Doctor Player Chapter 393


The ankle area of his right leg was turning black.

‘Could it be poison?'

Raymond swallowed.

Archduke Gideon was caught up in the explosion and suffered numerous wounds all over his body, but the lesion on his ankle was clearly different from other injured parts.

‘Could it be that when the villa exploded, poison as well as destructive magic were mixed in?'

It seemed like that.

Originally, if it was Archduke Gideon's skill, he would not have been poisoned so easily, but the powerful destructive magic exploded all at once and he was unable to avoid it.

And after a certain period of time in the body, toxicity was expressed.

‘What poison? Necrotic poison?'

Poison is divided into several types according to the mechanism.

A typical example is the neurotoxin hemolytic toxin, which causes paralysis and bleeding symptoms, respectively. There are poisons that damage specific organs.

The poison that Archduke Gideon received now seemed to be the kind that caused intense necrosis in the area it had penetrated.

‘Exactly what kind of poison is it?'

But I couldn't guess.

There were many by-products of magical alchemy on Raypentaina, and thus far more toxic substances than on Earth.

Therefore, it was almost impossible to estimate individual venom. Even if I guess, I can't get an antidote right now.

There was no choice but to perform conservative treatment according to the symptoms of the poison.

‘First of all, the toxic substance that causes necrosis must be removed from the tissue!'

Raymond gritted his teeth.

“Excuse me for a moment.”

“… … what?”

Archduke Gideon frowned. But I haven't had time to elaborate.

Necrosis was progressing in real time, as if the toxicity was extremely strong.

“Elmude First Aid Kit! Disinfectant! narcotic!”

“Your lord!”

Necrotic poison is an intensely toxic substance that enters the body and causes necrosis of nearby tissues.

So I had to get rid of the toxic substance quickly somehow.

Raymond quickly disinfected the wound and applied local anesthesia.

Then, he took a scalpel and cut the wound on his ankle.

However, after looking inside the wound, Raymond let out a long groan.

‘It's already liquefied and seeped into the surrounding tissue.'

Even the necrotic range was rapidly expanding to the surroundings.

Raymond noticed the terribleness of this poison.

‘A terrible poison. There, the poison that liquefied and seeped into the soft tissue is endlessly spreading around!'

In the blink of an eye, all the soles of the feet below the ankles were eaten by the poison, and necrosis progressed from the upper part to the calf.

‘How can such a terrible poison come out?'

Raymond thought with a pale complexion.

Among the by-products of magic alchemy, poisons that cause necrosis are common.

However, the poison Archduke Gideon received was different from other common necrotic poisons.

In particular, the pattern of spreading to the surroundings was extremely abnormal.

‘Normal necrotic poison only causes necrosis in the vicinity, but it spreads to other parts and causes extensive necrosis?'

Raymond suddenly guessed something.

This is a poison that someone deliberately developed for killing purposes.

It's probably poison made by the guys who set traps in the villa.

‘no way?'

For a moment, Raymond had a terrifying assumption.



I mean load!

The most disgusting bastards who have been entangled with Raymond so far!

Considering what they had done so far, it was possible to create such a poison.

‘Damn it. How is this?'

But the situation got worse.

A relief engineer who was watching the movement outside ran and shouted.

“It's a big deal! The flames are spreading through this cave! It must be avoided immediately!”

“… … !”

Everyone's complexion hardened.

The cave they are now in was shallow.

When the flames reach the surroundings, they are swept away.

Indeed, little by little smoke began to enter the cave. If this continues, poisonous gas will soon enter.

“My lord, move quickly!”


Elmud and Mien urged.

Fortunately, Shutter Phone and another Dr. Griffon are waiting nearby. Avoiding it wasn't a problem.

However, Raymond was unable to get up from his seat.

‘What about Grand Duke Gideon?'

you can take it with you

Because there is room in the garden.

The problem was the legs.

Now, Archduke Gideon's legs were spreading necrosis every minute.

In the blink of an eye, it has risen to the upper part of the middle of the calf.

I don't know how far it will spread, but when I saw the momentum, it didn't seem like it would stop easily.

It could have spread to the pelvis, and if the necrosis spreads so extensively, Grand Duke Gideon will die unconditionally.

‘I have to use my hands here and now.'

Noticing Raymond's feelings, Elmud and Mien hurriedly shouted.

“No sir! It must be avoided immediately!”

“Meow! Meow!”

Christine, on the other hand, was just a dark face.

“It is useless. look. Master has already made up his mind.”

It was an accurate story.

Raymond was not going to give up on Archduke Gideon.

First of all, as a healer, I have a heart for patients.

that got me in the way

of course… … That wasn't all.

There were more important practical reasons.

‘… … If I give up on Archduke Gideon like this, I will perish.'

As I said before, if Archduke Gideon died, there was a high possibility that Raymond would overwrite this incident.

So I could never give up.

At that time, Grand Duke Gideon said as if he couldn't understand.

“Why are you trying to save me? I am your enemy.”

“… … As I said, it is because I want to lead the future of the Peninsula Kingdom together with the Grand Duke.”

“… … under.”

Archduke Gideon laughed.

“They say you are a holy fool. That sounds really stupid. If I were in your position, I wouldn't have cared whether you died or not.”

Even in this situation, Archduke Gideon was frustrated, so Raymond involuntarily let out a sigh.

“Because I am not you.”

“… … !”

He was not Archduke Gideon.

It wasn't about Jiniva's character or personality.

position was different.

He was poor and all he had was a pile of debt.

That is, he was desperate.

‘Now I've barely laid the groundwork to make a lot of money, but when you die, it's all gone! I will definitely save you and make a lot of money!'

Meanwhile, Archduke Gideon kept his mouth shut as to how he understood Raymond's word ‘different'.

“Anyway, Archduke. i want to save you Trust me.”

“… … .”

Raymond did not miss the fact that the hostility in Gideon's eyes had faded somewhat.

“… … Is there a way?”

“there is. However, the Grand Duke must agree.”

“What is?”

Raymond hesitated for a moment before opening his mouth.

“The leg needs to be amputated to prevent further necrotic progression.”

“… … !”

cut off the leg

What does therapeutic cutting mean?

It's a choice I'd hate to make the most as a doctor, but there was no other treatment available right now.

‘Even if the upper part of the leg is tied with a rubber band, the necrotic process cannot be stopped. For now, I have no choice but to cut it before the necrosis progresses further.'

The situation would be different if we figured out the identity of the poison later and find out how to detoxify it, but for now, this was the only way.

The question is whether Grand Duke Gideon will follow this method.

Of course, there was a high probability of refusal.

I'm trying to convince you somehow.

Archduke Gideon said.

“Cut it.”

“… … grandee?”

Archduke Gideon laughed.

“What are you surprised about? If you have to cut, you cut. Isn't there any other way?”

An attitude that is more than thoughtful.

I can't believe I'm not shaken even in front of such a terrible treatment.

Raymond felt again that Archduke Gideon was no ordinary player.

“But don't get me wrong. Just because you're getting treatment doesn't mean you're going to reconcile with Her Highness. So this... … It's called a strategic alliance.”

Grand Duke Gideon said coolly.

“Because we have to catch and kill those who orchestrated this. Until then, let's hold hands with Your Highness temporarily.”

Gideon's eyes flashed with horror as he said that.

“They'll have to deal with this Gideon's wrath.”

Raymond gulped down his saliva.

he said, shaking his head.

“I will start right now.”

There was no time.

I opened the first aid kit I usually carry.

Suddenly, a surgical tool appeared.

Among them, I took out the tool I hated the most and gave anesthesia before cutting.

The situation was so urgent that there was no time for general anesthesia.

Instead, he injected medicine into his spine, paralyzing his lower body.

Afterwards, Raymond stimulated the lower half of the body to check whether the anesthesia had been properly applied.

“Are you in pain?”

“… … no. It's a strange feeling to be choked up.”

Archduke Gideon said as if he was curious.

Could it be Gideon? I was going to have my leg amputated soon, but there was no agitation at all.

After amputation, Raymond strongly tied the upper part of the surgical site with a specially made rubber band to reduce bleeding.

and spoke loudly.

“Keep your eyes closed. It won't take long.”

Archduke Gideon complied.

Raymond pulled out a saw and raised it.

The location is 12 cm downward from the knee where necrosis has not spread.

Fortunately, it was a position that was not difficult to wear a prosthetic leg after surgery.

If the knee has to be amputated, then the quality of life after surgery is significantly reduced.

‘If you use a prosthetic leg specially made by combining the principles of medicine and dwarven technology, you will be able to walk. Especially since he's a sword master and has excellent physical abilities, he should be able to recover quickly.'

Maybe he could show off his athletic abilities no less than the average person.

“What are you doing? Come on.”

At Gideon's urging, Raymond held his breath for a moment and then amputated his leg.

squeak. squeak.

An eerie sound rang out.

Although he has been through numerous surgeries, having his leg amputated was terrifying for him as well.

But it didn't stop.

Finishing as quickly as possible is the way for patients.

Soon, his leg fell off, and blood gushed out of his veins.

“Disciple, gauze!”

“Yes Master!”

While Christine stopped the blood, Raymond moved the iron hemostat.

Clap! Clap!

Iron tongs ligated the large blood vessels, and the blood soon stopped.

“Since there is no time, I will close the skin during the second surgery later, and I will finish dressing as it is for now.”

It was an open amputation that was chosen in case of emergency.

First, additional treatment, such as amputating only the leg, and covering the skin, is to be carried out again in a stable environment later.

The moment the first aid was done, the flames of the fire overflowed into the cave.

“Come on, my lord!”


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