Douluo Dalu 5: Rebirth Of Tang San

Chapter 138: She’s Nowhere To Be Found

Kali City's central square was bustling at this time, crowded with people. The city's heart would have flourished even more if there had been an actual commercial district.

From a distance, Tang San could already see the sign of the milk tea shop, with a line still formed in front. It was evident that the shop was quite popular.

Tang San quickened his pace towards the milk tea shop.

Just as he was about to reach the shop, his steps slowed suddenly, a look of undisguised disappointment flashing in his eyes.

Two figures were busy at work inside the shop: the familiar young waitress and the gentle young woman.

Mei Gongzi's mother and the waitress were bustling about, but Mei Gongzi himself was nowhere to be seen.

She… She's not here.

A strong sense of loss swept over Tang San, his enthusiasm instantly doused as if someone had just dumped a bucket of ice water on him. It's an eternal truth—the more one cares, the greater their disappointment.

Tang San pursed his lips, standing there somewhat dazed. He didn't join the queue for milk tea; instead, he slowly retreated and sat under the familiar large tree.

He sat there, looking toward the milk tea shop, watching the constant stream of customers and Mei Gongzi's busy mother.

As the sky gradually darkened, Tang San's gaze remained fixed on the shop, and he waited in silence.

Would she come today? What was she doing? He didn't know, couldn't even ask. All he could do was wait.

As the sky grew darker, the same two people were still busy inside the milk tea shop, without the presence he hoped to see.

Tang San realized that he might not see her today.

It was getting late, and he had to return. Otherwise, there would be trouble if he wasn't there when Mu Yunyu did her room checks in the evening.

He silently joined the queue at the milk tea shop, waiting patiently. The crowd buying milk tea had reduced by this time, and it was soon his turn.

"What would you like, young man?" Su Qin asked softly, looking at the boy standing outside the counter.

Her voice was charming, just like her exquisite beauty, which seemed untouched by time. Mei Gongzi didn't resemble her much; compared to her mother, she had a more dashing air. Both were beautiful, just in different ways.

"Auntie, I'd like fourteen cups of milk tea," said Tang San, taking out fourteen demonshard coins, the same Wind Spirit Stone demonshard coins he had brought from the Wind Wolf Town, and placing them on the payment tray.

Su Qin looked at him in surprise but nodded, instructing the young waitress to prepare Tang San's order.

Tang San asked hesitantly, "Auntie, with such good business, can you manage all the work?"

Su Qin smiled and replied, "It's manageable."

"I've been here before, and you even gave me a free cup of milk tea. Do you remember me?"

Su Qin paused. She saw many, many customers daily. Although human vassals were rare, it wasn't like she never saw them. She somewhat remembered this child's face, but it was very vague.

This was Tang San's third visit; the first time, Su Qin had been there, but the second time, it was only Mei Gongzi and the female waitress.

"Hmm, I do remember seeing you before." Su Qin nodded.

Tang San said, "When I came that time, there were three of you, and the other sister gave me the milk tea. Isn't she here today?"

Why was he buying as many as fourteen cups of milk tea? It was to probe for information while the milk tea was being made.

"Xiao Mei has gone to school. When she's not at school, she helps me here. Ah, your milk tea is ready!" Su Qin smiled, handing him two large bags containing fourteen cups.

"Thank you, Auntie."

She went to school! Tang San quickly latched onto this crucial piece of information. Mei Gongzi was going to school? Where? She was also a human vassal, yet she wasn't one of the students at the Redemption Academy. Could she be going to school together with the demons?

Although filled with questions at this moment, he didn't inquire further, as the demonic beasts in line behind were urging him on. He just turned around and left.

On the way back, he was deep in thought.

The scope of human vassals attending school in Kali City should be pretty limited. In the demons' cities, schools are rare. And even among demons, not all have the opportunity for education. Only the powerful demon races and the nobility among them attend school.

Where might Mei Gongzi be attending school? How come she is able to attend school at all, in fact? And for that matter, I still don't know how her family could open a milk tea shop in the central square. What kind of background can she have?

Having been to Mei Gongzi's milk tea shop three times, Tang San had only once seen a demon cause trouble, and it had been immediately quelled. There had to be a reason for this.

What was the story behind Mei Gongzi and her mother? What kind of power was silently protecting them?

With these doubts in his heart, he made his way back up the mountain.

The reason for buying specifically fourteen cups of milk tea was simple: there were ten remaining students in the academy. Adding himself, Mu Yunyu, and Si Ru, there were thirteen people in total. The last cup was, of course, a respectful offering to his master.

Although he didn't know if they would drink it, he would buy it for everyone.

Tang San had timed his return perfectly before Mu Yunyu's evening room check. He first found her and offered her a cup

"Here, Sister Yu, please have some milk tea."

The milk tea had already cooled, but Mu Yunyu was still pleasantly surprised.

"Milk tea? From the shop in the city center? You went to the city center?" Mu Yunyu asked in surprise.

Tang San nodded. "I happened to walk by and I saw that this milk tea shop had a lot of customers, so I bought some for everyone."

Mu Yunyu immediately smiled, "I've tried it before; it's delicious. Thank you! You're very generous, thinking of everyone even when you have money. Come accompany me to check the rooms, and then we can distribute these to everyone."

"Alright," Tang San agreed.

Tang San followed Mu Yunyu to check each room, offering everyone a cup of milk tea. Naturally, everyone was delighted, especially the girls, who seemed to have a particular fondness for milk tea. It was a pleasant surprise for those who hadn't tried it before, and for those who had, it was a joy.

After distributing the milk tea, Tang San felt that his fellow students' attitude towards him had warmed considerably.

"Sister Yu, is Teacher Si Ru around? I also bought one for him. And for Master," Tang San added, referring to Zhang Haoxuan.

"Old Si isn't here. Never mind him. His cup is mine now," Mu Yunyu said, taking another cup without one shred of hesitation. "Your teacher should be around. Find him at his place. Thanks, Little Tang."

Mu Yunyu returned to her room, and Tang San had already finished his cup on the way back. Holding the last cup of milk tea, he went to the mayor's residence.

He knocked on the door, and a voice from inside groaned, "Who is it?"

"Master, it's me," Tang San responded.

Soon, the door opened, and Zhang Haoxuan, dressed in pajamas, let Tang San in.

"It's pretty late for a visit. Are you having trouble with your cultivation?" Zhang Haoxuan asked.

Tang San shook his head. "I went to the city today and bought milk tea for everyone. I've brought a cup for you, too." As he spoke, he handed over the last cup of milk tea.

Zhang Haoxuan smiled, "So you have some money now, huh? I heard you bought a Dragon Tendon Fruit. Have you eaten it yet?"

Tang San shook his head, "Not yet. I plan to eat it tonight."

Zhang Haoxuan nodded. "That was a smart purchase. The Dragon Tendon Fruit is excellent, especially for strengthening the meridians and internal organs. When you take it, control the medicinal power carefully and not let it dissipate. Eat it with the skin, don't waste anything."

"Alright," Tang San said. "Master, there's something I'd like to ask for your help with."

Bananachocopie's Thoughts

Where is Mei Gongzi? Why can't Tang San find her? I knew it was too easy when he spotted her at the milk tea shop.

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