Douluo Dalu 5: Rebirth Of Tang San

Chapter 158: The Kali Academy Store

Tang San's visit this time was not necessarily to gain something specific. His primary goal was understanding the situation inside the academy's store, with reconnaissance being the top priority. He would not rashly cause a disturbance. If he was to risk being discovered, he had to grab something that was valuable enough to make it worth it, so for now, he had to find out what was available.

After observing for a moment, Tang San used Leopard Flash twice in succession to hide in a darker corner further inside. He curled up into a ball and concentrated on concealing his own aura.

When he utilized the Discerning Eye of Heaven and his mighty spiritual power, even the patrolling demon with eighth-order cultivation could not possibly detect him.

After the demon finished its patrol and left the store, locking the door behind it, Tang San was the only one left inside.

Relieved, Tang San stretched his body. With a flicker of white light in his eyes, his Discerning Eye of Heaven surveyed the inside of the store.

Under the gaze of the Discerning Eye of Heaven, the cabinets behind the counter immediately appeared in various colors. Each color represented a different attribute, with the more vibrant colors indicating greater elemental energy and therefore greater value.

Tang San quietly approached the counter and scanned the display cases behind it. As he had surmised, nearly all the cases with truly intense light had an extra layer of protection. The protection seemed to be just the cabinet doors, but they were connected to an alarm system, a fact he could see through his Discerning Eye of Heaven.

With his cultivation level, he could not simply bypass such an alarm array, at least not without making any noise. However, his purpose this time was simply to observe the alarm system from up close. Given his experience, it was not impossible for him to crack the array, given enough time and observation.

The level of defense seemed to vary in different areas. The sections containing weapons, supplements, and medicines had metal cabinets, each equipped with heavy doors.

Areas with living supplies and plants were open-style. Naturally, the plants were not extremely precious treasures but daily necessities, including some directly consumable fruits and vegetables.

After inspecting the outer counters, Tang San moved around to the back.

The back of the store had the largest area behind the counter, and instead of cabinets, there were a number of vaults made of thick metal. Tang San could feel through touch and by observing with the Discerning Eye that there was a more intricate alarm system behind them, and the metal they were made of was at least a foot thick. Even for a god-level expert, silently breaching these defenses and removing the contents was nearly impossible.

The store's internal and external defenses were undoubtedly stringent! There were six vaults here, and who knew what rare items they contained? Even the students of Kali Academy probably rarely saw them directly, and they had some kind of catalog when they wanted to browse the items.

Without a doubt, the contents of these vaults were the real treasures and Tang San's ultimate target.

To open the vaults, it was crucial to understand their defensive arrays, especially the alarm systems. As long as the alarms weren't triggered, there was a chance.

Tang San began with the external alarm system. His first task was to locate the central hub of the store’s alarm array system.

From his week of observations at Kali Academy, Tang San noted that the demon race's proficiency in constructing arrays was still at a very basic level. They lacked the capability to create particularly complex arrays. This starkly contrasted with the terrifying physical talents of the demon race and was a key reason Tang San was confident of success.

To put it simply, even the massive defensive system of Kali Academy was essentially a single, large array. It consumed a lot of energy, but it was not intricate. It didn't even have a nested array, which was an essential component of true defense systems.

As a former God King, Tang San used to study energy transformations in the Divine Realm during his free time, exploring how different energies could be combined to create greater effects, often through the use of arrays.

The Douluo Planet, where he had previously resided in, had extensively researched arrays, eventually advancing into a high-tech era. The progression from cold weapons to firearms was a breakthrough in energy arrays. And moving on from the era of basic firearms to the high-tech era required even more complex arrays.

The Divine Realm had lost the ability to monitor the Douluo Planet for a long time. When he returned, the continent had undergone massive changes. At that time, to sustain his wife's life and give her hope of returning, he did not fully return for a while but instead simply observed the changes on the Douluo Planet. He gained substantial knowledge about the advancements in energy arrays, and with his powerful divine consciousness, learning such knowledge was more effortless than ever.

Compared to the plane of the Douluo Continent, the Falan Planet was far superior in terms of energy, resources, and life level. In fact, the intensity of its energy matched even the Divine Realm's. However, in terms of technology, it was far behind. The difference was quite substantial.

Therefore, after carefully analyzing the protective array of Kali Academy, Tang San knew that as long as he had enough time and could find the core of the array, even the entire academy's alarm array would be virtually ineffective against him.

This required time and the ability to reach the core. The alarm array of Kali Academy was undoubtedly the most essential part of the academy, guarded by powerful beings. It was obviously not difficult for him to locate, but to enter and observe closely was a whole different matter. He had to wait until his Discerning Eye of Heaven advanced further, allowing him to observe energy changes more minutely and judge the array from a distance.

However, the store was different. The defense array inside the academy store was entirely independent. As long as he was inside, finding the core of the array was not difficult.

Under the gaze of the Discerning Eye of Heaven, the energy fluctuations within the six vaults were clearly visible to Tang San.

To his amusement, he found that the defensive alarm arrays of the six vaults were all the exact same, and even more bizarrely, none of them combined physical and array elements into the logically effective dual setup. They were all solely based on arrays. That is to say, even the locks were part of the array, not physical locks.

This showed that the demon race placed great importance on their arrays, confident that no one could break through. It indicated the lack of research into arrays and other forms of using the natural energy of the plane.

Hehe, that makes things much simpler. Once the core array is broken, everything here will be up for grabs.

Tang San took out paper and pen from his storage bag and silently observed the energy fluctuations in the vault. He started deducing the location of the core array by calculating the pattern of these energy changes.

After about an hour, he found it.

Kali Academy was quite clever in this aspect. The core array was inside one of the six vaults, meaning that one had to first enter the vault in order to break the core array.

The opening of the vault, it seemed, required something like an energy key drawn in an array, something Tang San couldn’t possibly deduce by himself.

This posed a challenge for him, but he did not become impatient and instead started again from the display cabinets behind the counters outside. The places in the display cabinets where more valuable items were stored also had alarm arrays, different from those in the vaults. Each cabinet had an individual alarm, but they were all very similar in type. This was probably to save costs… or perhaps they were simply unable to create interconnected or nested arrays.

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