Doctor Player Chapter 344

Berserker magic is not healing magic. It is an outright curse.

What has helped so far is that the patients were unconscious, which was not the case this time.

‘Damn it, it would be nice if only the function of the heart could be produced. I'm not even a real born wizard.'

If he is a born wizard.

It would be possible to instinctively analyze the magic formula and produce only the desired effect.

‘I don't even have that kind of skill.'

Raymond searched the market just in case, but he didn't have that kind of skill.

However, there was one item I hadn't seen before.

[Awakening of a new auxiliary job.]

‘… … What is this?'

Raymond blinked.

‘Any other secondary job besides Healer Road?'

For reference, if you look at his status window, there is an item called an auxiliary job.

I was able to do other jobs related to medicine besides being a healer.

He became the count of Rafal and became the ‘Healer Lord'.

You haven't awakened to another auxiliary job since then, have you?


When I selected it, an explanation came to my mind.

[You become a ‘professor' and you can choose an assistant job!]

[Choose an auxiliary job to activate from among the following!]

< Choice >

-Medical Knights.

- Medical Magician.

They were wizards and knights.

Seeing that the word medical was attached, it seemed to be a wizard knight job related to patients.

[Medical Knights]

Description: A knight-type job to protect patients as a healer! You can learn advanced self-defense skills to protect patients and yourself more professionally!

In the case of the Medical Knights, it seemed that they would be able to learn self-defense skills more earnestly than before.

‘Can I learn advanced swordsmanship?'

But it wasn't necessary in the current situation.

Raymond chose the next item, Medical Magician.

[Medical Magician]

Description: A professional wizard-type job related to medicine! You can learn magic skills specialized in medicine!

It was a magic skill specialized in medicine.

As soon as he saw that, Raymond shouted inwardly.

‘Choose medical magician!'

[500 skill points are consumed!]

[The assistant job ‘Medical Magician' is activated!]

[You can acquire one assistant job-related skill for free as the first activation privilege!]

Raymond looked at the list of newly appearing skills.

He had many amazing skills.

There were skills that could directly help cure diseases using magic, and there were skills that could be used more effectively when using magic for patients.

But it was this that caught Raymond's attention the most.

[Medical Magic Recombination]

Classification: Magic Skill

Rating: Redundry

-Once a week, you can analyze existing magic formulas and reassemble magic to help treat patients!

-Caution 1. Only previously acquired magic can be recombined!

-Caution 2. It can only be recombined with magic for patient treatment!

-Caution 3. A large amount of skill points are consumed during recombination!

Raymond's eyes widened.

It was magic that was just what I needed right now.

I made the choice right away, and an indescribable feeling of fullness filled my head.

It was as if I had become a colossal genius of magic.

Raymond immediately used the skill.

‘Use Berserker Magic Recombination!'

[Recombining Berserker magic into medical magic!]

[300 skill points are consumed!]

Then, an amazing thing happened.

Berserker's magic spells were fully understood and began to flow into my head.

In the past, if I had just instinctively used magic, now I could analyze and recall in my head how each magic spell works.

Among them, Raymond found a technique that works similarly to epinephrine.

‘This is a spell!'

[Recombines ‘epinephrine spurt' magic from Berserker's magic!]

[Learns the magic skill ‘epinephrine squirt'!]

Raymond immediately raised his magic mastery to A grade by using a mastery increase item.

And he used magic.

‘Use epinephrine squirt!'


An invisible, intangible energy landed on the patient suffering from shock symptoms.

And a miracle happened.


The dying hearts of the patients began to pulsate vigorously!

The function of the heart returned to normal and the shock was restored.

“Ah Crazy! After all, a born wizard! How could this be possible!”

Arch Mage Raina felt the change in her body and immediately noticed what Raymond had done.

Her eyes were full of awe as she looked at him, but Raymond ignored it for now. It didn't matter now.

Those who had fallen began to stand up one by one.

“Oh no?”

The magician put on an expression of disbelief.

“This… … It's God's poison that no one can solve! There's no way this is! It can't be... … !”

“Shut up.”

Rina said with blue eyes.

“There is nothing impossible for our Highness, a born mage. You will not die a comfortable death.”

The magician, whose last move was blocked, trembled and took a backward step.

But there was nowhere to run.

The knights who recovered one by one drew their swords with ferocious momentum.

Now he will pay for his sin.

“Wait a minute. If you save me, I will tell you the information you want!”


“I will tell you a story about our chief, Lord!”

Everyone was taken aback by those words.


The story about the head of these guys, who had been in the dark until now, finally came out.

“In lieu of… … If you promise to save me... … !”

It was the moment when he was talking so gibberish.

Suddenly, a strange thing happened.

The towering magician stopped.

Then, blood flowed from his nose and he vomited blood from his mouth!

It happened in an instant, before Raymond and the others could react.

“Buy and live… … .”

With a single moan, the boy's pupils opened, and he collapsed like a doll with a string cut off.

Raymond and others were surprised and urgently checked him out, but it was already too late.

The pulse had completely stopped.

“… … Linden CPR!”

“Yes Master!”

Aside from the crimes he committed, he is a bearer of important information.

He tried to save himself somehow, but to no avail.

However, CPR did not save him.

Rina said with a hard face.

“It was forbidden. If you try to speak out about Lord, you will die.”

“That word… … ?”

Rina nodded heavily.

The words he just said. and a terrible ban.

These facts point to one thing.

“Yes, I think there are remnants of them.”

* * *

This incident caused a great stir.

Because it was revealed that there was another culprit behind the serial murders in the Cherman family, and that they were responsible.

More than anything, the fact that those vicious guys hadn't been exterminated made Raymond's spine stiff.

‘Ahhh. They're not cockroaches, what the hell are they doing?'

Everywhere he went, all kinds of demons were spreading.

“I don't think the Followers of Doom weren't the final black man. Followers of Doom are only their minions. It is clear that there is a true darkness.”

“Do you have any guesses?”


Rina unfolded and tightened the fan, immersed in agony.

“I do not know. There is too little information. I think we need to re-examine it from scratch.”

I investigated the mansion of Marquis Manian, a magician, but didn't come up with any useful information.

His henchmen were there, but they were already dead.

“The tail has been cut off, and to be honest, I am at a loss as to where to start investigating. Have you ever guessed His Highness?”

Raina looked at Raymond with an expectant gaze.

If it is our great highness! Maybe you know the answer? It was a look.

‘… … how do i know that All I want is not to run into them.'

Raymond sighed.

He wants a peaceful life, but why does he run into them all the time?

To be honest, I'm getting annoyed now.

‘I thought it was finally over, but it's still there. Is this a giant group trying to conquer the world?'

Thinking that far, Raymond was taken aback.

Because something plausible has come to mind.

“if… … Could their leader be a powerful person from one of the ten countries of the Crusader Empire?”

This is just a thought that came to mind.

It's not a statement made with any basis, it's just an idea that came to mind.

However, Raina's eyes lit up.

“Why do you think so?”

“just… … It looks like what they want is to get the Crusader Empire.”

Even in the Droton Kingdom.

Even in Houston Kingdom.

Even in the Catal Kingdom.

And here in Cherman Kingdom too.

They've arranged things so that whoever they want can get the throne.

If things went their way, all of the kingdoms above would have fallen into their hands.

‘Oh come to think of it, that's true. Truly conquer the world... … Aren't you dreaming of ruling the Crusader Empire?'

Raymond swallowed.

Raina agreed.

“Ah, amazing. Also a born wizard. It's a great insight. that's right. That's a reasonable guess. In particular, looking at what has been done so far, it is impossible with ordinary forces, so it seems that one of the ten countries of the Crusader Empire could be the background.”

Raymond nodded bewildered.

It was just a hit with the back foot, but it seemed that the possibility could not be ignored.

“Then, is it possible that Your Highness is active in the Peninsula Kingdom to catch their tails?”


“If one of the ten kingdoms is in the dark, it is most likely the Peninsula Kingdom.”

“… … .”

Raymond was silent.

What kind of thunderous sound is this?

“There is little chance that the 4th drug is black. Because it's too big a scale to do at the 4th level. But even so, the possibility of the third river being black is low.”

Raina explained the reason in detail.

“Of course, the top 3 have enough power to do this, but they already have a lot of things, so there is no reason for this headwind to blow. Then all that's left... … .”

Rina said meaningfully.

“A kingdom that has the same power as the 3 rivers, but has many regrets. There is a possibility that the Peninsula Kingdom is in the dark. To be precise, there is a possibility that one of the influential people in the Peninsula Kingdom is behind it.”

“… … !”

Raymond's complexion turned white.


There were characters who came to mind.

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