Doctor Player Chapter 410

‘I heard it's only for patients.'

The arrogance and greed of healers were famous even in the ecliptic.

So Raymond's sincerity gave everyone a fresh shock.

On the other hand, the saint of brilliance and the healers of the Tower of Healing were talking disapprovingly.

“It looks pretty shiny, but I don’t know what the actual therapeutic effect will be.”

“I mean.”

No matter how much it is for the patient, it means nothing if the treatment fails.

It was a sarcasm to pinch that fact.

In fact, it was a worry that Raymond now had as well.

‘Can I really cure it?'

I do not know.

Because medicine has limitations.

In particular, medicine cannot restore sight to those who have already lost sight.

Only the miracle of ‘regeneration' is possible.

However, if there is one hope, it is that, in the case of Youngshik, he has not completely lost his eyesight.

To be precise, it was a state of ‘acute progression' with symptoms of vision loss.

Total loss of sight itself.

And suddenly, the disease appeared and the ‘symptom' of vision loss appeared.

The difference between the two was great.

As an analogy, the former is that the machine itself is completely broken, and the latter is that the machine stopped working for some reason.

Therefore, in this case, quick intervention could restore the function of the ‘machine' and restore sight.

‘It can restore sight more perfectly than an Ex-class heel.'

As others have said, Ex-class heal is the ability of ‘regeneration'.

However, because it ‘regenerates' cells that have already died, it has not completely recovered its previous function.

On the other hand, in the case of Lee Yeong-sik, it could be possible to completely restore his former sight if he took quick and accurate medical treatment.

‘The question is what kind of poison it was.'

The poison that causes blindness was different for each mechanism.

Worst of all, it directly damages the optic nerve.

He could try treatment with various drugs, but the effect of treatment had to be left to the heavens.

“What exactly are your symptoms?”

“All of a sudden, the view was blocked, like thousands of insects just flying in.”


At those words, Raymond's eyes lit up.

‘It's anorexia.'


It refers to a symptom in which opaque floating matter floats on the vitreous inside the eyeball and blocks the field of vision.

‘It's a general symptom that usually doesn't bother me.'

However, if the number of floating bugs is in the thousands or tens of thousands, it clearly indicates a disease.

‘I have to check it myself.'

said Raymond.

“Linden mydriatic.”

“Yes Master!”


A drug that opens the pupils so you can see the retina inside.

It is a drug that is basically administered before an ophthalmological diagnosis.

Linden rushed over and took care of it.

“I took a dose!”

“Okay. But don't eat too many vegetables. Eat a lot of beef too. There will be a lot of hard work ahead.”

“… … yes.”

It was Raymond, a warm teacher who even took care of the health (?) of his cherished pupil using interludes.

Anyway, after taking the mydriatic, Raymond looked into the retina.

‘Originally, it should be viewed with a magnifying glass for ophthalmic diagnosis.'

Unfortunately, I had to take the patient to the Penin Center to use it.

However, Raymond had an alternative, even if it wasn't a magnifying glass.

It was magic.

‘Use hawk eye!'


Raymond's eyes changed as if through a magnifying glass.

And Raymond, who crossed the pupil and checked the base of the eye, said,

‘This is... … .'

I drool.

Part of the retina was swollen and the retinal wall was torn!

‘It's retinal detachment! It was a poison that causes swelling in the retina.'

retinal detachment.

The retina is the area where the optic nerve converges.

For reference, the process of visually recognizing an object was simply this.

Light entering the eye is focused on the retina through the lens of the eye. And the signal is transmitted to the brain through the optic nerve of the retina.

In other words, the retina was an important part of transmitting visual signals to the brain.

But a retinal detachment is a tear in this retina!

Specifically, it means that the inner sensory nerve layer and the outer pigmented epithelial layer are separated and separated.

‘It's a more common disease than you think. It is also the leading cause of blindness. In the modern world, with the development of treatment techniques, blindness due to retinal detachment is now rare.'

Then the patient asked in a trembling voice.

“Can Chi be cured?”

Raymond paused for a moment, then nodded firmly.

“Yes, it is possible.”

“… … !”

The patient as well as everyone in the banquet hall opened their eyes wide at that confirmation.

Can blindness be cured?

‘The power of medicine is so amazing?'


‘Isn't this not inferior to an Ex-class healer?'

Everyone was shocked.

However, something unexpected happened.

Even though he declared that he could be cured, Raymond's face was not good.

There was a reason.

“There is one condition.”

“What if it’s a condition?”

“Patients have to trust me completely no matter what treatment I give them.”

At those words, Youngshik made a puzzled face.

However, Raymond's story soon followed, and his face turned pale.

“We need to cauterize the inside of the eye with light attribute magic.”

“… … What if it's a cautery?”

“Simply put, you have to burn it.”

“… … !”

“You have to believe in the treatment process and follow it.” ‘Originally, the treatment of retinal detachment is to cut and suture the area detached with a laser.'

The question was whether the patient would believe and accept this treatment method.

‘To burn the inside of your eyes with light-attribute attack magic. It would be an absurd story for someone who doesn't know.

If this were the other kingdoms Raymond was active in, anyone would have accepted this treatment without question.

However, this was not the ecliptic.

As always in the beginning, medicine was an unfamiliar treatment to the people of the zodiac.

In fact, others who heard Raymond's story muttered incredulously.

“If it's light property magic, it's magic with heinous lethal power, but you're going to use it on your eyes.”

“What a terrible thing.”

“Isn’t this going to make you very blind?”

In particular, there were many nobles from the magical kingdom of Alpenser in this place.

All of them were well versed in magic, and all responded that they had heard absurd stories.

Some even brought up this story.

“To say such absurd things as a congenital mage. I guess imagination is a born wizard.”

“Iknow, right. To cure the blind by burning the inside of the eye with light attribute magic. What nonsense is that?”

“If this succeeds, he must really be a born wizard. He may also be the greatest born wizard in history. No great born wizard has ever cured a blind man by burning the inside of his eye with light magic.”

It was an outright mocking remark.

In fact, many of the nobles of the Alpenser Kingdom had a crush on Raymond without realizing it.

It was because of rumors that Raymond was a born wizard.

‘A person who is not from the Alpenser Kingdom is a born wizard. Nonsense.'

It was such a heart.

Alpenser Kingdom has been the suzerain of magic for generations.

The most outstanding wizards of all time were always produced in Alpenser Kingdom.

But, out of nowhere, the lineage of the Kingdom of Knights and Merchants appeared as a congenital wizard.

Even Raymond didn't show much interest in magic, saying he was a born wizard!

For the Alpenser Kingdom, which prides itself on being the master of magic, it was inevitable that their pride would be hurt.

“I am curious. What kind of eccentricity is this?”

The moment the nobles of the Alpenser Kingdom laughed, a sharp voice crossed them.

“Stop playing stupid tongue and shut up.”

“La Raina?”

“He is a great man who cannot be compared to the likes of you. Keep your eyes open quietly. What other miracles does he do? It must be a great miracle this time too.”

Raina coldly uttered vicious words.

‘Things to rot. dare.'

Ryan knew it well.

That Raymond would do a great miracle again this time.

If you have eyes, you will know.

Raymond's greatness!

The hall, which had once been so noisy, became quiet.

Meanwhile, Raymond wasn't paying attention to the people's commotion.

Now, as a healer, he was only focusing on the patient in front of him.

Raymond gently held the opponent's hand.

“I understand that you are very afraid and worried.”

“… … !”

“But trust me. I want to heal you.”

the moment you hear that voice.

In the end, Youngshik couldn't hold back and shed tears.

It was the warm voice of ‘Healer' that I had never heard before.

“I see. I will believe in you, please.”

When consent was given, Raymond immediately began treatment.

‘Use hawk eye!'

Once again, I used the hawk eye skill.

A detached retina came into view.

Now it was the turn to seal that detached retina using light attribute magic.

‘Use the rapier of light!'

Light Rapier.

It was light attribute attack magic.

It was a magic that focused light on a small point and inflicted damage.

Once the target was targeted, it was almost impossible to avoid, so it was a magic with very high human-killing power.

‘You can't use it as is. By lowering the magic output as much as possible.'

Of course, this is not the first time retinal detachment has been treated.

I've had this experience several times before.

‘Adjusting magic output is the most important thing.'

If the output is strong, it burns the optic nerve. Conversely, if the output is weak, there is no sealing effect.

Therefore, it was necessary to peel the exfoliated area with just the right amount of power, but it was not easy even for Raymond because it was such a delicate job.

‘I have to adjust the output one by one so that the output does not fluctuate each time the light is sent out.'

Light attribute magic deals with light.

Therefore, magic was more unstable than other attributes, and the difficulty of controlling it was high.

In particular, this rapier of light was a magic that ignorantly focused light on a single point.

So, controlling the output was much more difficult than other light attribute magic.

‘I can't help it. Since the laser for treating retinal detachment has not yet been commercialized, I have no choice but to adjust it carefully.'

Later, as time passes, this treatment laser is also planned to be commercialized.

At that time, not only Raymond but also other disciples will be able to perform eye surgery.

‘Until then, I have to suffer... … .'

However, Raymond, who recalled that far, had an idea at the moment.

‘for a moment. You don't have to suffer so much. Let's use this opportunity to create a healing magic!'

Create healing magic!

He intends to demonstrate his abilities as a medical magician!

Raymond immediately put the idea into practice.

[Use the skill Medical Magic Recreation!]

[Recombine the ‘Rapier of Light' magic into medical magic by consuming skill points!] [

Learn the ‘Medical Laser' magic!]

Medical Laser!

It was a magic that could set and fix the desired output.

‘With this magic, I don't have to adjust the output every time I use magic!'

Raymond continued to use magic with lighter magic.

Meanwhile, watching Raymond's treatment, the banquet hall fell silent.

“… … .”

First of all, the healers at the top of the healing felt insecure and shut up.

It was his intuition that Raymond was having another surprising accident (?).

But it was the others who were really astonished.

The nobles of the Alpenser Kingdom.

Among them, they were high-ranking wizards with high proficiency in magic.

They spoke in disbelief and trembling voices.

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