Douluo Dalu 5: Rebirth Of Tang San

Chapter 145: Going to The Ends of The Earth for Mei Gongzi

Previously, during their battle with the Winged Tiger, Du Bai achieved a breakthrough precisely because he made a critical move, shifting from observation to control. This led to his advancement to the fourth order.

Luck, of course, comes in both good and bad forms. When misfortune approached, a user of the Celestial Fox Vision naturally sensed it and instinctively made decisions to attract fortune instead and avoid disaster.

Tang San hadn't experienced much of what it felt like when good luck approached. After all, he hadn't had the Celestial Fox bloodline for long and he hadn't deliberately explored it. He planned to wait until he broke through to the fourth order to sense and investigate it further carefully and to figure out how to incorporate it into his strength.

So, what was this feeling he was experiencing at the moment? His eyes felt hot, and an inexplicable excitement took over him. Could this signify…good luck?

Just then, footsteps echoed down from the mountain. The heavy footsteps, unmistakable even without looking, told Tang San that a demon was approaching.

He quickly moved aside on the path. Encountering demons on this mountain road was not unusual; teachers and students from Kali Academy used this route as well. He would only go another way at a fork in the road leading to the academy town when nearing Kali Academy.

Most of the demon students at Kali Academy were of noble descent, and these nobles typically prided themselves in their status. They disdained to mistreat their vassals, especially since the academy town itself existed to serve Kali Academy. Thus, when students from Kali Academy encountered vassals from the academy town, they generally treated them decently, and some even greeted them amicably if they were in a good mood.

Tang San had just stepped to the side of the road when he saw students from the demon clan descending from above.

The group leader was about two meters tall, with thick golden hair cascading down his back and his eyes shimmering with a golden sheen. His appearance was almost indistinguishable from that of a human, which was quite unusual. If not for his vertical pupils, it would have been difficult to identify him as a demon.

A high-tier demon…

Before arriving at the Redemption Society, Tang San might not have been able to make such a judgment. But now, he recognized it instantly. This was a member of the high-ranking demonic clan, a high-tier demon with a very powerful bloodline.

Such demons could transform into human form. For them, being in a human form was more flexible and more convenient for daily life than their original form. It had even become a tradition.

The fact that humans could become vassals to the demonic and nymph clans, and why human females were sometimes favored by the demon clans, was partly due to this.

There was even a belief among the demon clan that humans were their descendants with an incomplete bloodline, inheriting the potential to take on a human form but not the potent strength of the demons. In fact, the higher the tier of the demon, the more they tend to believe in this theory.

Unquestionably, this young member of a demon clan was very eye-catching, and the other demons following him clearly regarded him as their leader.

However, at this moment, Tang San's gaze, despite its focus, did not dwell on this obviously golden-bloodline demon and his significance.

What he saw in his eyes was only the person next to this golden-haired demon.

At this moment, a phrase involuntarily surfaced in Tang San's mind: But in the crowd once and again, I look for her in vain. When all at once I turn my head, I find her there where lantern light is dimly shed.

Wasn't the stunningly beautiful girl walking beside the golden-haired demon, dressed in Kali Academy's uniform, with long hair flowing behind her but no expression on her face, the very Mei Gongzi he had been searching for these many days?

Upon seeing Mei Gongzi, Tang San felt like his brain had exploded, and everything became clear instantly.

Mei Gongzi's mother had not deceived him; Mei Gongzi was attending school, but it was not a middle or elementary school. She studied at the preeminent higher-tier academy in Kali City: Kali Academy.

In that instant, Tang San's thoughts became crystal clear. Mei Gongzi was a human vassal. There was no doubt about that—his Divine Consciousness couldn't be mistaken. However, he didn't know what kind of Demonic God Transformation Mei Gongzi possessed. At this moment, it appeared that she, as a human vassal, could walk alongside a young demon student with a golden bloodline, and her status seemed not low either. Coupled with the fact that her family's tea shop was located in such a place as Kali Square, Mei Gongzi's background became obvious.

Without a doubt, her father had to be from a very powerful clan with a high-tier bloodline. Only this could account for her status and her attending Kali Academy.

Just as Tang San's mind became enlightened and he finally understood the truth, suddenly, his vision went dark.

"What are you looking at? Are you worthy to look at the prince?" A towering figure stood before Tang San, a hand as large as a fan blocking the sunlight as it reached straight for his head.

Tang San instinctively retreated, jumping backward. He pressed his hands forward in the air, and a gust of wind element propelled him backward, allowing him to avoid the other's grasp.

"You dare to dodge?" The muscular demon student had no intention of letting him go and roared as he moved to advance.

"Enough!" A voice with a bit of authority rang out. The muscular demon student instantly stopped.

The Kali Academy students descending from the mountain also stopped in their tracks.

For Tang San, others were of no consequence; his gaze remained fixed on Mei Gongzi.

He noticed Mei Gongzi frown slightly, while the golden-haired demon male student beside her smiled and said, "Don't be angry, Little Bear, let's go."

From start to finish, he never even glanced at Tang San. It was out of consideration for Mei Gongzi being a human that he spared Tang San, a mere vassal.

Mei Gongzi instinctively cast her gaze toward Tang San, and their eyes met, causing Tang San's heart to tremble suddenly. Mei Gongzi's eyes showed a trace of surprise, as if she felt something familiar, but she couldn't recognize Tang San immediately due to his significant changes over the past two months.

As a person who had lived through three lifetimes, Tang San should have been far more composed, but at this moment, he felt a strong urge to rush forward, beat up everyone around Mei Gongzi, and embrace her to ease his longing.

He clenched his fists unconsciously.

The muscular demon, Little Bear, snorted. "Be careful, boy. Lower your head."

Tang San took a deep breath, forcibly restraining his inner impulses, and slowly lowered his head.

Reason ultimately triumphed over recklessness. He couldn't take action unless he invoked his Divine Consciousness; otherwise, he might not be able to defeat these obviously top students of Kali Academy. Besides, even if he did win, what then? How would Mei Gongzi regard him now?

Then he suddenly realized something—could the golden-haired guy be trying to get close to Mei Gongzi? But the next moment, he shrugged off the idea. Mei Gongzi was only about thirteen or fourteen years old. These students weren't much older than he was; how could they have romances like that? And even if the thought crossed their minds, Kali Academy would not simply allow them to mix their bloodlines like that.

In addition, Mei Gongzi didn't seem to be particularly close to him, nor did they show any intimate gestures. They were just ordinary classmates.

Although still anxious, thinking this way, Tang San felt much better. What comforted him most was that Mei Gongzi was so close to where he lived! This made things much more convenient.

Bananachocopie's Thoughts

A note from Penguin (our beloved editor) : The lines that Tang San recalls when he sees Mei Gongzi are from a poem called "Green Jade Table in The Lantern Festival" by Xin Qiji, a poet of the Song dynasty. He had a very interesting life; though he was by trade a scholar, he was also a warrior through and through. Unfortunately, the peace-loving era he lived in meant that he was sidelined due to his attitude and relegated to roles that brought him more frustration than satisfaction. However, his greatest works came later in life, so perhaps that experience was in everyone else's best interest :)

This poem is rather ambiguous. On the one hand, it could refer to a romantic encounter during the Lantern Festival, as the title suggests. On the other hand, it could also refer to his frustration seeing the gilded era that he lived in but played little part in; his country was wealthy and cultured, yet teetering on the verge of self-destruction.

An interesting fact is that the part "But in the crowd once and again, I look for her in vain" (众里寻他千百度) is actually where the name of Baidu, China's search engine, comes from. 百度 (bǎidù) means "a hundred times," or metaphorically "countless times."

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