The gazes of the demon kings instinctively turned toward the Aetherhorn Deer Demon. Among them, the Aetherhorn Deer Demon was by far the most advanced in spiritual cultivation.

"Don't look at me. How could it possibly be me? I've been with the Golden Deer the whole time," the Aetherhorn Deer Demon said with a face full of helplessness.

The Peacock Great Demon King said indifferently, "I know what you've been suspecting. But do you think I, or my clan's elders, would join forces with Aetherhorn to deal with the Flash Leopard King? Or is there someone within my city proficient in the attributes of time working together with someone skilled in the attributes of fate to control the situation?"

He slowly raised his right hand as he spoke, calmly stating, "I swear an oath upon the blood of the Peacock that every word I have spoken is true. Should there be any falsehood, let my very blood punish me."

A point of red light gathered at his fingertip, instantly drilling into his forehead and disappearing without a trace.

A Blood Oath! This was the most formidable oath among the demon clans. Once made, if violated, the offender would indeed suffer a backlash from their bloodline—not just loss of cultivation, but almost certain death as their bloodline power would abandon them.

Witnessing the Peacock Great Demon King making a Blood Oath, the faces of the demon kings present changed.

The Titan Bear King couldn't help but say, "Then who could it be? Who killed my son and the Leopard?"

The Peacock Great Demon King said indifferently, "That depends on who is your enemy or who opposes the entire Kali City. Moreover, someone who has powerful abilities controlling time, space, fate, and spirit. You surely don’t think I possess all these powers, do you? Or, is there any single race on the Daemon Continent with such capabilities?"

"The Ancestral Court!" the Titan Bear King blurted out almost instantly. His voice was so loud that everyone around him heard his words.

Whether it was space, time, or fate, these three abilities represented mighty races. The Peacock Demons were undoubtedly the best at spatial abilities, but they were not the only ones. In fact, the Flash Leopard clan themselves had a certain degree of spatial manipulation ability. It could only be said that the Peacock Demons were the strongest in this regard.

However, control over time and fate were entirely unique traits among all demon races.

All demon races clearly understood this. The two races capable of that had a transcendent status, and their representatives lived within the Ancestral Court.

Although the Peacock Great Demon King did not specify, the speculation instantly shifted.

The Peacock Great Demon King turned to the acting leader of the Leopard clan, "Collect the bodies of the Flash Leopard King and your kin. I will investigate this matter thoroughly and ensure his blood was not spilled in vain. However, I must warn you and all the races of Kali City to consider the purpose behind these murders. Think it through carefully."

After these words, a flash of blue-silver light blinded everyone, and when it disappeared, he had vanished into thin air.

The faces of the demon kings darkened, and the breath of the Titan Bear King became noticeably heavier.

The Blaze Lion King's eyes flickered fiercely as he muttered, "Are they plotting against us as well? What is the Ancestral Court trying to do?"

The effect of a Blood Oath was absolute. They had absolutely no doubt that the words of the Peacock Great Demon King spoken under the Blood Oath were true to the best of his knowledge.

The Chrono Croc and the Celestial Fox's involvement in these serial killings, along with the impending arrival of the Crystal Phoenix Demon Emperor, inevitably led to a series of conclusions.

After all, the Crystal Phoenix Demon Emperor's objective was well known to them. Framing the Peacock Great Demon King and causing disunity was not possible.

The Crimson Fox Demon King lowered its head and said, "Now, truly, everyone is in danger. I shall take my leave first. Alas…" With a sigh, its figure turned blurry and silently disappeared like a mirage.

"They are forcing our hand!" The Golden Deer Demon King's eyes shone with anger as he turned to look at the Aetherhorn Deer Demon King.

"We have no way back now," said the Aetherhorn Deer Demon King solemnly.


Redemption Academy, located far from the city's core, remained unaffected by the unrest. Everything seemed very peaceful. Kali Academy, sprawling beneath Academy Town, resembled a fortress shielding the small town against the storm, hiding away all unease.

Having packed up his weapons in the Kali Mountains, Tang San returned to Academy Town.

For some reason, he was constantly plagued by unease.

This uncomfortable feeling, a sense of foreboding he hadn't felt in a long time, made him particularly cautious. His sense of impending danger was undoubtedly stronger than Du Bai's original version, thanks to the divine consciousness supporting the Discerning Eye of Heaven.

Reflecting carefully on every detail of the previous assassination, he was sure there were no oversights. All traces had been essentially erased. Even if some aura fluctuations remained, it wouldn't matter, as the varied abilities he had used would be inevitably considered the work of a team. Moreover, no indications would lead anyone to suspect him or Mei Gongzi.

Since there were no issues with the assassination process, then where did this sense of crisis originate from?

From the courtyard, he could see the direction of Kali Academy, where everything appeared as usual, with no noticeable changes. His Discerning Eye of Heaven focused on the distant Kali City.

Invisibly, a gloom seemed to spread within Kali City. Upon seeing this gloom, Tang San's sense of crisis significantly intensified.

Did the crisis originate from within Kali City? His intuition warned him not to enter Kali City again, as doing so could lead to danger.

What did this mean? Was there danger within Kali City?

Under normal circumstances, whatever dangers lurked in Kali City should have been of no concern to him, considering the entire membership of the Redemption Society here lived on the edge of the Kali Mountains, and students seldom ventured into Kali City.

However, Mei Gongzi was in Kali City! It seemed like the danger was just beginning to emerge. It was uncertain whether it would continue to escalate.

Whenever it involved Mei Gongzi, Tang San couldn't remain entirely calm.

Without acting rashly, he continued to observe the direction of Kali City with his Discerning Eye of Heaven, especially the area from which the danger seemed to be emanating.


Kali Square, Mei Gongzi's milk tea shop.

Su Qin smiled as she made milk tea and handed cup after cup to the customers.

Today, the number of demons within Kali Square had increased dramatically, so the number of customers coming to buy milk tea had subsequently increased as well.

Whispers about the assassination of the Flash Leopard King could be faintly heard, contributing to some unrest within the city.

Besides her, Xiao Ling was also there inside the milk tea shop, helping her make milk tea and collect money.

Su Qin always had a serene smile, and her mature charm was undeniable, even in her simple clothing. Time seemed to have left little mark on her, making her appear more like a sister than a mother when side-by-side with Mei Gongzi.

Customers lined up to buy milk tea, and steaming cups were handed to them one by one.

Whenever Su Qin faced a customer, she offered her smile along with the milk tea, giving them a feeling as refreshing as a spring breeze.

The next customer approached the front of the milk tea shop. As Su Qin lowered her head to make the milk tea, she asked, "How many cups would you like?"

"I'll take them all," a voice replied, gentle yet deep, and filled with emotion.

Su Qin shivered. Her movements involuntarily paused, causing some milk tea to spill from the cup. She didn’t immediately look up but instead seemed to freeze entirely.

"I'll take them all. Anything that's yours, I want it all," the deep, gentle voice said again.

Su Qin took a deep breath, as if gathering her courage, then slowly lifted her head.

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