Zhang Haoxuan subconsciously clenched his fists while Tang San deactivated his power and stood before him again.

"I'm thinking that, obviously, Kali Academy must also have powerful Demonic God Transformations. I want to go and see, maybe I can…learn something. You understand," Tang San said with a longing expression.

Zhang Haoxuan's breathing became noticeably heavier. "Reason tells me I should report this to the organization and protect you as the most important asset. Do you have any idea how much what you just did could do to upend the world?"

Tang San looked at him thoughtfully. "Master, I've already given you the specific methods of cultivation. It's not that I am precious, but the Mysterious Heaven Technique is. I don't know where it came from and I don't have more information than I gave you about how it works. That's why I need to experiment more, to see its limits. Only then can we better find how it fits with us humans and give humanity a chance to rise."

Zhang Haoxuan closed his eyes, murmuring, "But do you realize what it would mean if your secret were discovered?"

Tang San smiled faintly. "I've thought about this issue a long time ago. If I’m accidentally discovered one day, I'll just be an individual. Whether they kill me or I end my own life, I'll never let slip one word about the Mysterious Heaven Technique. Only the two of us know about this. No matter what, I will hide it as much as possible, and I need you to help me hide it, too. Even if I die ten years, a hundred years from now, until our Redemption Society is better established and we can cultivate more strong individuals, the Mysterious Heaven Technique must not be exposed. Otherwise, humanity will be in the greatest danger. You said that yourself, didn't you?"

Zhang Haoxuan nodded silently. It was precisely because of this consideration that he hadn't reported the Mysterious Heaven Technique. Once reported, it would be out of his control. If the organization decided to let more ordinary people learn it, keeping it secret would be almost impossible, which could easily spell disaster for humanity.

"Honestly, I genuinely can't understand how these words can come from a ten-year-old. Tang San, do you know? I've even thought…maybe you're a savior sent by the heavens to save humanity. I've also considered that you might be a spy sent by the demons. I hope it's the former. The latter is unlikely because a being like you would be an absolute top genius, even among the demons. They wouldn't risk sending you just to handle a bunch of humans. I will do everything possible to protect you, but you must promise me that you will protect yourself as well. You're just too important to all of humanity," Zhang Haoxuan said earnestly.

"Don't worry, I value my life." After all, I've already died enough times... Tang San silently complained in his heart.

"Alright then, whatever you want, I'll cooperate with you. You can observe, but don't act rashly."

Master settled!

Tang San didn't know how Zhang Haoxuan explained it to the other teachers, but he soon received a notification from Wu Bingji. He could now work at Kali Academy.

The job was simple: sweeping the courtyard three days a week. Indeed, it was just that. And thus, Tang San became a janitor at Kali Academy.

The remaining four days would naturally be spent studying and cultivating at Redemption Academy. Someone else would take over the sweeping duties if there were any outside practical training sessions.

Undoubtedly, Zhang Haoxuan's arrangement for him was comprehensive.

There were no immediate plans for outdoor training. After the students of Redemption Academy were divided into three groups for separate training excursions, the following period was for self-reflection, as well as targeted guidance for individual problems. Tang San very much approved of this approach. Train, reflect, then train again; rinse and repeat. This was the best method.

Although Tang San had grown quite a bit, he was only about 1.5 meters tall at ten years old. He was just a little dot in front of the towering figures of the demons.

The uniform of the academy town was also their work attire at Kali Academy.

After everything was arranged, on the morning of the third day after Tang San had requested a job, he followed Zhang Haoxuan to the academy.

Finally, he was entering Kali Academy, the premier educational institution in Kali City.

As a staff member, he naturally couldn't use the main entrance. Kali Academy had a small back gate on the side facing the academy town, through which all the staff entered to work.

Stepping through the small gate, Tang San could feel the atmosphere change; it seemed more solemn and dignified. Moreover, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was denser here than outside.

"Tang San, remember that Kali Academy holds a truly esteemed position in Kali City. Not only do the top nobility of Kali City send their children here, but so do many from other great clans. This place is home to many powerful individuals, with no shortage of those at the godly orders. So be prudent, understand?" Zhang Haoxuan advised in a low voice.

Tang San, of course, understood what he was being advised and nodded a few times.

Kali Academy was vast and divided into three major areas. The first was the academic area, which had six teaching buildings of varying sizes, including the main teaching building, each dedicated to different subjects.

The second area was the residential area. Students at Kali Academy were required to live on campus. Leaving the campus necessitated permission, and a three-day holiday was granted once a month.

Now, Tang San understood that he had been extremely lucky both times he had encountered Mei Gongzi. It just happened that she was on her break and she was at the tea shop rather than the academy.

The third area was the cultivation area, consisting of various training grounds suitable for different students. The academy's high-end shops were also located in this area. Their function was similar to the small stores of the Redemption Society, but undoubtedly, the quality and variety of goods here were much higher.

The division of the three significant areas was clear and straightforward. Tang San's job was to clean a roughly 10,000 square meter open space in front of the main teaching building in the academic zone. This area needed to be swept twice daily, once in the morning and once in the afternoon, with a thorough cleaning once a week.

"Sweeping is relatively easy, but cleaning is more tiring."

Zhang Haoxuan led Tang San to a forest within Kali Academy. Behind it was a row of low buildings, wholly hidden from the front by the forest.

Zhang Haoxuan approached one of the low houses and knocked on the door.

The door opened, and an elderly man with a slightly hunched back emerged.

"Old Mao," Zhang Haoxuan greeted with a polite smile.

"Ah, the mayor has arrived! Come in, come in," chuckled the old man.

Zhang Haoxuan shook his head, "I won't sit, thanks. This is the boy I told you about. Please arrange work for him; I must be on my way. His name is Tang San; you can call him Little Tang. Little Tang, meet Old Mao."

"Grandpa Mao, hello," Tang San stepped forward, bowing respectfully.

"No need to call me grandpa; just Old Mao is fine. We don't use familial terms here, understand?" Old Mao scrutinized Tang San.

Seeing the indifference in his eyes, Tang San quickly nodded. "Understood, Old Mao."

Old Mao said to Zhang Haoxuan, "Then you can go. I'll take care of this boy. As long as he behaves, he'll be fine."

Zhang Haoxuan nodded, "Thank you. Little Tang, Old Mao has worked at Kali Academy for decades and knows this place well. Follow his orders, and you'll be fine here."

"Yes, thank you, Mayor."

After Zhang Haoxuan left, Old Mao said coldly, "Come in with me."

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