Doctor Player Chapter 355

‘Are there any skills that will be useful to the disciple?'

I took a look at the skill list.

In particular, I looked at the discipleship skills, and one of them caught my eye.

Raymond's eyes widened.

Christine had a skill that could help!

‘What about this?'

selected right away.

[The proficiency of the skill ‘Respected Master' will increase to C grade!]

[Skill points will be consumed by 200 points!]

[Respected Master]

Classification: Disciple Raising Skill

Level: Normal

Proficiency: C

-One disciple once a week Choose a person to amplify their respect for you!

-The disciple you choose will burn respect for you and show off your abilities beyond your skills!

- Depending on the depth of the chosen disciple's respect, the skill's effect will change!

Ability beyond skill!

It is probably a skill that allows you to rely on and respect your master to relieve tension and display your best abilities.

It was just the effect I needed right now.

Then Christine spoke again in a tense tone.

“I will definitely do it. somehow Do not worry.”

A promise that only makes me worry, let alone reassurance.

But Raymond shook his head.

The ‘Respected Master' skill was manifested and the tongue began to move smoothly.

“You don’t have to force yourself to think like that.”


“Actually, I am very worried right now.”

“The Master too?”


Raymond nodded calmly.

In terms of the burden, he must be much worse than her.

“I also think that maybe it could fail. It is such a difficult and difficult operation.”

Christine made a surprised face.

In any case, it was very rare for Raymond to say such weak words out of his mouth.

“It’s okay though.”

“It’s okay… … ?”

“What is more important than the results is that as a healer, you do your best for the patient. I believe in all the hard work I have been doing.”

The important thing is to do your best.

Those words pierced Christine's heart.

She looked at Raymond in silence.

Is it because of the effect of the ‘Respected Master' skill?

Raymond's voice was steadfast like a mountain.

“Do you believe me, disciple?”

“yes? That's it, of course... … .”

“I also believe in you, disciple.”

“… … !”

Raymond continued, trying to give Christine as much confidence as possible.

“Don’t think about anything else, believe in the efforts that I, the teacher, and the disciple have made. And, as ever, just do your best.”

Christine was silent and silent.

Raymond's words caused ripples in her chest.

‘Yes, the most important thing is to do your best.'

Raymond has been talking to his students over and over again.

You can't always get good results.

Even if you do your best, unexpectedly bad results may come out, but the most important thing is to do your best for the patient.

‘If I were to panic, the results would only get worse. Let's trust the Master and do our best.'

After thinking, Christine nodded her head with a determined look.

“Yes Master. I will do my best.”

It was a different look from before.

Raymond noticed that in this moment she had grown a step as a doctor.

“Yes, then I will prepare.”

Thus, the long-awaited curtain of the historic liver transplantation was opened.

* * *

An operating room was set up in the aristocrat-only treatment center located next to the grand duke's house.

Because it was a source of treatment used by the Grand Duke of Gaebolg, the hygiene was clean.

Raymond prepared as much as possible before going into surgery.

Dr. Heli brought additional disciples through Griffon, and also airlifted necessary medical supplies and medicines.

To prevent infection, the treatment center was completely disinfected, and after completing various preparations, the operation began.

Christine and May teamed up, and Raymond teamed up with another twin sister, Mary.

‘Would you do well?'

Raymond glanced into the next room before the operation began.

Christine will perform the operation and remove Thorn's liver.

In the meantime, Raymond had to completely remove Archduke Mishelt's liver.

‘Let's stop worrying, brother. I have to believe in the disciple and now I have to operate on myself.'

Yes, it was not a surgery that could be performed while worrying about others.

Raymond raised his scalpel with a stiff face.

“let's begin.”


The skin was incised with a scalpel.

Longer and taller than usual.

Since it will be a major operation, sufficient incisions were essential to secure space.

However, there was a problem in incising the skin and subcutaneous layer.

Blood began to flow from the incision site.

Compared to normal excision, it was much more severe bleeding.

Raymond guessed why.

‘The liver is damaged and its clotting function is completely lost.'

The liver performs several important functions in the human body.

One of them is to produce a clotting factor that stops blood, and when the liver is damaged, the clotting function is significantly reduced.

‘I tried blood transfusion as a preventive measure, but it doesn't have much effect.'

I couldn't help it.

I had to take it and go ahead with the surgery.

The incision was completely opened, and soon a full-fledged struggle began.

“master! Bleeding!”

“suction! Keep your eyes open!”


Bleeding that was incomparable to when the skin was incised gushed out from all over the place.

The area around his liver was instantly filled with blood.

Bleeding that was inconceivable by wiping it off with gauze.

But now, the medical technology of Raymond's Penin Center has also advanced a lot.

Unlike before, instead of wiping the blood away with gauze, Mary held a long iron stick to the pool of blood.


The blue magic crystal hanging from the stick together with the starter radiated light, and something amazing happened.

Blood began to be sucked into the stick.

It was a suction using wind attribute magic!

Raymond likewise lifted a long iron stick.

It was a thinner skewer than the one Mary held, but the tip had a red magic crystal embedded in it.

Raymond brought the tip of the stick to the bleeding point and uttered the starter words.


Then an amazing thing happened.


The tip of the stick instantly turned red, and the bleeding point was burned with low heat!

It was a hemostasis tool using fire magic.

‘Because now we've laid the foundation for producing this level of medical magic tools.'

Hired enchanters below.

It was to implement a full-fledged medical tool directly using the rune as the chief.

‘Of course, hiring an enchanter costs a lot of money... … I don't care about the cost anymore.'

It's not because I'm rich, it's because I'm in too much debt.

Now that the debt on your shoulders is approaching 10 million pence... … Those medical magic tools that cost hundreds of thousands of pennies felt like chewing gum.

‘… … Why are my eyes blurry? no. are you okay. After today's surgery, I'll become the rich man of Billion Pena!'

Yes, it is a difficult surgery, but if this surgery is successful, his future path will be full of light.

‘I will make Archduke Mishelt my best protector!'

He sighed and moved his hand.

crackle! crackle!

He removed the liver by holding the bleeding points with magic tools.

The fixing ligaments were cut and the blood vessels supplying the liver were ligated.


The most important great vessels of the liver.

The hepatic veins connected by the portal vein and the inferior vena cava were ligated and cut out.

‘Now it's time to cut the liver.'

The liver had to be completely removed.

Since it could not be removed at once, the liver had to be partially resected and removed one after another.


Raymond took over another medical magic tool.

It was a thick stick with a blunt end. At the end of it, there was a blue magic stone that looked like something fancy.

Harmonic Scalpel.

A tool used in liver surgery to cut the liver with ultrasonic vibrations.

Implemented the effect with high-level wind magic.

‘… … It was very expensive.'

Raymond swallowed his tears as he recalled the price of the Harmonic Scalpel.

It was so expensive that only two units were implemented.

‘But in the current situation, it will be of great help.'

Tick Tick Tick.

A sound like splashing water rang out. It was an ultrasonic vibrating sound.

The liver began to be cut by ultrasonic vibrations.

‘Certainly less bleeding than when cutting with a scalpel.'

Raymond skillfully moved his hand.

Now, Raymond also has a lot of experience.

I've done a lot of liver resection, and the surgery went ahead without much difficulty.

I had some time to spare, so I checked the progress of the operating room next door.

“Could you check how the surgery on the Linden donor is going?”

“Yes Master!”

Linden was in charge of assisting with the surgery in both rooms.

Linden quickly checked the situation in the next room and said after coming.

“It is going smoothly. It seems to be moderated according to the scheduled time.”

Raymond let out a sigh of relief.

I was very worried, but fortunately, I haven't had any major problems so far.

‘At this rate, I'll be able to succeed.'

But then, a sudden change occurred!

“Patient’s blood pressure drops! It’s 70/40!”

cried Linden.

Raymond's face hardened.

‘Because of the bleeding? no. The bleeding was properly controlled and there was no major bleeding. Then why?'

There was no reason for the shock to come right now.

Raymond immediately identified the cause using his surgical knowledge.

‘It's shock due to lack of circulating blood volume!'

Insufficient circulating blood volume.

In other words, the amount of blood circulating in the body is insufficient.

This was a complication caused by the surgical method when the liver was removed.

‘Because it has tied up the large blood vessels leading to the liver.'

The body's blood travels through the arteries, passes through the tissues, and returns to the veins.

Among them, the vena cava plays a key role.

And a large part of the blood flow of the vena cava is carried by the portal vein and the hepatic vein to the liver.

But now Raymond has tied up the portal vein and hepatic vein and cut them off.

So, the amount of blood returning to the heart is insufficient, and shock comes.

“Administer fluid!”

“Yes, I am taking it!” The disciples who acted as assistants, including Linden, hung on and began treatment.

Fluid was supplied to compensate for the insufficient blood volume.

However, the problem was not easily resolved.

“Still hypotensive! Oxygen saturation is low!”

“… … !”

Raymond's face hardened.

‘Because he's so old, he can't stand the excessive administration of fluids.'

Excessive administration of fluids causes fluid to build up in the lungs. It was pulmonary edema.

Young people do not have this problem easily, but elderly patients often develop pulmonary edema even with a small amount of fluid.

“Use a booster, please!”

“Yes, I took the dose!”

But again, it didn't have much effect.

My blood pressure seemed to go up for a while, but then it started to fall again.

Raymond's eyes darkened.

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