Doctor Player Chapter 362

Grand Duke Mishelt declared with burning eyes.

Raymond's ghastly gaze involuntarily sent goose bumps down his spine.

Raymond immediately remembered an important fact.

‘As Archduke Mishelt said, if we solve the drug problem, we can defeat Marquis Rodrigo!'

The Crusader Empire strictly forbids drugs.

But no matter how foreign it is, they are distributing drugs?

Once the evidence was taken, Marquis Rodrigo was also finished.

Especially since we're going out here on Gaebolg Street, there will be no corner to escape.

‘If Marquis Rodrigo disappears like that, my road to becoming super-rich will be smooth!'

He said it with that heart.

“Do not worry. I will do my best for the people of the Free City Alliance suffering from drugs.”

Archduke Mischelt took Raymond's hand with a grateful face.

Thus began an operation that would change the history of the Free Cities Alliance.

* * *

After the conversation with Raymond, Archduke Mishelt was left alone in the room.

It was like waiting for someone.

Indeed, soon a figure appeared, and it was a surprising figure.


Lovely pink hair and vivid odd eyes.

It was Rose! She had been to the Free Cities Association without anyone noticing!

But what was even more surprising was Archduke Mishelt's reaction.

“Long time no see. how are you?”

A respectful attitude that cannot be seen in dealing with a real granddaughter.

Archduke Mishelt even added a shocking word that was completely unbelievable.

“your majesty.”

your majesty.

It is a title of honor granted only to the most noble on this continent!


Upon hearing the honorific, Rose's eyes sank low.

“It’s not a very welcome title.”

For reference, there were only three people who could use the title of ‘His Majesty' on the Leifentina continent.

The Holy King of the Holy Kingdom.

Emperor of the Crusader Empire.

and… … Emperor of the Iron Empire.

Rose among them.

“I am no longer the emperor. It's a pitiful situation where you can't even set foot in the iron empire that was mine, let alone the emperor.”

Rosetail Birmund.

This was Rose's true name.

He was also the former Emperor of the Iron Empire.

“your majesty.”

Archduke Mishelt made a pitiful face.

But Rose shrugged.

“Actually, isn’t it too much to call me a proper emperor?”

Rose sneered.

“As soon as the coronation ceremony was held, the throne was taken away. Not even recognizing the enemy who killed her parents and being betrayed like an asshole.”

Rosetail Birmund.

As the former emperor of the Iron Empire, she always had a nickname.

unfortunate emperor.

Everything was taken away by the usurper in an instant.

‘It's all because I look like an asshole.'

Her father was the former Emperor of the Iron Empire. Her mother was a princess of the Gaebolg family.

Born to two great families, she had a promising childhood as an outstanding heir to the throne.

But when she was 15, tragedy struck.

His parents, the emperor and empress, died in an accident at the same time.

It was an accidental death that left no doubts, and she, who was young at the time, unexpectedly ascended the throne.

Right after the funeral of his parents and the coronation ceremony.

She was betrayed by the one she trusted the most.

He realized that even the deaths of the former emperor and empress were the traitor's conspiracy, but it was too late.

Just as he was imprisoned and waiting for death, Archduke Mishelt stepped forward.

‘Please save this child's life of my bloodline. Then we, the Free Cities Association, won't be involved any more.'

Thanks to her, she saved her life and hid her identity and fled to the Crusader Alliance Empire.

Later, for revenge, they gathered their strength by gathering the hidden wealth of the Birmund family, the royal family of the Iron Empire in the past.

However, when she learned the true ‘underside' of the incident at the time, she gave up her revenge.

Archduke Mishelt bitterly mentioned the incident at the time.

“What happened at the time is not your fault. At the time, no one could have predicted it. I still can't believe what happened back then.”

On top of that, Rose sneered.

It was a mockery directed at himself.

“Anyway, it doesn’t change that I’m an asshole. An asshole not worth living for.”

“your majesty!”

Grand Duke Mishelt raised her voice, but Rose only shrugged.

Because it was sincere.

‘Right now I'm in a position to lose everything and live my life. not worth living Isn't it as good as dead already?'

Rose smiled.

Of course, she didn't completely give up on the lottery.

But he knew better than anyone that it was impossible.

In fact, I lost all hope now and was just killing time day by day.

How can this be called living?

‘There is no meaning to this kind of life.'

It was a moment of shaking my head.

An idea came to her, and Rose murmured.

‘Ah one. There is something meaningful. Our VVVIP prince.'

A colorless life without any hope or meaning.

If there was at least one meaning to that gray life, it was meeting Raymond.

‘Because the only meaning of my life right now is to admire our prince.'


For reference, it was a word that originated in Jormund.

The Iron Empire's royal family had a connection with the outer continent of Jormund and often came and went with Jormund.

‘At first, I just thought he was a ridiculous idiot.'

Rose smiled as she remembered the first time she met Raymond.

It was a different kind of laugh from the arsenic from before. I felt a slight warmth.

‘A fool was a fool. A holy great fool.'

Yes, Raymond was one of the best fools she had ever met.

thinking only of others.

A holy fool who fights nonsense for others.

“What are you thinking?”

“Ah, you are my favourite.”

“… … Are you talking about Prince Raymond?”

Rose nodded without denying it.

“yes that's right. How was our prince?”

Archduke Mishelt looked at his granddaughter with strange eyes for a moment.

“It was great. absurdly. By the way, what is your relationship with Prince Raymond?”

“A relationship? You are my VVVIP customer.”


Rose added a word.

“A customer who wants to be monopolized only by me who does not want to pass it on to others.”

Rose smiled even more deeply as she remembered Raymond.

‘At first, I just thought he was a really ridiculous idiot.'

There was no special reason why she was hiding in the kingdom of Houston among the Crusader Alliance Empires.

It was because it was so isolated that it was easy to avoid people's gaze.

But it was such a boring place.

Running Healer Loan was just to pass the time.

Why was Ron the ‘Healer'... … Is it because it's funny to see healers who don't have much skill in a small country exploiting patients like they're tenacious?

Well, it started as a pastime to relieve boredom, so it was just a random reason.

But then I met Raymond.

‘With any healer... … No, he was different from any other person I know.'

She was the princess of the Iron Empire and heir to the throne. Also, since the throne was usurped, he has wandered all over the place.

I met a lot of people, but it was the first one like Raymond.

An adult who only cares for others.

And he has the ability to do more than that.

‘At first, I just thought it was interesting.'

Rose smiled.

Even when I first saw Raymond, his ambition was great, but well. How far will that go? It was a big idea.

An ugly illegitimate child who is kept in check by princes.

The reality he was in was a situation where even survival was difficult, let alone thinking about ideals.

However, he performed many miracles even though he had nothing in his hands.

Without being frustrated by the endless difficulties, he practiced his ideals for the sake of the people.

And now, he proudly became a giant in the attention of the Crusader Empire.

“… … You don't think of me as your husband, do you?”

“Of course I am thinking. Are you holding back from wanting to propose right away?”

“… … .”

“What do you think of your grandfather?”

“I'm in favor of your marriage.”

Archduke Mishelt answered without hesitation.

Rose burst into laughter.

“If it wasn’t for my circumstances, I might have proposed to you, but… … It won’t be easy because my situation is not good.”


“You don't know when you'll die, so you can't propose to me, can you?”

Archduke Mishelt's eyes sank.

he said in a heavy voice.

“As long as this Mishelt lives and breathes, they will not be able to touch your Majesty's fingertips.”

The reason why the Gaebolg family did not intervene in the matter at the time was that Rose's life was guaranteed.

“Of course it is. If I keep quiet, they won't try to kill me first. but… … You never know how things will change.”

“That word… … ?”

Archduke Mishelt's face stiffened as he read between the lines in Rose's words.

“Could it be, Your Majesty?”

Rose took out a candy and asked.

“just… … Seeing our prince, I feel pathetic and ashamed.”

she looked out the window.

Is it just a coincidence?

Raymond was walking outside.

A smile formed on Rose's lips when she saw him.

“I’m starting to get greedy, too.”

* * *

Meanwhile then far north from the Peninsula Kingdom.

There was a vast kingdom in the land adjacent to the northern province of Beikong of the Iron Empire.

Gears Kingdom.

It was the strongest country among the ten kingdoms of the Crusader Alliance.

Originally, the greatest power of the Crusader Alliance was the Kingdom of Saint Rosette.

A suzerain country that gathered 10 countries and founded the Crusader Empire.

But 100 years ago, the balance of power had tipped.

The kingdom of Saint Rosette has become a declining year.

Recently, the Kingdom of Gears was playing the role of the leader of the Crusader Federation Empire as the most powerful nation.

Deep in the palace of the great kingdom of Gears, a figure was knocking on a tuk-tuk chair.

“It’s difficult.”

He was a handsome man with a cold impression.

The voice that came out was familiar.

Unbelievably, it was the voice I had communicated with ‘Lord' Lawrence the other day by correspondence!

Actually, the man said this.

“I can't just trust Lawrence.”

spooky story.

The ‘sponsor' behind ‘Lord' Lawrence was the kingdom of Gears, the strongest nation of the Crusader Empire!

“It’s difficult.”

Ludwig, Chancellor of the male Gears Kingdom, frowned.

“I was about to fulfill my long-cherished wish for this kingdom, but why did such a variable occur? Is it Raymond?”

The Kingdom of Gears became Lawrence's patron and gave him tremendous support so far to make him a ‘Lord'.

One reason for such support.

It was to fulfill the long-cherished wish of the Gears Kingdom.

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