Chapter 154: Chapter 154 Don’t come to Buttuwatt River in the summer (12)

Then, his sword pierced his neck. Hot blood flowed down his neck and soaked the crest of his family engraved on the armor. Sticky blood water gathered on it to create a bloody pattern. That was the tragic end of his life.

The duke said,”…Sir Schroder, how long do you think this empire will last? Benyahan will collapse soon.”

He spoke bitterly like a prophet before his death, but Lard reacted at his last words scornfully.

“As long as you are alive, the fall of the empire will become a reality. But after today, I don’t think I need to worry about it anymore because the enemy of the empire will be eliminated by my sword. ”

“The day will come when all future generations will point their fingers at you for your choice. You will have to pay the price of stopping the revolution and going against the current of the times.”

“You’re talking too much before you die.”

“…I am not afraid of dying because I am already ready,” the duke said calmly, smiling at him coldly. There was disdain in his eyes looking at Lard.

He continued, “Of course, not everyone is not afraid of death…But your lover was very afraid of it. When I saw her running away, terrified, I couldn’t help but feel compassionate…Urgh! ”

Lard couldn’t afford to hear his babbling anymore, and pressed the sword deeper. Much more blood than before came out of his neck now.

“Sir Schroder! Don’t kill him yet! He must be executed in front of everyone. Kingsbray Palace cannot be his grave! ” shouted the emperor, who approached Lard.

The fighting inside the palace was all over. Bloodstained imperial knights were watching them talking to each other with a firm expression.

“Sir Schroder…! ” The emperor said again.

Overwhelmed by the mental pain, the duke looked at the emperor’s face quickly. Soon Lard pulled the sword from his neck slowly. The emperor let out a sigh of relief.

At that moment, Lard quickly stabbed his shoulder, smashing the man’s flesh and bones without any resistance. The duke’s face, who tried not to lose his dignity until the end, contorted in pain.. He screamed.

But Lard was not satisfied. He pulled the sword, lifted it and aimed at one of his wrists.


One of his wrists was cut cleanly and fell over the floor. The duke screamed in pain, groping over the cut area. There was not a single drop of blood from the neatly cut section for a while, but this did not allay his pain.

“… You look terrified. Are you scared of dying now? ” he said to the duke groaning in extreme pain.

“It is impossible to stop them anymore.”

The imperial knights left in Borams tried their best while confronting the peasants, but reached their limits. Their initial efforts to avoid armed conflicts with them failed, which led to several clashes among them. Fortunately, there were only a few casualties because the knights did not wield the swords to kill the peasants and they focused on defense. However, such efforts were wearing thin.

In the end, the knights could not stop the peasants. It was almost a miracle for them, who were numerically inferior to the peasants, to hold them until now. The farmers who escaped the control of the knights left Borams and entered the capital.

Originally, they tried to reach the Imperial Palace and ask for a direct meeting with the emperor. Although they weren’t convinced that they would actually be able to meet the emperor, it was very symbolic for the peasants to try to raise their voice and present their opinion to the emperor in the Imperial Palace. Such an attempt would be a watershed in the emperor’s perception of their miserable reality and the improvement of their lives. Also, they could inform the rest of the empire of their attempts. Above all, however, they eagerly hoped for an immediate improvement of their lives by expressing to the emperor what they really wanted.

When they entered the capital, a large number of commoners joined them. Their procession towards the Imperial Palace became even larger. They marched through the main streets. As there were injured among them, they couldn’t speed up their movement.


Peasants leader Eduval glanced at the windows of the houses along the streets, which were closed quickly when they passed. He could see people sticking their necks out and then disappearing quickly. They were likely worried about being attacked. Although the peasants were also good people, Eduval controlled them tightly to prevent any unforeseen provocations. Several childish young men were already given a sharp warning by him because they went berserk and broke the stuff in the streets in joy when they entered the capital. The peasants didn’t come to the capital to create a riot.

At that moment, dozens of knights riding on the horses ran towards them.

Around 100, all told, their sudden appearance was so intimidating that the farmers were nervous. As the main streets were lined up with lots of buildings on both sides, the horses’ hooves added to the clattering noise on the streets. The farmers stopped walking at the overwhelming sound, wary of the knights.

“Whoa, whoa!”

One of the knights who stopped in front of them came forward. Wearing a helmet that covered his face and wearing thick armor, the knight appeared to be ready to fight them. Like him, other knights looked like they were going to the battlefield. They wore outside gear completely different from the knights in Borams. The farmers felt more anxious at their combat uniforms.

“I am Dylan Lennox of the Imperial Knights,” said the knight.

It was an unexpectedly young voice, but his attitude was threatening. He stared at the faces of the farmers standing at the forefront.

“… Are you now heading to the Imperial Palace? ”

There was silence for a while at his question. Given their attitude, it seemed that they would not let the peasants pass easily. There was the sound of the peasants swallowing here and there in silence. Shortly afterwards, Eduval replied to his question, “That’s right! We’re going to convey our message to His Majesty directly… ! ”

“I won’t stop you from heading to the capital.”

Everyone was surprised, and silence resounded at his words. They couldn’t believe their ears.

When they were curious, the knight continued, “But you are not allowed to take this street. I forbid you to pass by private houses in the capital!”

“What does that mean?” Eduval asked.

“I cannot abide by the anxiety that you have created spreading through the capital. We have decided not to take risks for the disturbances you may make. If you want to head to the Imperial Palace, take the road next to Buttuwat River where there are no private houses. If you take that road, nobody will block you. ”

When they heard Dylan’s announcement, they began to murmur among themselves.

Then, a young man yelled ferociously, staring at Dylan Lennox, “It’s a trap! They are going to trap us there before attacking at once!” He was John Piaf.

He showed the most radical reaction to the proposals of the imperial knights until now, but what he said made sense. After Eduval calmed him down, he asked the imperial knight, “How can I believe it is not a trap?”

“If you don’t believe me, I will go along with you without any weapon. I’m Dylan Lennox of the Marquis Lennox family. I don’t take my life lightly, but let me leave my life to you, ” said Dylan without fear. He was on a horse, wearing thick armor, but he was firm without any agitation

“If you can’t accept my proposal, we will block your march no matter what the cost. What will you do? ”

Eduval looked unsettled, but after some serious thinking, he decided to accept Dylan’s offer.

He didn’t want any more bloodshed. Even if Dylan’s proposal was a trap, they would not crack down on the peasants because many commoners joined his peasant militia. Given the consistent attitude of the knights who were hesitant to aim their swords at the farmers, he felt there would be no big danger ahead.

Besides, if the knights still had armed forces and weapons to outpower the peasants, the peasants would be faced with the same danger no matter which road they took.

By insisting on marching through the place where the private house was located, they might bring about armed conflict with the knights, which might entangle the innocent women and children in the fighting.

Eduval conveyed his opinion to his colleagues. Some raised opposition, but the majority of them agreed.

“Good.” When Eduval accepted, Dylan immediately handed his sword to the other knight next to him, along with its sheath. He got off the horse, took off his armor, put it on the horse, and approached Eduval.

“Please pat me down,” Dylan said, taking off the helmet on his head. His exposed face was younger than he thought, but his eyes were serious. Eduval nodded, looking sideways at his uniform and army badges on his stout shoulders. One of the men next to Eduval came out and searched his body, but he had no weapon.

“Let me guide you,” Dylan said.

The peasants began to move again.

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