heart suddenly fluttered, and he impulsively asked, "Can I have that milk tea cup?"

Mei Gongzi paused, looking at him with a bit of wariness in her eyes. She fell silent for a moment but then shook her head. "Sorry, that won't do. I've drunk from it."

Asura's lips pursed slightly. He knew just as well as she did that she hadn’t drunk anything from it. He had been watching her for hours, after all. Without a doubt, she still harbored wariness and suspicion towards this identity of his, and a sense of loss inevitably rose in his heart. However, he still wanted to look at her, so he didn’t take the initiative to leave.


"I must go now. See you after my seclusion."

She waved her hand and quickly walked down the mountain as if she had suddenly remembered she had to be somewhere.

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